100 Years Ago July 1915
J.P. Hill has made corn growth tests the past week which show corn has been growing three inches a day.
Dr. A.A. Roslyn and family moved into their fine new home on Main St.
There will be an ice cream social at the John Miles home Thursday evening for the benefit of the Christian Endeavor Society at Lakeside Church.
Lost - automobile crank on July 4th.
Miss Virginia Smith rode a beautiful white horse and attracted a good bit of attention in the July 4th parade, but we’re not sure if it was the horse or rider that drew the most stares.
Charlie Chaplin made over a million dollars last year by making people laugh. Sorrow is free.
Potato bugs are getting in their work and Paris Green is expensive, but lead arsenate works just as well to get rid of the pests.
Infantile paralysis is spreading rapidly. It is the duty of each community to guard against it by cleaning up the premises and keeping everything sanitary.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
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