Listen up! Siren testing begins today in preparation for weather alerts
It is that time of year when the Clear Lake Police Department prepares for seasonal outdoor activities. Part of that preparation is the monthly testing of the Clear Lake and Ventura outdoor warning sirens.
The first test of the sirens will be today, Wednesday, March 29, at 10 a.m.
Sirens will be tested on the first Monday of the month at 10 a.m., unless the Monday is a holiday. The makeup day for a holiday will be Tuesday. Additional test dates are: April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3, Aug. 7 and Sept. 5 (Tuesday).
The department will continue to utilize social media, such as its Facebook page, as a reminder of siren test days as well as announcements in the Mirror-Reporter.
The purpose of the sirens is to notify people who are outdoors with an audible warning to seek further information, and possibly shelter. When activated, sirens generally sound for a period of one minute. Sirens sounding outside the testing dates indicates severe weather for our area.
Please do not call 911 on testing days to ask why the sirens are activated. These calls tie up emergency lines into the department.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. When are the sirens activated?
Generally, under the outdoor warning system guidelines, sirens will be sounded for: tornadoes (including warnings), thunderstorms with winds of 70 mph or greater (potential for whole trees to snap or uproot) or, golf ball sized hail or larger (potential for windows to break). The same siren tone will be used for all threats. The sirens may be sounded multiple times during the event. There will be no all-clear signal from sirens.
2. What should I do when I hear the sirens?
When the sirens are heard tune to local media outlets to gain more information and possibly seek shelter.
3. Why is there no all-clear signal?
People should be indoors seeking shelter and monitoring local media for updates on the storm. The sirens are not designed to be heard indoors, although often they can be heard inside. Sounding an all-clear signal may encourage people to go outside in order to hear it.
4. Why will the outdoor warning sirens be sounded for hail and wind?
When thunderstorm winds exceed 70 mph, trees can be uprooted or snapped. Hail that is golf ball sized
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or larger can break windows. Both of these events pose a direct risk to life if people are caught outdoors.
5. Why can’t I hear the sirens in my house?
Sirens are a warning system designed only to alert those who are outside. Due to construction designs and building density, there is no way to design a siren system capable of penetrating all structures.
6. How can I get alerts when I’m at work or in my house?
For alerts indoors, every home and business should have a NOAA Weather Radio. A NOAA Weather Radio is like a smoke detector for severe weather, and it can wake you up when a warning is issued for your area so you can take appropriate action. For further information go to: Also, most news outlets and the National Weather Service have apps you can download for your smartphone.
7. Will the outdoor sirens warn me of every dangerous storm?
No. The safest approach is to be proactive and use all of the information available to protect yourself and your family from threatening weather. Nothing can replace common sense. If a storm is approaching, lightning alone can be a threat. Sirens do not warn of lightening. Outdoor sirens are only one part of a warning system that includes preparation, a NOAA Weather Radio, and local media.
8. Who activates the outdoor sirens?
Sirens are typically activated by city or county officials, usually dispatch or emergency management personnel. In the Clear Lake/Ventura area, the on duty Clear Lake Police Department dispatcher is responsible for activating the sirens.
9. Where are the outdoor sirens located?
The Clear Lake Police Department is responsible for the sirens at: North 5th Street and Highway 18, 7th Avenue North and North 20th Street, North 35th Street and Main Avenue, South 8th Street and 12th Avenue South, Highway 18 and Park Lane, 2380 East Lake Street (Ventura), Ventura Elementary, Ventura Heights, Dogwood Avenue (near Tanglefoot Girl Scout Camp), South Shore Drive and 235th Street.
For further information, check out these links: The National Weather Service: and Cerro Gordo Emergency Management:
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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