IFCA: A half-century of service to the community
by Michelle Watson
In January 1972, a group of community leaders, along with church leaders, realized there was a need to minister and help the many transient persons who passed through Clear Lake. Interfaith Fellowship for Community Action (IFCA) was born from this recognized need in the community. IFCA, which is comprised of 12 area churches, is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
“IFCA is important to provide for the social, educational and spiritual needs of the community. Together we can do more to identify and serve the needs of the community as we work to accomplish the Christian mission of service,” said Sandy Christ, chairman of the organization.
The main function of IFCA is to supply travelers in need with a voucher that allows them to get a meal and an affordable overnight’s lodging, and in some cases, gas, so that they can continue on their way. A travel voucher, authorizing a person to travel to within 150 miles from the Clear Lake Airport via Jefferson Bus Lines, has recently been added. The Clear Lake Police Department distributes the vouchers and vets recipients who may have legal issues.
“I’m not sure that the general public is aware of the need for help that exists in our community on a weekly basis for gas, food and lodging. As the office manager at First Congregational Church I receive many distressed calls,” said Kendra Walker, IFCA treasurer. “I am comforted to know that we have funds available to help these individuals out. One time a lady from Minnesota was traveling through Clear Lake to Des Moines, it was a regular trip that she took but when she stopped for gas in Clear Lake she realized that she had forgotten her purse and all of her
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money and cards in Minnesota. We were able to contact the police and get her gas to return home. She thanked us and sent back more than we had loaned her!”
In addition to helping transients, IFCA also organizes the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Member churches take turns hosting the dinners. Donations and free will offerings from the dinners help to support this program and others.
The Annual Ice Cream Social in City Park is another fundraising event with profits going directly into the treasury to help support a wide variety of programs.
IFCA has financially supported the following community activities: Meals on Wheels, Clear Lake Schools Student and Family Services Program, One Vision, Habitat for Humanity, Community Kitchen, area food banks, Salvation Army, Northern Lights Men’s Shelter and the summer meal program, Kids’ Cafe. They also provide free hot chocolate at Christmas By The Lake.
IFCA also sponsors and conducts Baccalaureate worship services every spring on the Sunday prior to graduation for Clear Lake High School graduates.
IFCA meets every month to discuss community affairs and to keep informed about what is being done to serve the needs of the community. Each member church, which pays membership dues, are urged to be present at the meetings. Membership churches include: Agape Christian Family Church, Christian Church, Church of Christ, Community of Christ, Evangelical Free Church, First Congregational Church, Galilean Lutheran Church, Harvest Bible Chapel, First Church of the Open Bible, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, United Methodist Church and Zion Lutheran Church. Additional representatives include Clear Lake Schools Student and Family Services and One Vision. IFCA is also a member of the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce.
Officers elected in May 2021 include: Sandy Christ, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, chairman; Derek Crawford, Zion Lutheran Church, vice-president; Brad Sheldon, Church of Christ, secretary; and Kendra Walker, First Congregational Church, treasurer.
IFCA receives mail and donations at Zion Lutheran Church, Box 289, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428.
“I got involved in IFCA because I liked the idea of the Christian community working together to provide community holiday meals. After I got involved I realized IFCA was so much more than that,” said Walker.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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