Remember When 11-11-2020

(Above) Ventura Play, 1995 - Ventura High School students presented Cole Porter’s popular, “Anything Goes,” in the high school gymnasium in 1995.  The 1930s musical took place on an ocean liner bound for England.  The show was filled with mistaken identities, laughter, music and dancing.  Cast members included front row (L-R):  Andrea Bauer as Mrs. Harcourt; Tiffany Ward and Jesse Hyde as the star crossed Hope Harcourt and Billy Crocker.  Back (L-R): Johan Neuberger, as Sir Evelyn; Jen Rockow, as famed evangelist Reno Sweeney; Dan Fields, as Moonface Martin, and Jami Sonney, as Bonnie.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

November 1995

Fabian, The Crickets, The Crystals, The Diamonds and Jason D. Williams will perform at the Surf Ballroom’s Buddy Holly Tribute ’96 Winter Dance Party, it was announced.

Newcomer Ben Furleigh easily outdistanced former mayor and Councilman Carl Hankenson for the at-large seat on the Clear Lake City Council.  In Ventura, two incumbents held their positions on the Council, while another was defeated by former Ventura Mayor Bob Wolfram.  Incumbents Darwin Avery and Norman Held won two of the seats, while Wolfram, who campaigned as a write-in choice, was also voted in.  Frank Rayhons and Bob Formanek were also in the race.

Clear Lake Rotary Club’s Citizen of the Year was Jim Ransom,

Sixth graders in Mrs. Fritz’s class at Central School recently helped to raise funds for April Barnett, a CLHS student who underwent brain surgery last month.  As a community service project, the students conducted a penny drive and collected $269.35.

The majority of Clear Lake froze over this past weekend.  This year represents an early freeze, according to officials at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.  This year’s freeze is about two weeks earlier than the average ice over date.  The earliest date ever recorded occurred on Nov. 4, 1991 and the latest date on record was Dec. 15, 1987.

Clubs announcing their news on the Social page include: Lakes Ambitious Feeders, Moms In Touch, Rural Lakettes Club, Paf-Ways Computer Users Group, V.F.W. Auxiliary, Delta Zeta of Beta Sigma Phi, Clear Lake Friendly Garden Club, Men’s Garden Club, and Stepping Forward.

John R. Kennedy, 18, and Michael J. Burgart, 16, both of Clear Lake, have each earned the rank of Eagle, the highest advancement award the Boy Scouts of America offers to Scouts.  J.R. is the son of Bill and Susan Kennedy and Michael is the son of David and Jeanne Burgart.

VFW Post 4868, Clear Lake, was awarded the Golden Anniversary Citation.  The Post will be 50-years old on Nov. 20, 1995.

The 1995 All-District Football Selection for Class 3A District 3 have been released.  Clear Lake garnered six First Team All-District selections.  Earning First Team honors were J.J. Sanchez, David Doebel, Tom Rauk, Casey West, Jon Murray and Justin Washburn.

Sara Hinrichs, Ventura, and Alexa Russell, Clear Lake, are members of the North Iowa Area Community College Lady Trojan Volleyball Team.

The Sandbar Restaurant and Lounge, located at 211 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, offers weekly specials for $5.50.  Specials include chicken and noodles, pork chops with potatoes and gravy, chili with a cheese sandwich and pan fried chicken with potatoes and gravy and a vegetable.

50 Years Ago

October 1970

In Cerro Gordo county, traditionally a Republican stronghold, two Democrats won out in Tuesday’s election.  They were Ken Scott, Thornton and Howard Oehlert, Clear Lake. Scott was running for State Representative, while Oehlert won the County Supervisor spot. On the state level, Gov. Ray won a close race be defeating gubernatorial hopeful Robert Fulton.

It has been officially announced by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ritter that they have now ceased operations of the Lake Rest Nursing Home, located at 10th St. and 2nd Ave. N.  Nineteen residents have been moved to Ritter’s Oakwood Manor.  Oakwood Manor is now filled to capacity with 89 residents.

Bill Larson, Lowell Grimm and Tom Joslyn have been chosen as captains of next year’s Clear Lake Lions Football team.

Specials for the week at Gibson’s, Highway 18, include: boys crew neck sweatshirts, $1.47; cookie sheets, 57¢; bath and kitchen mats, 47¢; full length door mirror, $3.77; ladies nylon hose, 4/$1; and giant snow scraper, 9¢.

75 Years Ago

October 1945

The Mason City and Clear Lake railroad removed the trolley wires from west Main St.

We are downright ashamed here in Clear Lake that many returning servicemen are returning home and are unable to find living quarters in Clear Lake.

PFC Stanley H. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson, arrived home after receiving an honorable discharge at Ft. Logan, Denver, Colo.  he saw combat in Guadalcanal, Soloman Islands and on Luzon.

Football scores so far this year are: Clear Lake 19, Eagle Grove 0; Clear Lake 32, Garner, 0; Clear Lake 14, Clarion 12; Clear Lake 19, Iowa Falls 0; Clear Lake 19, Humboldt 6; Clear Lake 19, Algona, 13.

Donna Sue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bisgrove, came home Friday from Iowa City, where she has been taking treatments for polio.  She is much improved, but must keep very quiet.

100 Years Ago

October 1920

George P. Petersen, former head of the Clear Lake Boat and Amusement Co., has been selected to head the Clear Lake Park Co., the new $150,000 corporation which owns and operates Bayside Amusement Park, the boat lines and the White Pier.

The Verne Petersen and Sherm Hanna families have been released from quarantine.

Little Florence Anderson was painfully injured Monday night when she tripped and fell on the cement sidewalk while playing.  The force of the fall was so great as to render her unconscious.  First aid was administered and a physician called.

LOST: a large meat saw, between Bieber Bros. Meat Market and Boyd Bros. slaughter house.

Culver and Rich shipped a carload of cabbage to Kansas City.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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