Remember When 1-13-2020

(Above) Baby think it over, 1995 - In 1995, the first class at Clear Lake Junior High experienced “Baby Think It Over.”  A program that simulates the looks, feels and sounds of a real infant.  The school owned two dolls and as part of the class, students cared for a doll for two days and two nights.  The dolls were used in the curriculum of an eighth grade home economics class taught by Julie Vorland. Pictured in front (L-R): is Katie Dolan and Brian Smith.  Middle row (L-R): Jennifer Abbas, Kelli Thompson, Alexis Snyder, Andrea Snyder, Travis Patterson, Nichole Kemmerer, Josh Diekhuis.  Back row (L-R): Marylynn Whitehurst, Morgan Lunn, Cheryl Ewers, Jessica White, Brandy Lynch, Corey Greiman, Justin Tarr, Chad Kliven and Steve Craig.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

January 1996

Police are investigating what appears to be a shooting spree early Saturday morning between Ventura, Clear Lake and Mason City.  Shortly after 1 a.m. on Saturday Ventura Police Chief Dick Clapper was contacted on a report of gunshots.  Later that morning damage was found at Dome Bait and Tackle, as well as at Ventura School.  In Clear Lake, Jim Hansen Ford Interstate 35 and Highway 106, reported damage of $4,500 to a vehicle and the building caused by bullets.  Also receiving damage was The Heartland Inn and Clear Lake Appliance.

Clear Lake School Superintendent Dr. Steve Voelz has announced he will retire at the end of next year’s contract (summer of 1997).  Voelz began his duties in Clear Lake on July 1, 1985.

Those of us in Clear Lake aren’t the only ones talking about Buddy Holly these days.  In these final two weeks leading up to the Buddy Holly Tribute ’96, Holly will be the topic of conversation on as many as 16 national news and entertainment shows.  The Holly hype can be attributed to the release of a new album of Holly songs, “notfadeaway.”  The album features popular artists of today performing their favorite Buddy Holly songs, as well as Buddy Holly and the Hollies.  Contributing artists include: The Mavericks, Mary Chapin Carpenter and Kevin Montgomery, Marty Stuart and Steve Earle, Suzy Bogguss, Waylon Jennings and more.

Nicholas Paul is the newborn son of Paul and Becky Chizek, of Clear Lake.  He was born Jan. 3, 1996.  The Chizeks also have a daughter, Ashley Lyn, 28 months old.

David Severtson, of Clear Lake, participated in the 1995 Dorian Keyboard Festival held at Luther College.

Dr. James Loux has purchased the Clear Lake Veterinary Hospital, 1004 4th Ave. S., effective Jan. 2, 1996 from Dr. Paul Fynskov.  Dr. Fynskov established the practice in November 1965.

Many people were wondering how the Clear Lake wrestling team would handle their first loss of the season against Humboldt on Jan. 3.  But all has been answered, as the Lions topped Iowa Falls, 42-22.  Picking up wins were Alex Ibarra, Brandon Viet, Andy Thompson, Josh Baker, Justin Washburn, David Doebel and Jon Murray.

Two clutch free throws by Ventura’s Allison Cooper helped the Lady Vikes to a 57-55 victory over SCMT.  Cooper ended the night with 29 points.  Erin Watson was also in double figures with 13 points.

Grocery specials at Easter Foods include: Lays Chips or Doritos, 2/$4; Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $3.89; Mardi Gras Paper Towels, 59¢; Musselman’s Applesauce, 46-48 oz., 2/$3; Healthy Choice Frozen Dinners, 2/$4; 85% Lean Ground Beef, lb., $1.39; and boneless beef chuck roast, lb., $1.29.

50 Years Ago

January 1976

Just what we needed - another 18 inches of snow!  Old Man Winter made a repeat performance of about three weeks ago.  It was the same story, cancellations, no school, stranded cars, snowed in residents were common, with many businesses closed on Monday.

A possible tragic fire was averted New Year’s Eve at the Chuck Gasswint home on North Shore.  While guests were being entertained in the basement, neighbor Mayor Pattschull played the volunteer fireman when he spotted a blaze in a holiday mantlepiece decoration on the ground floor.  He charged to the mantle and smothered the blaze with newspapers, getting singed in the process.

An ice skating party was one of the events held to see in the New Year.  The skating party, held at Marion Park, was coordinated by Leo Stattelman.  A hot lunch was served at the Lutheran Church following ice skating.  Fareway, Easter’s Super Valu, Jensen’s Red Owl, Jensen’s West-side and Clear Lake Bakery provided the food.

75 Years Ago

January 1946

Suzanne Stuart was the first baby of the year.  She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stuart.

Ice harvesting began Saturday afternoon with a crew of 16 men.  The ice is 19 inches thick and of perfect quality.  Lloyd Crozier is handling the saw.

The new Farmer’s Co-operative Dairy is now doing business at the Miller Dairy Farm.

T/Sgt. Robert Clausen received an honorable discharge Dec. 1 after three years of service.

Ice boat enthusiasts were looking forward to a dull winter when the snow fell thick and heavy the same day the ice became thick enough to hold them up, but with mild weather the last few days, the ice is again risky.

100 Years Ago

January 1921

Several farmers south of town have had chickens stolen.  The thieves came to the Joe Caffrey place on the George Grimm farm, sacked all the chickens but were frightened away.  They left three bags of chickens behind in their attempt to flee.  Talk about chickens!

A hog, owned by Leo Swanson, bit and seriously lacerated the flesh on the legs of three good horses last week.

Last Thursday night about 17 men enjoyed a venison dinner at the George Watkins’ Cafe.  Walter Skene had been up to Canada and brought back a fine deer that was greatly enjoyed by the men.

The ice harvest is now on in earnest with the M.C. & C.L. RR doing the hauling.  Choate and Chizek are busy filling their large ice houses.

Lloyd Brose went down to Maxwell to teach manual training in the public schools for his brother, Earl.  Earl broke his leg when getting off the train.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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