‘Find your purpose and use it’
(Above) Mindy Coe, U.S. Navy retrired, delivered the keynote address at local Veterans Day services.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.
Clear Lake High School students and the public paid respect to veterans during a special ceremony held Wednesday, Nov. 11, at E.B. Stilman Auditorium. The recognition included speeches by CLHS students, music, a flag presentation and keynote speech delivered by Mindy Coe, U.S. Navy retired.
Coe, a Ventura native who now serves as an Iowa State Trooper, said she was honored to represent fellow service men and women. She told the story of William J. Crawford, who served in Italy in 1943. The highly decorated Medal of Honor recipient assumed a quiet life when he returned from service, working as a janitor.
“Why am I telling you the story of William J. Crawford?” asked Coe. “Because veterans are silent heroes all around us.” She urged the public to say thank you and reflect upon the gifts veterans provide.
Coe said she realized when she joined the armed services that she had a chance to become part of something greater than herself— serve with purpose; sacrifice for the greater good.
“Find your purpose and use it for the greater good,” she told the students. “There is always an opportunity to serve. Use the opportunities you are given to go forth with a purpose and the world will be a better place.”
Student speakers Spencer Orr and Issac Byrne shared their memories of grandfathers who served the country.
Orr said the fact that his great-grandfather never had the opportunity to take an Honor Flight to Washington D.C. inspired him to join with his church and sponsor a veteran’s Honor Flight experience. He challenged others to let veterans know they are appreciated.
Byrne, an Eagle Scout, said he never knew his grandfather, but learned about his service as a medic through stories passed down through his family. “What did they do it for? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” he told the audience. “We are here to give veterans the recognition they deserve.”
Byrne was joined on stage by three members of Clear Lake V.F.W. Post 4868 to conduct a flag folding ceremony and discuss what each fold means.
When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, “In God we Trust.”
Local Veterans Day services concluded with a flag presentation from the V.F.W. to CLHS in memory of Carrie Heitland and in honor of all veterans.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
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