Remember When 11-25-2020
(Above) Lakeaires, 1970 - In 1970, members of the “Lakeaires”, the CLHS pop group, were practicing for a performance. Members included: Carolin Opheim, Wanda Juhl, Marilyn Sears, Karen Klongerbo, Kay Nickerson, Dawne Starkey, Martha Johnson, Connie Garlock, Nancy Lambert, Cheri Ungs, Cindy Walls, Deanna Eichmann, Tom Ferguson, Tom Joslyn, Fred Petersen, Tom Lovell, Steve Erickson, Ed Wood, Louis Schuler, Randy Starkey, Mark Severtson and Joe Lambert.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
November 1996
Clear Lake police have charged two men with possession of methamphetamine with intent to deliver.
A plan by Clear Lake School officials to improve the Lion’s Field press box not only snowballed, it avalanched to the extent of costing the district more than $32,000. Project costs exceeded what was projected. Another Lion’s Field improvement project is being funded by the Clear Lake Booster Club, Noon Lions and local businesses. A new 16 by 40-foot building is being constructed at the baseball field. A considerable amount of fencing at the baseball field is also being done in conjunction with the new building.
Navy Petty Officer 2nd class David M. Stumme, of Clear Lake, has returned to Lemoore, Calif., after completing a six-month overseas deployment with Strike Fighter Squadron 94. He embarked aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, which traveled out in the Persian Golf near Iraq. Stumme is a 1980 graduate of Clear Lake High School.
Clear Lake V.F.W. Post 4868 was recently honored with the presentation of a 50-year anniversary certificate.
Clear Lake graduate Marty Fredericks has received First Team All-Iowa Conference honors for his football play at Wartburg College.
The Clear Lake girls gave it a shot, but Fort Dodge-St. Edmond was just too tall as the Lions lost their season opener, 73-48, on Saturday. Krista Fritz led the Lions in scoring with 15 points. Lani Grabinski and Rachael Handeland had eight and seven points respectively.
Christine Prohaska and Amber Wass, Clear Lake High School cheerleaders, will be part of the NCA Performance Team, which will perform in the pre-game festivities of the Outback Bowl on New Year’s Day in Tampa, Fla. Prohaska and Wass qualified during summer camp attendance.
The Clear Lake wrestling team may be young, with only five seniors returning, but they will not be short in the win column, with many talented wrestlers on the team. The team returns two State qualifiers in David Doebel and Andy Thompson. Doebel was 30-3 last year and lost the State title by one point to finish as runner-up. Thompson qualified last year as a freshman. He finished the season with 31 wins and a fourth place finish at the State meet.
Bobby Layne and his Orchestra will be playing at the Surf Ballroom on Dec. 31, from 9 p.m.-12:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person and includes a breakfast buffet, complimentary champagne, party favors and special effects.
Holly Walston, 18, daughter of Roger and Lee Walston, Clear Lake, received a trip to Tough Issues ’95: A 4-H Congress. Walston was one of 20 delegates to attend the congress in Memphis, Tenn.
50 Years Ago
November 1970
Principal Grace Anderson wrote an article on the needs of today’s educational program and how changes are inevitable. She pointed out how Lincoln School was built in 1926 with a small addition in 1952. She wonders what the future holds for that building.
Ties and suit jackets were the dress code for a hungry group of young men. Members of CLHS’s football squad were honored at a parents-football players banquet at Witke’s. About 250 people attended. Coach Norm Theiss recapped the past season. A group of fathers and various Quarterback Club members footed the bill for the food.
Specials for the week at Gibson Discount Center include: foam tablecloth, $1.57; nutcracker and 3 nutpick set, 57¢; women’s molded vinyl boots, $4.97; Polaroid Film, type 107, $1.97, battery booster cables, $1.77; and Aqua Net Hair Spray, 37¢.
Verna’s Shoppe, will hold its Grand Opening on Thursday, Nov. 19, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. New merchandise is arriving daily. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson are the new owners. The business is located across from the Surf parking lot.
65 Years Ago
November 1955
Christmas street decorations for Clear Lake were strung up today by the Chamber of Commerce workers in preparation for the unveiling of Christmas windows by stores next Monday.
Fuller Bailey will carry the mail for rural route No. 3, out of Clear Lake, for the last time. He will retire after 35 years of service as a rural mail carrier.
Carol Anderson, manager of the Surf Ballroom, has announced that the Teen Agers New Year’s Dance will be Dec. 28, with Jules Herman and his Orchestra furnishing the music. Hats, balloons, horns and noise makers will be furnished.
Gary Pattschull, of 1901 North Shore Dr., Clear Lake, has been promoted to cadet airman second class in the Grinnell College Air Force ROTC detachment.
100 Years Ago
November 1920
Tho the weather may be cold and stormy, you will find a warm and hearty welcome at the Daker school on Nov. 19. There will be a basket social and program. Ladies are to bring baskets.
Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins have closed their restaurant across from the park, at least for the present.
Douglas Fairbanks stars in “The Mollycoddle,” playing at the Electric Theatre. Children pay 15¢ and adults are 35¢.
Guy Thomas received painful injuries from falling a distance of 10 ft. to the ground after missing his footing in coming from one building to the other. He received severe injures being unable to move his body without great pain.
Louise Jacobson and Beatrice Miller had the fortune to attend the Iowa vs. Minnesota football game held in Iowa City.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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