Fairgrounds find a silver lining in pandemic cloud
(Above) Interim Grounds Director Jim Barkema says a new facade and doors will be installed at the Curran Barn at the fairgrounds in the coming months as part of work being done on buildings at the North Iowa Events Center.
by Marianne Gasaway
Board members for the North Iowa Fair Association Board are making the most out of the impact of the pandemic and are confident facility repairs and upgrades made in recent months will result in greater numbers of people and events using its venues in 2021.
Fair Board President Scott Miller led a tour of the grounds Monday to showcase a multitude of projects in various stages of completion to County Supervisors and other civic leaders from the area.
“We are trying to be proactive; the fairgrounds hasn’t been stagnant,” Miller told approximately 20 people gathered for the tour. “We took this time as an opportunity to make upgrades and look at how to reduce our bills.”
Those measures included new LED lighting in three main buildings on the grounds, including the largest, the arena and Kinney building. The investment at the arena would pay for itself in 18-months, while the other two provided a return in two-years.
Among the many building projects recently completed has been new restrooms added to the Olsen Building, which compliment a new flooring finish and fresh paint. A new e-commerce website is also under construction for the North Iowa Events Center which will provide the public with an easy and efficient way to book and pay for campsites, venues and other amenities. Extensive work to infrastructure at the fairgrounds has also been completed to improve drainage and water flow on the grounds.
While COVID-19 definitely impacted operations at the NIEC, the pandemic also created some unique opportunities. As restrictions began to lift following the initial shutdown in March, the North Iowa Events Center became one of the only venues in the area large enough to safely host public and private events while adhering to health and safety recommendations for physical distancing.
Lindsey James, executive director of Visit Mason City, said that in June, Mid States Horse Shows kicked off its 2020 hunter/jumper season, bringing an estimated $1.1 million in visitor spending to Mason City and the area over the course of two weeks.
With many facilities closed due to COVID-19, as well as those impacted by the August Derecho, the NIEC hosted numerous equestrian events that had been displaced.
“While fewer events were hosted and attendance was limited, the North Iowa Events Center helped bring more than $1.2 million in new visitor spending to the community June-October 2020, during a time when most tourism events were being canceled or going virtual,” added James. “Several of these events
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are already planning to return in 2021.”
A three-day equestrian event typically generates $15,000 to $20,000 income for the fairgrounds in building and grounds rental, along with campsite fees, according to NIEC officials.
Miller and his Board members say they have made a point of asking each group they serve about ways they can make their experience even better at the fairgrounds.
“We must be doing something right— 95 percent of them are coming back for at least one show this year,” said Interim Grounds Director Jim Barkema, referring to several horse groups who used the facilities in 2020. Barkema noted considerable work has been done to improve the 220 horse stalls in buildings on the grounds, as well as other pens, flooring and doors in several other buildings used for livestock events.
Miller shared that the Board is exploring a major addition to its equestrian/equine show and competition venue in response to requests from users. Costs are being investigated and grants pursued to construct a covered practice/warm-up arena and building connection between the horse barn and arena.
The relocation of hockey events from the arena to a new facility in downtown Mason City, has now created year-round opportunity for equine events and groups to come to North Iowa. Many had not used the facility prior to 2020. Board member Paul Gagnon reported that with hockey gone, seven rodeos had been booked for the arena during the winter. He added that the green space available for those who choose to camp on the grounds of their events makes the NIEC especially popular.
“We have the most available space within an hour or hour and one-half from here,” said Miller. “We have grounds or a building for any size event and can accommodate nearly every thing people want to do.”
The Board is currently brainstorming for more ways to use the large All-Seasons Building.
“It’s probably our most under-utilized building,” he said. “All-Seasons is able to hold auctions or swap meets and craft shows, and depending on how long the COVID situation lasts, it’s a large building that we can use for social distancing, as well.”
Among the other changes Miller shared Monday was the announcement that the North Iowa Fair has been moved to the first weekend of August. The Aug. 5-8 event will include the popular Barbecue Bash and Steak Cook-off previously held at different times of the year. The date change will hopefully allow exhibitors and spectators alike to attend more fairs in the area. Miller added that the North Iowa Fair could perhaps become a regional fair at the end of the season.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
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