Let’s play ball at CLHS

Spectator guidelines for baseball and softball games

The Clear Lake school system would like to share some of the guidelines for spectators planning on attending softball or baseball games at the Clear Lake Lions Field Complex this season.  Due to the COVID-19 virus, some adjustments have been made.

“We are asking everyone to cooperate with these so we can have a safe environment at our games,” said Dale Ludwig, Clear Lake Athletic Director.

1.If you are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone, you are asked to please stay home until symptoms have cleared.

2.Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs to sit in as bleacher seating will be very minimal.  Spectators are also encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer and use it.  This goes for home games and away games.

3.Spectators are asked to practice good social distancing protocol.



6.Dugout areas are for essential personnel only (coaches, players, trainers).  All non-essential personnel are asked to stay out of dugout areas.

7.Only essential personnel will be allowed in the press box.  The press box will be limited to the scoreboard operator and announcer.

8.Please do not chase foul balls.  This will be the responsibility of the players during the games.

9.No admission fee will be charged this season, however, free will donation containers will be placed near the main bleachers at each field.  Feel free to donate as you can.

10. Restrooms will be available.  Follow the guidelines posted at the restrooms.

Due Construction at the Lions Field Complex, the additional guidelines will need to be followed.

1.Spectators are asked to stay off the football field area as it is a construction zone.

2.Spectators are also asked to avoid any area marked by orange construction fencing.

3.Parking is available on the diagonal street parking, softball gravel lot, and the area north of the Lions Field Complex by the Little League Diamonds.

4.During day games, Spectators are asked to park in softball gravel lot or diagonal street parking by softball as much as possible due to construction vehicles coming and going from football field area.

Clear Lake Schools reserves the right to change these guidelines as circumstances arise and/or alter restrictions as they warrant.

“We appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines.  If you have any questions, please contact the school.  Let’s have a great summer,” said Ludwig.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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