Remember When 1-15-2020
(Above) Ventura Jazz Band, 1995 - The Ventura High School Jazz Band made school history in 1995 when they qualified for the State Jazz Band Championship in Des Moines. Seven of the 15 members received outstanding performance awards: Mindy Coe, Brenda Pueggel, Matt Frazier, Will Pueggel, Allison Cooper, Brandon Wind and Bethany Weberg. Members of the band include front: Brenda Pueggel. Row 1 (L-R): Angie Bieber and Ryan Hiscocks (seated), Ellie Pueggel, Sarah Hinricks, Allison Cooper, Jessie Hyde, Brandon Wind, Bethany Weberg (at piano). Row 2 (L-R): Director Nate Benzing (standing), Jared Ringus, Will Pueggel, Seth Anderson. Back row (L-R): Matt Frazier and Mindy Coe.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago • January 1994
A news conference announcing the planned spring construction of a new multi-million dollar senior living community along Clear Lake’s south shore will be held. In September, 1993, the Westen Home acquired ownership of the Clear Lake Methodist Camp. The new retirement community will be built within the historic 30-acre campground site.
Clear Lake police are seeking information about a burglary at Service LTD, 1307 N. 5th St., which occurred sometime between Jan. 5 and 11. Entry at the business was gained by forcing the south door. Two liquid pumps were stolen in the burglary. Police are also seeking information about an act of vandalism to snowmobile trail signs throughout Cerro Gordo County. Rewards of up to $1,000 may be paid for information leading to an arrest.
Clear Lake veterans showed up in large numbers and left no doubt they were opposed to any changes in the All-Veteran’s Social Center’s articles which would leave the door open for the possible sale or exchange of the current golf course and property. Local developer Les Nelson is willing to offer the board property he owns off Highway 18 which could accommodate an 18-hole golf course in exchange for the nine-hole course and buildings on North Shore Drive. The idea raised the ire of the veterans present, who reminded the board repeatedly that the All-Veteran’s Social Center and Golf Course is actually a memorial to veterans.
Dennis Lindell will become the new president of the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce when it holds its annual meeting on Jan. 21. Lindell replaces Jeff Nicholas, who served as president two years.
The Ventura Centennial Committee will sponsor a Sweetheart Dance on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 8 p.m. to midnight in the Ventura Community Hall. Hal’s Ramblers will perform with an auction to be held during intermission. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students.
Sarah J. Christ, 2LT, USAF, of Clear Lake, graduate of the University of Iowa and former member of the Air Force ROTC Program at the U of I was selected for continuation at the University of Iowa for graduate students in civil engineering. This will be 2Lt. Christ’s first active duty Air Force assignment as an officer.
Design Studio, 218 S. 4th St., Clear Lake, is offering a perm special for $42.50.
The American Cancer Society announced the 15 most wanted Clear Lake residents for the Clear Lake Jail & Bail event. The most wanted include: Candy Brakke, Cheryl Dwyer, Kim Dwyer, C.H. Frisbee, Julie Hewitt, Les Kinseth, Virgil Knorr, Jan Lovell, Doug Pike, Lynne Scribbins, Terry Templeton, Mark Whaley, Edna Klaassen, Dave Nieman and Joanne Sedars.
The Clear Lake wrestling team won their second tournament title of the season and their third consecutive Britt Duals title. The Lions crowned four champions and had eight other wrestlers finish second. Champions included: Andy Thompson, Ben Rechkemmer, David Doebel and Vince Chmielswski.
The Clear Lake boys basketball team has been an enigma this year, shooting better than 50 percent from the field, but having a winning percentage of .000. With that bizarre stat in their portfolio, the Lions hosted undefeated and second-ranked Humboldt, losing 78-68. If not for a frustrating stretch in the middle of the first half, the Lions might have been hailed as giant-killers. Mark Ebeling led the scoring with 17-points. Jon Kollman had nine offensive rebounds to go with his 16-points. Jeff Lewis and Scott Suntken also scored in double figures with 11 and 10-points respectively.
Four Clear Lake students are competing on the Mohawk hockey team this season - Mike Anderson, Aaron Sorenson, Cory Clopton and David Hopper.
50 Years Ago • January 1969
Construction of a 102-unit town-house condominium project will begin shortly on the north shore of Clear Lake. When completed the entire complex will have a valuation of approximately $3 million. It is anticipated to take from three to five years to complete the project. The project will surround a lagoon with access to the lake. There will be one, two and three bedroom units available for purchase.
Candace Lee Aldinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Aldinger, is the First Baby of the Year in Clear Lake. “Candy” was born on Jan. 1 at 8:05 p.m. She is eligible for a large number of prizes from Clear Lake businessmen. The baby’s father is serving in Vietnam.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight in “Midnight Cowboy.”
Ronda Butenhoff, of Ventura, is fourth in the North Star Conference gals scoring race with 119 points and a 29.8 average.
75 Years Ago • January 1945
A 90 foot toboggan slide has been built on a hill in Ventura southeast of the schoolhouse. A large skating rink has been scraped off and a warming house moved in.
Temperatures ranged from 10 to 22 below zero the past few days.
Teri Ann Allen is the first official baby of the year. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Al Allen, owners of Hilltop Motel.
Mrs. Loyal Cox received a letter from her husband, Cpl. Cox in the South Pacific, saying he had received a bronze star for bravery.
L.C. Stuart says if persons will advise him on the name and address of any overseas Clear Lake boys, he will see that they get letters from Clear Lakers to remind them of home.
100 Years Ago • January 1920
George Peterson and J.G. Manning plan to establish a new amusement park on the north Lake Shore at Lake Cliffs.
Ladies shoes are $1.98 at O.T. Hansen’s this week.
Several sets of harnesses belonging to Charles Katter, Gus Knop and others of Ventura, which had been stolen and shipped to Wisconsin have been recovered.
Mrs. Martin Baker had the misfortune to get her hand in a wringer washer last week. Her hand was badly crushed.
Don’t miss Mary Pickford in “Daddy Long Legs” at the theatre. Admission is 15¢.
A special class in geometry and trigonometry will be offered next term.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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