Main Avenue, Splash Pad projects move forward

The Clear Lake City Council set a pair of major capital improvement projects in motion Monday night at their first meeting of the new year.

The second phase of the Main Avenue Street Improvement Project, which will span between 14th and 20th Streets, was reviewed by Jason Petersburg, project engineer at Veenstra & Kimm.  The project is a continuation of improvements made on Main from 20th to 24th two years ago. Like the previous phase, work in 2020 will include water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and paving.  The design also includes five-foot wide sidewalks and bicycle lanes.

Monday night the Council passed resolutions fixing lot values to initiate the special assessment process and adopted preliminary plat and schedule, estimate of cost and proposed plans and specifications.

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The estimated cost of construction for the project is $2,066,557.  The estimated amount to be assessed against the benefitted property owners is approximately $400,000, or about 18 percent. Special assessments will be used to defray costs associated with street paving, sidewalks, driveways and sanitary sewer and water service laterals.

The date for the hearing on the resolution of necessity for the work is Feb. 3.  The project bid letting will be Feb. 20 and the public hearing and award of contract will take place on March 7.

The underground work for the street improvement project is scheduled to begin in July, after the Fourth of July celebration, and be completed in November.  Paving would begin in April 2021 and be completed by June 15, 2021.

Splash pad

The Council accepted the lowest of four bids received for its scheduled beach enhancement program in 2020.

Peterson Construction, of Webster City, was the low bidder for the work with a base bid of $1,033,000.

The project includes construction of a splash pad, a new restroom facility, a sun shade shelter area, landscaping and lighting improvements.

The new splash pad design will feature three different zones, with one zone specially designed for toddlers.  Other ones will  use the more familiar water blooms, waves and jet streams.  Several of the components would have LED lighting so they could be lit up at night.

A shade canopy is situated near the splash pad to provide parents and those watching the splash pads with shade.  A new, larger restroom facility is also part of the project.

Work is expected to begin on the project in 2020 when weather allows and be completed by June 22.


Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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