E-Edition Help
Locating your E-editionHover over the blue “E-edition” tab along the top (second from far left); if that doesn’t work, click on it.Click on “login” from the drop down menu.Enter your username and password.Then, once again, click on the E-edition tab. Just one click SHOULD be necessary.At that point, a screen should appear that has a small screenshot of front pages with the E-edition dates above each.Choose the E-edition you’d like to read. See the blue “Read more” button under that date and click that once. Your E-edition will appear.Navigating your E-edition on your desktopOnce logged in, this looks tiny — but we can make it bigger and very readable!Pay attention to the floating arrows moving over the paper that point you to the upper and lower right hand corners. This implies that you can click on these corners and the E-edition will turn pages.To increase the size, see the black tool bar at the lower edge of your page. Specifically, look at the lefthand side. You will see 2 magnifying glass symbols: 5th and 6th position from the left. Click on the one with the “+” sign in it. Double clicking on the page will also zoom you in.
As you hover over it, it says “zoom in”. The page gets a little larger, yet we can still increase the size. Now, a new black tool bar appears directly above the one you were just looking at. There is a “slider” with a “-“ sign on the left and a “+” sign on the right.
You can move the button towards the “+” to increase size or just click on the “+” several times until the newspaper print is to your liking.You may “grab” the screen and move it around to the various articles as you read.When zoomed in or zoomed out, you can navigate from one page to the next using the page changing buttons in the bottom right.
These buttons let you move forward or backward, to the beginning or the end. By moving your mouse over them, they will tell you what each one is.If you still have any confusion, please visit our contact us page and let us know your question!
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
Mid-America Publishing
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