Remember When 10-5-2016
[caption id="attachment_20849" align="alignleft" width="270"] Shane Cooney looked on as Jeff Lester went to work on football teammate Nate Hohn’s head.[/caption]
Lion locks, 1991 - DaVinci had his canvas, Michelangelo had his ceilings and Jeff Lester and Shane Cooney had heads. In 1991, the Clear Lake football players were what you might call modern day artists. Armed with clippers, they transformed heads into works of art. Above pictured (L-R) was Travis Tarr, Troy Rieck, Dan Hansen, Chad Murray and Trinity Benson sporting their new “shaven” looks courtesy of Lester and Cooney.
25 Years Ago
October 1991
Clear Lake police arrested a man early Saturday morning after he allegedly held a broken pop bottle at the neck of an attendant working at the I-35 Standard Station. He then reportedly took more than $350 and fled in a vehicle. The attendant notified the police at 3:31 a.m. Saturday, saying the suspect drove north on Interstate 35. Police made the arrest at 3:36 a.m. at the rest stop one mile north of Clear Lake.
Gov. Terry Branstad will address tourism at the annual Iowa Tourism Conference held in October in Clear Lake. The tourism industry in Iowa continues to break new ground. Iowa received national media exposure with the introduction of riverboat gambling this year.
Some 70 employees of the Clear Lake Unisys plant received offers to transfer with the company to its Roseville, Minn. headquarters.
Minh and Nea Lu, of Clear Lake, along with their infant son, Kevin, are hoping to see Minh’s parents this year. Minh has been trying for 10 years to bring his parents here from Vietnam. Both Minh and Nea escaped from Communist countries as teenagers. Minh is employed by TeamQuest and Nea is a cottage supervisor at Handicap Village.
Marine Cpl. Christopher J. Beard, son of Clarke and Jane Beard, of Clear Lake, recently reported for duty with 3rd Force Service Support Group, Okinawa, Japan. The 1976 graduate of Clear Lake Community High School joined the Marine Corps in June 1987.
Clear Lake Boy Scout Troop 30 presented Brian Madson with Boy Scouts highest honor, The Eagle Scout Award. For his Eagle Scout project he constructed directional signs at Camp Gaywood in Clear Lake. He is pursuing a degree in law enforcement. He is the son of Steve Benson and Luann Hanson.
A family dinner was held to honor Marlys Van Horn on her 75th birthday on Sept. 28 at the Diamond K Restaurant, in Clear Lake.
Number five rated Clear Lake dashed any Homecoming celebrations at Eagle Grove with a 38-0 shutout. The Lions are in the driver’s seat for the North Central Conference title with three NCC games remaining. Joe Sokol led the rushing with 50-yards, Marc Hauge and Mike Andrews each had 36-yards. Mark Moeller ran for 35-yards and Paul Bruns had 30-yards.
Out-manned and put in a hole early, the Ventura football team suffered a rare loss to Dows/CAL. The final score was 42-14. Quarterback Matt Dillavou completed nine of 17 passes for 140-yards.
The Clear Lake volleyball team posted their first win of the season at the Newman Triangular beating Britt, 15-3, 16-14, 18-15. Serving at 100 percent were Jodi Minard, Rhonda Paulus, Jen Keifer, Phanh Lai and Joy Freesemann. Heifer led the team in kills with six.
Rob Doebel led the Clear Lake boys cross country team with an 11th place finish with a time of 19:06. Jennifer Billings led the girls with a seventh place finish in 14:30.
Grocery specials for the week at Fareway include: eggs, dozen, 59¢; Bakeshop Wheat Cottage Bread, 20 oz. loaf, 59¢; Minnesota #1 red or white potatoes, 20 lb. bag, $1.99; Chicken Breast, lb., $1.19; Whole in the bag ribeye, lb., $3.69; and Dubuque Whole Boneless Ham, lb., $1.69.
50 Years Ago
October 1966
It’s official, the census report is back from Washington D.C. and population of Clear Lake is 6,301. The population in Clear Lake has grown 212 percent since 1910.
Plans were received that E.M. Duesenberg Inc. will build a new office building at 306 1st Ave. N. The building known for years as the Rogers Apartment will be razed. E.M. Duesenberg has been a highway contractor since 1928.
The six girls chosen as queen candidates for Homecoming activities are Clear Lake at Glenda Den Hartog, Julie Van Duzer, Jeanne Berge, Amy Schultz, Pam Johnson and Kathy Young.
Gloria Monson, Shirley Gunderson and Julie Baker are Ventura’s Homecoming queen candidates.
Key interceptions against Clear Lake enabled Eagle Grove to go home with their first victory of the 1966 grid campaign, 13-0. Jeff Van Slyke and Denny Amundsen both had interceptions for the Lions. Kirk Nelson and Larry Jacobson had 17 and 15 tackles respectively.
60 Years Ago
October 1956
The congregation of the Clear Lake Methodist Church will attend their first worship service in their new edifice Sunday, Nov. 11, the Rev. W.R. Noland, pastor, announced.
Sale of the Blue Horizon Motel on the north shore of Clear Lake to the Orville Lowe Investment Corp., Des Moines, was announced.
Opening of his practice of dentistry in offices at 404 Main Ave. in the Cerro Gordo Bank building next Monday is Dr. Rae L. Bieber.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Furleigh were married Sept. 22 in a ceremony at the Panora Christian Church. Mrs. Furleigh is the former Donna Vay Burgess. They are residing in Ames, Iowa.
100 Years Ago
September 1916
Silo filling is now occupying the attention of farmers who have silos.
If you want good carp to eat, call on Charlie at the Yellow Front shooting gallery. All sizes, all fresh right from the lake.
Sam Pedelty is doing his fall plowing with a gas tractor.
A team of horses near Dumont were attacked by a swarm of angry bees and were so badly injured that both horses died in a few hours.
For men who prefer night gowns. Brighton’s Carlsbad gowns offer the height of sleeping comfort. They are on display at Hansen and Co.
Even cigars are going up in price. No. 6 is selling for 25 cents,. This was the decision of the Mason City dealers last week.
Mary Pickford will star in “The Eternal Grind,” showing at the Electric on Friday.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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