Council tables decision on Main Street sidewalks

Personalized bricks could be impacted by design choice

The Clear Lake City Council tabled a decision Monday night about the look and materials for new sidewalks on Main Avenue downtown.  Four of the five Council members said they needed more information about what might become of personalized brick pavers which were purchased through the Chamber of Commerce if they chose not to re-use the pavers in the new design.

The group voted 4-1 to table a decision until Tom Coffey, executive director of the Chamber, can address what might happen to the approximate 3,000 personalized bricks scattered along Main Avenue in the event City leaders choose a design which does not include the current pavers.

Jason Petersburg, of Veenstra & Kimm,  reported on a public information meeting held March 31 about Main Avenue sidewalk options.  Twenty-two citizens attended the meeting, representing 15 (approximately 30 percent) of the properties along Main Avenue.  Nine questionnaires handed out at the meeting seeking input about various construction issues, including what kind of pavement was preferred, were returned to the city.  There was no clear favorite in three design plans presented by Petersburg.

Three respondents preferred a concrete walkway flanked by new brick strips closest to buildings and reclaimed bricks in the transition area by light posts to the curb.  Those responding said the plan addresses safety and snow removal concerns.  The engineer’s estimate of cost for that option was $509,000.

Four respondents favored a totally new brick paver walkway and new brick paver transition area, noting the new brick pavers would have squared off edges so that the sidewalk can be swept and snow easily removed.  The engineer’s estimate of cost for that option was $603,000.

The cost estimate for the third option, which was a new brick paver walkway with a reclaimed brick paver transition area was $591,000.

Councilman Gary Hugi said he  believes the brick paver walkways

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

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Clear Lake, IA 50428
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