Remember When 11-23-2016
(Above) Xi Theta Kappa, 1991 - Xi Theta Kappa, an Exemplar Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, was newly formed in 1991. Beta Sigma Phi is an international organization with seven chapters of varying degrees and approximately 125 members in Clear Lake. Xi Theta Kappa’s founding members are front row (L-R): Diana Symonds, Leslie Law, Jeannie Wahl, Ann Weeks and Kim Kuhlers. Row two (L-R): Judy Demro and Linda Ott; third row (L-R): Jan Johnson, President Vona Miller, Tracy Peterson, Nancy Whaley, Marsha Bezely and Sue Finnegan. Back row (L-R): Michelle Watson, JoAnn Nicholas, Audrey Peterson, Bonnye Ryan and Rhonda Mann.
25 Years Ago
November 1991
A group of interested tourism minded leaders met to discuss ways of drawing attention and tourists to the Trolley Park area. The group has decided to propose a “route” be designated. As a designated route, the group would like to see signage placed on existing poles. No official name has been chosen for the route, however, “Trolley Parkway” was been suggested.
Thomas A. Lincoln was honored by city officials, the business community and friends at the Clear Lake Rotary Club’s “1991 Citizen of the Year” luncheon at the Diamond K Restaurant. Lincoln has been an employee of the City of Clear Lake since 1978, and city administrator since 1984.
Clear Lake Fire Department and State Fire Marshall’s office are investigating the cause of a fire that leveled a recently abandoned rural house north of Clear Lake. A thick fog prevented fire embers from setting fire to the nearby fields, but made travel to the scene difficult.
The Clear Lake Church of Christ will begin holding services in a new building in the Fieldstone Addition (one block west of Taco John’s) on Nov. 24. The church has been meeting in the Clear Lake Junior High School since January.
On Sunday, Nov. 24, the Clear Lake Baptist Church will be celebrating their first 30 years in ministry.
The Ventura Community School System and North Iowa Area Community College have announced the appointment of Gina Rayhons as the Community Education coordinator for the Ventura program.
The Sweat Shoppe, a Clear Lake T-shirt shop, recently opened in the Southbridge Mall in Mason City. Specializing in fashion sweatshirts for the entire family, the new store is located between the Athletic Fitters and Cookies, Etc. in the mall.
The Boy Scout food drive for the Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank was held Saturday. Scouts participating in the collection of food items were Cub Pack 103 - Den 4, Troop 30, and Troop 75. The 972 cans of food collected were up approximately 200 cans from last year. This is the fifth year the food drive has been held.
Two Ventura volleyball players were named North Star All-Conference for the 1991 season. Senior Jennifer Fey was selected to the First Team. Junior Jody Luscomb received Honorable Mention.
The Ventura Vikings football team capped off their 1991 season with six players gaining spots on the North Star All-Conference team. Quarterback Matt Dillavou and end Matt Halverson were named to the First Team Offense. Lineman Jamie Waddingham and linebacker Doug Grell made the defensive First Team. Offensive lineman Travis Trca and Chad Younge received Honorable Mention.
The Little Guy Wrestling Program and Clear Lake will begin Monday, Nov. 25, for any student in grades three to six.
Grocery specials for the week at Fareway Stores include: Fastco Grade A Turkeys, lb., 48¢; Cool Whip Topping, 8 oz., 79¢; Libby’s Pumpkin, can, 59¢; grade A large eggs, doz., 59¢; Bartlett Pears, lb., 59¢; Louisiana Yams, 3 lbs., $1; and Ocean Spray Cranberries, 79¢.
50 Years Ago
November 1966
The Clear Lake City Council reiterated its position on parking meters on two blocks of Main Ave., but refused to eliminate meters from adjoining streets. The council pointed out that if all meters were removed, an enforcement problem would continue and that no revenue would be available to pay the salary of a meter maid. The meter maid’s salary is $200 per month and is derived entirely from meter revenue.
A free drawing for a 23-inch color television set and a community-wide selection of a “Miss Merry Christmas” will be the major highlights of the 1966 Christmas shopping season which opens Friday. Candidates for Miss Merry Christmas are Vicki Gratitude, Kathy Young, Julie Zirbel and Darlene Baker. The girls are all high school seniors.
Wrestling cheerleaders for the 1966-67 season include Sue Atkinson, Mary Thomas, Amy Schuylts, Jeanie Berge, Cheryl Cookman and Julie Van Duzer.
Clear Lake was the 73-54 victors over Belmond in the basketball season opener. The Lions were led by Ken Grabinski with 23-points.
75 Years Ago
November 1941
Law enforcing officers were busy over the weekend. Justice was dispensed to 16. Some carried assembled guns, some had hen pheasants, and some excess male birds. Three went to jail, others were fined $25 and costs.
N.B. Rice is able to resume his work at the electric shop after being laid up for several days because of injuries received when his car went into a ditch. The side door came open while he and his wife were riding. He attempted to close it before she fell out. In doing so he lost control of the steering wheel and the car went into the ditch. Mrs. Rice suffered shock.
Four Clear Lake boys received the rank of Eagle Scout: Thomas Nelson, Bill Irons, Donald Thompson and Donald Lomen.
100 Years Ago
November 1916
E.N. Renz has some dandy bargains: mens woolen hose, 50¢; children’s rubbers, 35¢; shoe soles, all sizes, 50¢; child’s red chairs, 25¢; red rockers, 50¢; shoe nails, 2 pkgs., 5¢.
Garner lost to Clear Lake in a basketball contest Friday night, 25-24.
Sam Kennedy has purchased C.F. Crane’s 45 acres of land lying east and southeast of the stockyards for $333.33 per acre. This is exceptionally choice land all within the city limits.
The Brick and Tile strike was called off without any concessions being made by either side.
The Steward interest in the dray line has been purchased by John Chizek. Choate and Chizek will make a strong firm as they have been associated so long in the railroad offices.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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