Berding uses experience with Parkinson’s to raise awareness
(Above) Although her father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 10 years ago, Geri Berding said she never considered the tremors she began experiencing a few years ago could be the same disease. She hopes to raise awareness about Parkinson’s with an event this Saturday in downtown Clear Lake.-Reporter photo.
by Marianne Morf
“I have Parkinson’s Disease, but Parkinson’s Disease does not have me,” Geri Berding proclaims.
That attitude of determination and hope will be shared at a new event to raise awareness about Parkinson’s Saturday, April 30, in Clear Lake City Park.
Despite the fact that her father had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s a decade ago, Geri said she hadn’t given serious thought to the possibility that she could suffer from the same disease.
“My mother had breast cancer and through gene testing I learned that I was not a candidate for that,” she said. “Even though I began to have some tremors in my early 40s, it never occurred to me that I could have Parkinson’s.”
Since there is no bio-marker for Parkinson’s, Berding says the disease is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. It is a disease which is well known by name, but not understood by the public.
Geri ultimately made an appointment with the same doctor her father, Robert Terry, sees to see if she could get some relief from her tremors. As he performed a variety of tests, he wondered if she recognized the similarity between her responses and those of her father. She had three of the five symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Geri said symptoms and levels of Parkinson’s range widely and she is considered to have mild progression. At age 56, she says she has tremors, has lost her sense of smell and experiences stomach issues, but fatigue is her biggest battle. That is the main reason she has decided to retire from the Clear Lake teaching position she has held for 31 years at the end of this school year.
“With Parkinson’s they say ‘move it or lose it. I’m always preaching that to my dad,” said Geri. And Saturday’s awareness event will hopefully give those with Parkinson’s another reason to move, as well as provide them with inspiration.
“The reason I got interested in planning this event was to help people understand Parkinson’s, raise money for research and develop camaraderie between those with Parkinson’s.
More than 300 people have already registered for the event, which Berding says is both heart-warming and vital to supporting research to find a cure for Parkinson’s. All of the money raised through the event, which includes a silent auction, 5K Fun Run and Walk, informational booths, kids activities and food between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, will go to the Michael J. Fox Founda-
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tion for Parkinson’s Research. Berding said the event is the first in the area to contribute its donations to the Michael J. Fox organization.
The emails and messages I have received about this event already have just been amazing,” said Berding, adding that she hopes the event will bring those with Parkinson’s together to support and share with each other. A man from Georgia contacted Berding to say he has timed a visit to his sibling in Nora Springs so they can participate in the walk. Several others have also shared their stories and plan to attend Saturday.
“My faith has also been a huge part of my journey and members of my church, especially Gail Seebeck, Sue Hennagir and Mary Jo Koenigsberg, have been extremely supportive and helpful,” added Berding, a member of Rolling Acres Christian Reformed Church.
The volunteers have been readying donations of Championship Club seats to a Minnesota Twins game, a David Rottinghaus Clear Lake print, Snap On Tools and toolbox, golf packages, an airplane ride and numerous baskets of themed gifts to be sold in the silent auction.
Those who cannot attend, but would like to make a donation may send checks (payable to Parkinson’s Awarenesss/Geri Berding) to: 804 2nd Ave. S., Clear Lake, Iowa 50428.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
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Clear Lake, IA 50428
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