Remember When 11-11-15
(Above) Veteran’s Day, 1990 - Members of Clear Lake V.F.W. Post No. 4868 stood at attention with Clear Lake High School students and others attending Veteran’s Day services in Clear Lake in 1990. Following the flag ceremony outside, the group went into E.B. Stilton Auditorium for a formal program remembering those who served our country.
25 Years Ago
November 1990
North Iowans had the rare opportunity to shake hands with the Vice President of the United Statesm as Dan Quayle visited Clear Lake. Quayle was in town to help the Tom Tauke campaign. After being greeted at the Mason City Municipal Airport, he attended a breakfast at the Holiday Motor Lodge in Clear Lake and spoke to about 150 people along with Tauke and Sen. Charles Grassley.
Mark Snell, a native of Plymouth, Iowa, has been named as the new director of the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and Clear Lake Business and Industrial Development Corporation.
The Clear Lake Ambulance Service has left Clear Lake, effective Nov. 1. The Clear Lake Ambulance Service opened Sept. 15, 1988 in the former Phillips 66 station located on Highway 18 W., Clear Lake.
Although it may be late 1991 or early 1992 before any public hearings are held about a possible route for the Avenue of the Saints, two preliminary choices have been made by the Iowa Department of Transportation.
George and Edna Klaassen, of Clear Lake, have once again made the annual trip to deliver various good to South Dakota Indians. The Noon Lions provided the one-ton truck for the trip, while other local businesses, clubs, churches and individuals donated gifts for the humanitarian mission. This marked their 20th year of providing the service.
Seven Clear Lake High School students have attained the highest individual honor available to Iowa high school musicians by being selected as a member of the 1990 All-State Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. For the band, Lanae Clinton, Debra Hanson and Christie Bauer were selected. Chorus members include Angela Yeoman, Roxanne Deike, Heath Bauer and Dan Thul.
Allen W. Rannals, a business teacher at Clear Lake High School, received the “Dedicated Service to Business Education Award” from the Iowa Business Education Association at the IBEA Convention held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Former Clear Lake High School standout, Steph Anderson, is a leader on the Waldorf volleyball team.
Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s Super Valu include: Coke and Sprite, 8-pack, 16 oz. bottles, $1.79; Old Style Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $3.29; Pampers Ultra Diapers, 28 ct. to 64 ct., $8.59; Banquet Dinners, 9 oz., 89¢; boneless ham, lb., $1.89; and pork steak, lb., $1.49.
50 Years
November 1965
Clear Lake’s municipal election Tuesday is expected to attract a better-than-average turnout to the polls, as 11 candidates seek seven offices.
A spectacular fire destroyed a large barn and approximately 4,000 bales of hay at the Clarence Bast farm Tuesday night. Nine fire trucks from Ventura, Clear Lake, Garner, Meservey and Thornton were called to the blaze, but by the time firemen arrived the barn was a blazing inferno. Nearby buildings were soaked to prevent flames from spreading. A hog house, south of the main barn and an undetermined number of pigs were also destroyed along with some machinery.
One hundred and seventy five children participated in the Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsored Halloween parade Saturday. Prizes were awarded for best costumes.
60 Years Ago
November 1955
The “Grand Opening” of Clark’s Sports and Hobby Shop in their new quarters at 312 Main Ave. will be held Saturday, Nov. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Clark have completed the redecoration and arrangement of their new shop after moving from their former location at 2 N. Fourth St. Their new location was the former A&P Store.
Clayton Lincicum, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Lincicum, has enlisted in the Marine Corps. and was sent to San Diego, Calif. He graduated last June from Clear Lake High School.
Dr. and Mrs. A.A. Roslyn returned from a month long trip by air to the Hawaiian Islands. The doctor attended the American Dental Association meeting at San Francisco, and the Pan Pacific Dental Conference at Honolulu.
85 Years Ago
November 1930
Harold Crane, attache of the First National Bank, was accidentally shot in the right hand Sunday while out duck hunting in a boat on the lake.
T.E. Sondrol, Sam Kennedy, Wm. McGowan, and Dr. A.B. Phillips are leaving for Northern Minnesota where they will hunt big game. Their Clear Lake friends are anticipating venison dinners and bear roasts upon their return.
Prices on the new Chevrolets now on display at the Wells Auto Co. are: sport coupe, $575; coach, $545; standard sedan, $635; special sedan, $650.
While cranking his car one day last week, Thomas Stork had the misfortune to break his right arm just above the wrist.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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