Commercial dock request turned down by P&R board
A proposal to construct a commercial boat dock at the Beach Drive public lake access was turned down Wednesday night by the Clear Lake Parks and Recreation Board.
According to Parks and and Recreation Department Director Randy Miller, the Board’s recommendation to deny Laketime Boat Club owner Jake Kopriva’s proposal was forwarded to Clear Lake City Administrator Scott Flory. He said Tuesday he has learned the City Council will not conduct further hearings on the issue, based upon public input at the P&R Board meeting.
Last month Kopriva approached the Board with a plan to include five public boat slips among the estimated 30 his commercial dock would accommodate. He would locate a commerical space on the lower level of Redstone and install the commerical dock for his boats and others, including the five public spaces which have always existed at the lake access.
Kopriva was unable to attend the Wednesday meeting, but was available to answer questions via conference call.
About 30 persons attended the meeting, with a dozen voicing their opposition.
Residents from Redstone and Gro-Harbor Condominiums, which are situated on each side of the public access, objected to the proposal citing concerns about additional traffic and parking availability in the area. The issue of liability for accidents was also voiced as a concern
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by Redstone residents, who fear a Laketime Boat Club office in the Redstone building could shift liability to the Redstone Home Owners Association.
Others in opposition cautioned about the precedent of allowing commercial docks at public accesses, asking “where will it stop?”
Bob Kopriva told those at the meeting the purpose of the concept was not to take anything away, but to enhance the lake. He stressed it would be a commercial dock by name, but would be useable by the public.
The Parks Board voted unanimously not to accept the proposal from Kopriva.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
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