Inclusive playground reaches goal, location TBA

by Marianne Gasaway

An announcement is expected very soon about the location for a unique “Everybody Plays” playground in Clear Lake.

The Everybody Plays playground committee has announced it has met its fundraising goal for an all-inclusive playground and groundbreaking will take place in Spring 2021.

     There had been discussions about building the playground on 12th Avenue South within the city’s 30-acre Outlet Recreation Complex, however according to Christina Maulsby, who introduced the playground concept to North Iowa, a new location has been chosen.  She expects a joint announcement to be made with the City in the next few weeks.

     “I am very excited to make the official announcement soon.  It is an area which will be more conducive to families and can be easily located by bike or walking,” she said.

     It was the committee’s goal to begin construction on the playground this summer, but because of fundraising and the COVID-19 pandemic, it decided to delay it until 2021.

Fundraising for the estimated playground began in 2018 with a goal of raising $250,000.  Committee members solicited donations and pursued grants with good success.  Key contributions included $50,000 from the Hanson Foundation, $14,500 from the Clear Lake and Mason City Rotaries, $5,000 from McKesson Corp., $5,500 from the Iowa Knights of Columbus, $5,000 from the First Citizens Charit-

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able Foundation, $5,500 Bicycle, Blues, and BBQ Festival, $1,000 from Alliant Energy, $1,767 from Clear Lake Fareway, in addition to private donations.

     The pandemic forced the cancellation of 2020 fundraisers, however support was rekindled in July with a $100,000 anonymous donation.  So while groundbreaking was originally slated for Fall 2020, the delay has allowed the group to reach its goal rather than phase the playground project.  According to Maulsby, funds raised beyond $250,000 will allow the group to purchase even more equipment and expand the size of the playground.

     The group’s website describes the project as “a community initiative to build an inclusive playground in Clear Lake that would provide children and adults of all ages and abilities the opportunity to play together.”  Maulsby, who has two children with special needs, notes it will be the first playground of its type in rural Iowa.  The nearest similar playgrounds are located in Cedar Falls and Ames.

“Hopefully in the spring we’ll be able to  announce we are looking for volunteers to help assemble the playground.  The playground equipment company will prep the site and then typically two days of community building is needed,” said Maulsby.  “This is a passion of mine, but I really want it to be for everyone.  We want to invite the whole community to take part.  This will be a big draw for Clear Lake.”


Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
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