‘All gave some. Some gave all’

Veterans memorial dedicated

by Marianne Gasaway

Veteran’s Day held special meaning for members of Clear Lake V.F.W. Post 4868 and its Auxiliary.  The Clear Lake community joined in dedicating the Lake Area Veterans Monument at the post.

“There have been discouragements and encouragement along the way, but a handsome monument is now a reality,” exclaimed Memorial Committee Chairman Eldon C. Vine in his remarks to a room filled to capacity Monday afternoon at the Main Avenue post.   

Vine, a Marine Corps veteran who served in the Korean War, volunteered to lead the veterans memorial effort after the unexpected passing of David Theiss in March.

“In true Marine fashion he stepped forward as monument chair and together with his wife, Kathy, have spent countless hours on this project.  Well done, Marine,” said V.F.W. Post Commander Mike Nelson.

Nelson shared that the effort to create a local memorial dated back to 2009, when $2,000 in seed money was given.  A Veterans Trust Fund was established in 2011.  Holding back his emotions, he paid tribute to Theiss, saying he was both a polished and passionate speaker on the need for such a memorial.

“Some speed bumps slowed our progress,  but we prevailed,” said Nelson, noting that 500 names were etched on black marble slabs mounted on the outside of the post building in the first phase of the project.  An additional 18 names were added later and more will follow after the next signup deadline in March 2020.

In addition to the names appearing on the granite slabs, a

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granite bench is also part of the monument.

Vine spoke about the six word message inscribed on the bench; “All Gave Some – Some Gave All.”

“Everyone who served in the military gives up a lot.  Anyone who survives basic training is no longer naive about the world. They know that life is tough… In other words, they are no longer naive.  They become tough-minded.  And if you ever go to combat, you need to be tough minded.”

Vine recalled his days growing up in the Decorah area and seeing a wooden sign displaying the names of those from the community serving in World War II.  Clear Lake City Park had a sign, as well, he said.  Although no one seems to know what became of it.

“Some of those names are on this monument and I hope that helps us all to remember them a little longer.”

Vine acknowledged all of the veterans, some of whom have passed, who supported the monument with thoughts, ideas and actions.

“Those that passed were a driving force.  With this monument we honor those who passed before us and those who will follow.”


Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
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