Positive changes at Opportunity Village

(Pictured Above L-R) Patricia Biggs, Katie Peck (seated in back), Kristi Gruetzmacher and Charlotte Biggs are roommates in a new home on Logan Avenue in Clear Lake.  In the background are two staff members who assist the residents, as needed.-Reporter photo.

Residents enjoy independence in new housing opportunities

“Who’s the boss of you?” Julie Tofte playfully asked Patricia Biggs.

“I’m the boss of me,” Patricia replied with a smile.

Patricia and her sister, Charlotte, are among those who have moved from a cottage on the Opportunity Village main campus and settled into a new home in the Clear Lake community.  The move has given them space, a more quiet lifestyle and a growing amount of independence.

“We love it,” said Patricia without hesitation.  “I like the space and planning my day.  I like being with my sister.”  Patricia came to Clear Lake in 1983 and has lived in a variety of Village-assisted settings.

“It’s much more quiet and not so crowded,” added Charlotte, who had lived in a 16-person cottage on the main campus since 2001.

This is the first time the sisters have lived together since they were children in Freemont, Iowa.

Under the guidelines of the Olmstead Decision, the U.S. Department of Justice ordered agencies like Opportunity Village to move people from segregated, large-group settings into community-integrated small homes. To date, the Village had moved 60 people into smaller homes, while 22 people are waiting to move.  Currently the Village is working with local developers to provide additional housing.

The positive reaction the Biggs sisters have had to their move is being echoed by virtually all Opportunity Village clients who have transitioned to smaller home settings.

One hundred percent of those who moved from a cottage on Opportunity Village’s Clear Lake campus report liking their new homes and would not choose to move back to the campus if given the chance.

“A recent survey of those who already moved revealed overall satisfaction with the changes. In addition to liking the living arrangement better, 100 percent of respondents said they feel safe and have more choice about what they do and where they go,” reported Mike Mahaffey, chief development officer at Opportunity Village.

The Biggs sisters share a home on Logan Avenue with Katie Peck and Kristi Gruetzmacher.  The home is owned by Opportunity Village and the women pay rent.  Each has their own bedroom and share a common living area and large kitchen.  The women take turns with chores, ranging from doing dishes and light cleaning, to trying their hands at gardening.  They plan meals together and share grocery costs.

Staff members are on-site at their home, but they offer support and guidance to the residents, rather than direct all activity.  Residents plan their own days and are free to pursue their interests, with staff available to transport and assist as needed.

Staff and residents work together to form goals, which for the Biggs sisters includes more independence.  At a recent Life Planning meeting between the staff and Charlotte, it was determined she could be left at home alone for up to 30-minutes. Patricia is approved for 60-minutes.

“It has been a big adjustment for staff not to be caring for people— now we are caring about people and helping them exercise their independence,” said Mahaffey.  “It’s probably been a bigger adjustment for the staff and families than it has been for the residents themselves.”

Tofte, who is an Outcome Coordinator for Opportunity Village, said she has enjoyed seeing residents in the home setting become empowered to make their own decisions.

“They decide if they want to answer the door, or not,” she explained.  “It’s been fun to see them take joy in doing little things we might take for granted, like having a mailbox to check or planning to go out to lunch.”

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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