Empty Giving Tree = Happy Hearts
One week ago we were making a plea for help in order to fulfill the wishes of more than 75 Clear Lake families requesting a little help to make their Christmas season a little brighter.
And you responded in a big way.
At press time last Tuesday more than 80 of the original 210 ornaments were still unclaimed. But by Friday, The Giving Tree was beautifully bare. And even with ornaments gone, financial donations came in which have helped to supplement the giving amounts for food donations and fill some late gift requests.
This is the 27th year the Mirror-Reporter has partnered with Clear Lake Schools to offer The Giving Tree.
The Clear Lake School District was in charge of distributing, as well as processing the forms filled out by parents specifying needs they have for their children. The school district then provides the Mirror-Reporter with ornaments representing the needs of each child. Other ornaments list the size of a family requesting a food gift card. Ornaments checked out from The Mirror-Reporter office must be returned by Wednesday, Dec. 14.
The response to the Giving Tree’s offer of assistance was the largest in many years, but like always, the Clear Lake community rallied to meet the needs.
Thank you to all who chose to make The Giving Tree part of their holiday tradition. We hope that the spirit of giving warms youths holiday season.
And to all those receiving gifts from anonymous givers this season, we hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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