COVID guidelines at CLHS gym

by Dale Ludwig, Clear Lake Activities Director

As we enter the winter sports season, Clear Lake Community School is requiring all spectators at all activity and athletic events to wear a mask at all times to help control the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  We also need spectators to practice good social distancing protocol at these events.  If we adhere to good social distancing and wear a mask at our events, then our kids will get to continue to perform and be involved in our school activities and athletics.  We are asking people to be responsible, respectful and reasonable when attending events. Abide by COVID-19 guidelines at home and away venues.

Do not attend events, if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms and/or have been in contact with a confirmed Positive Case.

Social Distance when in the school and gym (6 feet).

Spectators will be required to enter through the HS cafeteria doors and check in at the admission table.  The spectators checklist will be located there and fans will be asked to give their name and either pay or show a valid activity card.  Only spectators on the checklist are allowed to attend the contest.  Each athlete is allowed two spectators.  Spectators will be required to sit on the spots marked on the bleachers when attending our events.  We will clear the gym after each contest and spectators will exit through the south lobby doors.  

Spectators attending the second contest or subsequent contests that night will be asked to wait to enter the building at an assigned time and/or wait in the HS cafeteria until they are allowed to enter the gym for seating.

Bleacher Seating in Clear Lake HS Gym:  East Side will be for Clear Lake spectators.  Clear Lake players will sit on the East Side on the South End of the gym.  West Side will be for visitor spectators.  Visiting players will sit on the West Side behind the team bench.

These two sections will be marked specifically for the players not in the games.

Concession Stand will not be open.  Food or beverage is not allowed in the HS gym at any time during the evening.   

Some 9th grade and JV basketball games will be played at Clear Creek Elementary School.  Enter through the west doors.  Sit in west bleachers on the designated spots on the bleachers and social distance when possible and masks are required at all times.  Clear Lake fans should sit on the South end of the bleachers and the visiting team spectators should sit on the North end of the bleachers.

We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines.  We all need to work together so our kids can participate in these events.  

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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