Remember When 11-18-2020
(Above Left) CLHS hoopsters, 1970 - Jim Ahrens was the new head boys basketball coach in 1970. He had four returning lettermen on the squad (L-R); Tom Dillavou, Eric Thomsen, Mike Chaney and Bill Wistey. All were seniors.
(Above Right) CLHS wrestlers, 1970 - The Clear Lake wrestling team had 12 returning letter winners for the 1970-71 season, Front row (L-R): Mike Schwichtenberg, Joel McChesney, Louie Schuler, Paul Joslyn. Middle row (L-R): Jack Prestholt, Hal Hackbarth, Tim Frampton, Lowell Grimm, Mike Madson. Back row (L-R): Bruce Reid, Coach Klaudt, and Dick Ericksen.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago • November 1995
Clear Lake High School looks to become the newest member of North Iowa Area Community College’s branch campus. The School Board heard a presentation from NIACC officials seeking permission to renovate current CLHS automotive and shop facilities to provide for a new “Tech Prep” program by the fall of 1996. The board granted unanimous approval to the request, paving the way for NIACC to secure agreements with 10 other school districts to participate in the Clear Lake based automotive Tech Prep program.
Cole Sewall, a Clear Lake storm door manufacturer has established a “School to Work Program,” providing jobs and learning opportunities to Clear Lake and Ventura High School juniors and seniors.
The Clear Lake City Council approved an offer from Lakeland Park Inc. agreeing in principle to the expansion of the Sea Wall.
A ribbon cutting was held at the Clear Lake Junior High for the opening of the New Educational Systems Technologies (NEST) program. The project provides an opportunity for students to conduct hands-on problem solving at various community sites. They then return to this special technology area at the school to transform their raw data.
Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Thomas R. Hejlik, son of Sandra R. Hejlik, Clear Lake, recently received a Letter of Commendation while assigned at Naval Submarine Support Facility New London, Groton, Conn. Hejlik is a 1982 graduate of CLHS.
The Best Western Holiday Lodge has announced plans for the addition of a Bennigan’s Restaurant to its facility.
Tailgaters, a sports store and more, is now open at 419 Main Ave., Clear Lake. Owners are Craig and Carol Nuehring. Tailgaters features sports equipment, collector’s items and trading cards, as well as, candy pop, juice and other refreshments. A unique aspect of the business is a carpeted bleacher section in the store which provides perfect seats for watching the big screen television with satellite feed.
Matt Freesman, a graduate of Clear Lake High School, will be leading the Wartburg College men’s basketball team into the 1995-96 season. Freesman will be the starting center after leading the Knights in scoring last year with a 19.9 point average.
Grocery specials for the week at Easter Foods include: Our Family Flour, 5 lb. bag, 75¢; Miller High Life Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $3.99; Purina Dog Chow, 25 lb. bag, $6.99; Pringles Potato Chips, 4/$5; Dr Pepper, A&W Rootbeer and 7-Up, 2 liter bottle, 88¢; boneless ham, 5 lb., $6.59; Little Smokies, lb., $1.99.
50 Years Ago • November 1970
A large group of neighbors gathered at the Fred Bram farm, north of Ventura, and picked 100 acres of corn for Bram. Bram lost an eye several weeks ago in an elevator accident. About 42 men equipped with four combines, 12 corn pickers, four elevators and a number of wagons and trucks picked 10,000 bushels of corn.
Joe Lambert, Junior High School Principal, got in a stroke of end-of-season fishing luck when he hooked a muskie near the Island. The fish weighed 11 lbs., 2 oz. and measured 36”. Lambert returned the catch to the lake to spend a cold winter under the ice.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is, “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World,” starring Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Buddy Hackett and Ethel Merman.
75 Years Ago • October 1945
A good, old-fashioned street auction with everything from salt shakers to livestock will be held on the Knutson property across from the new post office Nov. 10. The American Legion Auxiliary is holding the auction for the benefit of the Servicemen’s Memorial Building.
Mildred Baker, kindergarten teacher at the Lincoln School is teaching safety rules to her pupils as a result of heavy traffic near the school since gas rationing went off.
The Victory Bond Booth is in operation again in the lobby of the Lake Theatre. The Navy Mothers are in charge.
Bob Heston lost his cafe Wednesday. The little building next to Burns Bros. D-X Store was moved to the north side of town. Ralph Dodd bought it and will make a home out of it.
100 Years Ago • October 1920
The people in this community owe the Etzel Drug Co. a vote of thanks for the opportunity of hearing such a splendid concert when Maybelle Wagner Shank, the celebrated soprano, appeared in a recital at the Congregational Church, celebrating the new Edison. Time and again Mme. Shank sang in unison with this wonderful instrument without fear of detection.
L. Grell, Ventura, has a new Victrola in his home on approval.
A Rotary Club has been organized in Clear lake. It is unusual for a town the size of Clear Lake to have a Rotary Club and it was only through the earnest and zealous efforts of Thorkel Sondrol and C.A. Knutson that it was accomplished.
For 50¢ you can have a good meal at the Congregational Church. The menu will be mashed potatoes, chicken, rutabagas, beet relish, rolls, brown bread, cherry pie and coffee.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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