Remember When 10-14-2020
(Above) Marching band fun in 1995 - The Clear Lake High School Marching Band presented its final football halftime show in 1995. The band delighted the crowd with their performance, including a drum routine in which David Baker played while standing on his head. He was assisted by Shawn Person.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
October 1995
Clear Lake’s population continues its rise, while Ventura’s is rebounding, according to the latest figures released by the Census Bureau. The last official census was taken in 1990, but the bureau makes estimates of county and city population every two years. Clear Lake’s official population count in 1990 was 8,183. The bureau increased the count to 8,473 in 1994. Estimates for Ventura showed the community rebounding from 590 residents in the 1990 census to an estimate of 629 in 1994. The local good news came at the expense of the county. Cerro Gordo County experienced its lowest population this century, according to the 1990 census. Cerro Gordo lost 173 residents from 1990-1994, despite the growth of 290 in Clear Lake.
Ghosts and goblins, cowboys and witches, Power Rangers and princesses, Tuesday, Oct. 31 is your night for trick or treating.
The Golden Goose, 468 N. Shore Dr., Clear Lake, is under new ownership, Don Sturtz, a 15-year resident of Clear Lake and former owner of the Shady Beach, has purchased the restaurant and lounge. Cathy Hauge and Dave Davidson, both former employees at the Goose, have been hired to manage the facility.
If you’re a rhythm and blues fan, then Delbert McClinton’s “rocking, roadhouse R&B” is something you don’t want to miss on Friday, Oct. 27, at The Surf Ballroom.
Marine Lance Cpl. Joseph C. Freese, son of Charlotte R. and Russell C. Freese II, of Clear Lake, was recently promoted to his present rank while serving with Marine Detachment embarked aboard the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy, home-ported in Norfolk, Va. He is a 1994 graduate of Clear Lake High School. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Thomas R. Hejlik, son of Sandra R. Hejlik, of Clear Lake, recently received a Letter of Commendation while assigned at Naval Submarine Support Facility New London, Groton, Conn. He is a 1982 graduate of Clear Lake High School.
Clear Lake dentists combined their efforts this fall to benefit local football players in grades nine to 12. The dentists and their staffs donated their talents and resources to make more than 85 mouth guards for the players.
Friday the 13th is supposed to be bad luck, but it depends on which side of the coin you are on. The Ventura Vikings football team turned all the negative energy of the night to positive and showed CWL what it means to have bad luck, The Vikings won the contest, 20-8. Mitch McNulty smashed his way into the end zone twice. Jared Ringus darted 16-yards for a touchdown. Mike Menke led the offensive attach gaining 128-yards on 17 carries. Quarterback Dan Fields was 5/10 passing for 72-yards.
The Clear Lake volleyball team went 1-3 last week as they gear up for Sectional Tournament action this week. The team defeated St. Edmonds on Parent’s Night Wednesday. Heather Liston led the team with 12 kills and Andrea Jennings added 11 kills. Erin Pleggenkuhle racked up 20 assists and Krista Fritz had success on the service line.
The Ventura Lady Likings volleyball team tried to move on in sectional tournament play, but came up a little short. After taking a 2-0 lead with power, Garner-Hayfield roared back and won, 3-2. Ventura finished the season 5-14-5.
50 Years Ago
October 1970
Ground was broken Monday afternoon at the Village site for the first two cottage-couples of Handicap Village. Rev. Murley Severtson, Clear Lake, president of the Village corporation gave one invocation. The site orientation was conducted by Donald Boyer, executive director. The closing prayer was by Rev. Obert Haven, of Osage.
Football Coach Norm Theiss credited the team’s defense in a win against Humboldt, 20-0, ruining the Wildcats Homecoming.
The three girls named as 1970 Homecoming finalists at Clear Lake are Sue Ransom, Cheri Ungs and Marcia Erickson. Other candidates included Connie Garlock, Caroline Opheim, and Mary Ostrander.
Grocery specials at Jensen’s West-Side Market include: canned hams, 3lb. tin, $2.69; Hormel Sliced Bacon, 1 lb., 79¢; Campbell’s Tomato Soup, 10¢; Jensen’s Pure Fresh Creamery Butter, 1 lb., 69¢; and Kleenex Tissues, 4/$1.
75 Years Ago
September 1945
Fifty German prisoners are helping harvest potatoes at the Hayden and Sam Kennedy farms. Each firm has 25 prisoners and one guard. The Clear Lake potato and onion raisers were desperately in need of help. The prisoners were transported from Algona each day.
Mrs. W.C. Carroll was named chairman of the Clear Lake War Chest Drive. Clear Lake’s quota will be $4,000, the same as last year.
There will be a tin can pickup on Sept. 27. Bring your salvaged cans to the back of the city hall before noon.
Sam Kennedy needs 20 more men to help harvest potatoes and onions. He will pay $6 per 10 hour day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eliasen received word that their son-in-law, James H. King, would receive an honorable discharge at San Diego, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Secory will attend the World Series game in Chicago where Ed’s youngest brother, Frank Secory, plays with the Cubs.
100 Years Ago
September 1920
Ed Harding sustained a fractured leg when his team of mules ran away throwing him to the ground.
Manarch Brand Coffee is only 45¢ for a one pound can at Hansen’s Store.
Game Warden Albert and his deputy were in town Monday closing up the purchase for a site for the fish hatchery. Building will begin soon.
Soft coal is selling as high as $21 a ton with a $1 delivery fee.
Ned O’Neill and Harry Conklin will go to Washington D.C. in a few days on business pertaining to the perfection of a new patent, “The Bundy Discovery,” which is due to revolutionize the motor world.
Mrs. A.I. Sondrol, Mrs. J. Sewell Naylor and Mrs. Thorkel Sondrol and children motored Sunday to West Bend to see the grotto that is being erected there.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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