Remember When 11-27-2019
(Above) Elementary helpers from 1994 - Students at Lincoln and Sunset schools collected non-perishable food items for the Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank in 1994. The goal of the 460 students at the two schools was to collect 500 food items. The student council leading the project include front row (L-R): third graders Barney Toresdahl, Robbie Williams and Cale Lang. Center (L-R): second graders Kelly Kjellsen, Stephanie Lindquist and Amelia Ewers. Back (L-R): teacher Dana Sorensen, first graders Jacob Harthan, Kim McMartin, Zach Klein and Principal Mike Barkley.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
November 1994
Clear Lake and Ventura School officials have been addressing the new federal Gun-Free Schools Act at recent board meetings. The act required local school districts across the country to implement “a policy requiring the expulsion from school for a period of not less than one year of any student who is determined to have brought a weapon to school…except that such a policy may allow the chief administering officer of the agency to modify such expulsion requirement for a student of a case-by-case basis.”
Teamwork foiled a robbery at Clear Lake’s Coast to Coast Store. Marianne Griswold says she was so angry at seeing a thief with a handful of her money she could only think of one thing to do - grab him by the collar and snatch it back. The Coast to Coast Store owner said that after the incident she realized that confronting the criminal was probably not the best action to take, but nonetheless, it yielded results. Griswold, helped by employees April Templeton and Trinity Benson, caught the bandit and had him jailed. Templeton alerted Griswold that two men entered the store and looked suspicious as they headed back to the office. Griswold headed to the office and told Benson to follow her. When she entered, she found two men going through the drawers of the desk with money in hand. They tried to run, but Benson was able to put him in a armlock and detained him until police arrived.
Bertram Cooper and Co. has released an audit report on the Clear Lake Community School District. Bertram Cooper and Co. reported that the district’s general fund receipts totaled $8,811,524 for the year ended June 30, 1994, and an eight percent increase from 1993. General fund disbursement for the year totaled $8,322,945 a four percent increase from the prior year.
TTT Chapter Iowa AQ will mark its golden anniversary with a special Christmas Tea at the home of Marilee Skinner. The event is a tribute to the 50th anniversary of Chapter AQ, which was installed on Dec. 7, 1944 at the former Hanford Hotel, in Mason City, with 25 charter members. A special program highlighting the past 50 years will be held.
The Christian Women’s Club brunch will be held Tuesday at Diamond K’s. Kayla Myers, of Lake Coffee House and Cottage Treasures, will present a program on fresh greens arrangements. Students from Sonshine Center Preschool will provide music.
Several Clear Lake Youth Wrestlers brought home championships Nov. 19, from Nashua. Winning titles were Mike Piper, Nick Weber, Tim Molencamp, Mike Billings, Matt Doebel, Ryan Molencamp and Cory Nichols. Dustin DenHartog and Blake Fischer participated in a tournament at Graettinger with equal success.
For the second straight season, the Ventura boys basketball team will have a new coach. The Vikings were 9-12 and 3-5 in the North Star Conference under Chris Yaw in 1993-94. Mark Bouwman takes over this year after graduating from the University of South Dakota.
The Ventura girls basketball team proved last year that whether the game is six-on-six or five-on-five, the Lady Vikings can play roundball. Ventura posted a 19-4 record, advancing to the regional semifinals before losing to State qualifier Armstrong-Ringstead in their first season of full-court basketball. The Lady Vikings lost just one starter to graduation. Coach Steve Sandvig is hoping the team is even more successful this season.
The Clear Lake boys basketball team will be led by seniors Jon Kollman, Mark Ebeling, Scott Suntken and Jason Nyhus. The Lions struggled last season, with just one senior on the team.
50 Years Ago
November 1969
As of last week, about 30 percent of the corn crop was picked in Cerro Gordo County, which is behind from last year, which was also a late year. Farmers are concerned about the high moisture content of the corn, which is running at about 30 percent. Farmers are encouraged, however, with good yields running about 125 to 150 bushels an acre. Beans are almost all combined in this area about 85 percent are in.
The Holiday Motor Lodge has received bids for an eight-unit addition and enclosure of its swimming pool.
A Clear Lake serviceman has been awarded three medals for meritorious service in Vietnam this summer. He is Sgt. Dennis McVicker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay McVicker, rural Clear Lake.
The Ventura High School presented, “The Wizard of Oz.” Dorothy was played by Sherri Ollenburg, she did an outstanding portrayal of the little girl with the magic slippers. Her supporting cast included David Pueggel as the Scarecrow; Tom Trimble as the Tin Man; and Allan Nickerson as the Lion. Bonnie Larson played the wicked witch and Jill Anderson played Glinda the Good Witch.
75 Years Ago
September 1944
Tom Burns has again taken over the D-X station on Main St., following medical discharge from the army.
Mrs. Freda Ingersoll has rented the building formerly occupied by the Hovelson Repair Shop and plans to open a flower shop Dec. 1.
Clear Lake dairies are now charging 12¢ a quart for milk.
Clear Lake lost to Webster City Friday night, 39-6 in a North Iowa Conference game. Dean Moffett made a touchdown when Don Tarr made a 30-foot pass to him.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy have received word that their son, Jack, has been sent overseas.
Larry Secory, Seaman 2/c, arrived Wednesday for a nine day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Secory.
Pvtg. Don O’Neill came Friday and is on delayed orders enroute to Camp Reynolds, Pa. He will visit his wife and son, and mother, Agnes O’Neill, Los Angeles, Calif.
90 Years Ago
November 1929
Saturday morning at about 6:15 fire started in the Coffee Shop, next door west of Page and Crane’s Lumber yard. Above the oil stove was a shelf with shelf paper upon it. When the blaze from the stove shot upward, the shelf paper caught fire and the fire rapidly spread to all parts of the building.
We now have no regular day policeman on duty. Many of our businessmen think this is poor economy on the part of the city, and hope that in the near future a day man will be put on.
Ralph E. Hofer has decided to quit farming, hence will have an auction sale. It will be a real closing out sale.
W.E. Davis and Frank Swanson and their families, of Fort Dodge, have moved here and have located in the Mrs. Frank Pierce house. These two gentlemen are selling cooking utensils.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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