75 Years Ago September 1940
When the new teachers come to town, extend the glad hand of fellowship to them and make them feel at home. Help them in any way and in turn they will be better able to help your children.
Miss Emma Hager, of Sioux City, will be the new school nurse. This is the first time that a full time nurse has been hired for the school for the full nine months of the year.
L.B. Cash, Clear Lake butter maker, has entered the statewide contest to choose the champion butter maker of Iowa.
Cliff Thompson, 8 ft. 6 inch giant, who is here as a guest of the Blatz Brewing Company, visited the Clear Lake Country Club. He is believed to be the tallest human being since the recent death of Robert Wadlow, of Alton, Ill.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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