One Vision launches Host Home Program

by Marianne Gasaway

Four walls and a roof over your head isn’t the only way to define the word “home.” 

One Vision in Clear Lake has announced a new program intended to help its clients build personal relationships,  make greater community and social connections and share in all the things that make a house, a home.  

The Host Home Program is a new model of 24-hour service available for the people One Vision supports, according to Chief Development Officer Jennifer Pinske.  

“We have similar (housing programs), but not this specific,” explained Pinske.  “Currently we have clients who have their own apartments and receive hourly services from One Vision in that setting. This is a community based living option with a independent contractor.”

Pinske added that while clients receiving support services in their own homes are functioning well as singles, some miss the family dynamic.  She points to One Vision client, Mike.  Mike currently lives in his own apartment with his cat, Pumpkin. He has led a fairly independent adult life after learning coping skills to manage the side effects from a traumatic brain injury he suffered at age nine. Mike says he can get lonely sometimes and might also appreciate some help in planning more nutritious meals.

“It’s for people like Mike who are self-sufficient, but would benefit from greater social connection that One Vision is excited to introduce the Host Home Providers,” said Pinske.  

Although the concept is new to One Vision, it has been used elsewhere with success.

Data shows that when compared to other service models, there are significant improvements noted in the ratings of independence and choice, community involvement, communication around services, health and nutrition, and engagement in the planning process for those who received host home services.  Personal Outcome Measures averaged nearly 10 percent higher across the majority of measures for people living in a host home versus those living in a 24-hour staffed setting, according to industry surveys.

One Vision officials are now introducing the concept to the area and are inviting those interested to learn more and consider applying.  

Host Homes begin with a highly personalized matching process.  One Vision leaders carefully select Host Home Providers to ensure they have the skills needed to support the individuals it serves.  Environmental inspections are made and there are specific guidelines those participating in the Host Home program must meet.

In partnership with its Host Home Providers, the individuals, and 

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their families we develop Individualized Service Plans (ISPs) and continually adjust service plans as individuals reach new goals or their needs change.

When compared to hourly work, One Vision Host Homes provide increased wages and financial stability for providers. The average independent contractor makes $37,111 tax free annually (ranging from $13,000 to $130,000 per year) and receives room and board from the person living with them.  Host Homes are considered perfect for families who enjoy a stay-at-home lifestyle and fit in easily with raising children.  For singles, it offers flexibility to also pursue other interests such as art and hobbies or other home business opportunities that do not interfere with provider duties.

One Vision staff continue to meet with clients living in a Host Home setting to be certain needs are being met and assist with ongoing training.

“The Host Home program is not a reduction to any One Vision services.  It’s simply a new way to try to meet the needs of those living independently,” said Pinske.


Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

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