Remember When 11-6-2019
(Above) Can’t you hear those Lion (fans) roar? - Clear Lake might not have ranked number one in Iowa football polls in 1969, but that’s only a matter of opinion, as the Lions boasted the most loyal student following in the state. Pictured is a throng of CLHS students lining the track at Lions Field to cheer their heroes on to a touchdown against Webster City.
By Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
November 1994
Proposed changes to the All-Veteran’s Social Center charter may draw fire from some veterans. The All-Vet’s board is scheduled to discuss a number of changes to the charter which some members say shouldn’t be made without more input from veterans. Among the proposed changes is giving the board authority to buy, sell or lease the property. Under the current charter, the property may not be mortgaged or sold.
On the heels of a summer filled with violence across the nation and state, Clear Lake residents strongly believe capital punishment should be reinstated and the juvenile justice system should be changed. One hundred fifteen Clear Lake residents were surveyed during the week of Oct. 24 by CLHS students from Beth Ann Schumacher’s sociology class. The students conducted a random sample survey after compiling close-ended questions on a variety of topics. According to the poll, 83 percent of the people in Clear Lake feel that capital punishment should be reinstated in the State of Iowa for Class A felonies. The students discovered that 75 percent of the people believed that juveniles accused of a serious felony should be tried as adults, and if convicted, they should serve time in an adult correctional facility.
The Clear Lake City Council will likely decide if it will vacate an alley to make way for the Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company to expand.
The Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce has announced that Bobby Vee and the Ricochettes have joined the entertainment line-up for the “Buddy Holly Tribute- Winter Dance Party ’95” at the Surf Ballroom on Feb. 4. Previously the Chamber named the Shirelles as part of the tribute line-up.
Bob Artley, award winning editorial cartoonist and author, was at the Cheshire Cat Bookstore to sign autographs of his latest book.
Robyn Rae Burns and David Lee Davidson, both of Clear Lake, were married Aug. 6, 1994, at Zion Lutheran Church.
Dr. Robert Gross, of Clear Lake, was elected to serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors of North Iowa Area Community College.
Living in America for a year is a dream come true for many teens hoping to become exchange students. This year, Clear Lake High School is making that dream a reality for five foreign exchange students. The experience proves to be a good learning experience for both exchange students and students at CLHS. Foreign exchange students in Clear Lake this school year are Francis Weigl, Hungary; Dian Pertiwi, Indonesia; Maylet Zertuche, Mexico; Zsuzsa Karpati, Hungary; and Krystof Kubes, Czech Republic. Host families include Emma and Joe Ibarra, Greg and Julie Nicholas, Gary and Betty Burkhalter, Kim and Jenny Doughty and Morad and Barb Rahmani.
Four Ventura volleyball players earned All-North Star Conference honors this past season. Sarah Hinrichs, Amanda Halverson, Erin Watson and Abby Ringus were recognized for their outstanding play on the volleyball court this season.
The Clear Lake volleyball team capped off its most successful season in years with four selections to the All-North Central Conference team. The Lions tied for fifth in the league at 4-5 and closed the year with a 12-14 record. Erin Grell and Alexa Russell each were named to the Second Team. Honorable mention recognition went to Brooke Fischer and Amy Spencer.
Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s Super Valu include: Betty Crocker Pop Secret Popcorn, 9-10.5 oz., $1.59; Milwaukee’s Best Beer, 12 pack, 12 oz. cans, $3.49; Keebler Fudge Shoppe Cookies or Snack Crackers, 7-8 oz., 2/$2; Charmin Bath Tissue, 4 roll pkg., 88¢; Jack’s Natural Rising pizza, 12”. 2/$6; Hormel Black Label Bacon, lb., $1.59; Our Family Turkeys, lb., 79¢.; and Michigan Jonathan Apples, bag, $2.99.
50 Years Ago
October 1969
Residents of Clear Lake will go to the polls Nov. 4 to vote for a mayor, four councilmen and park commissioner. Mayor Floyd (Nibbs) Nesbit, incumbent, is seeking re-election to a second term. His opponent is Dale C. Pattschull. Ransford Lane is running for the Ward I seat against Harold Ver Steegh, incumbent. Paul Bruns will oppose Lawrence Secory for the Ward II position. Burt Dowden is unopposed for the Ward III post to be vacated by Warren Jacobson.
The Clear Lake football team fell to Webster City Friday night, 27-18, but still share the conference lead with Webster City. The so-called “Lynx Jinx” continues for the Lions. Not since 1954 have the Lions beaten Webster City. Clear Lake was led by Tom Lewis with 93-yards and Mike Byington with 81-yards on the ground.
A couple of Clear Lake businesses will take up new quarters. Clear Lake Federal Savings and Loan moved to its new headquarters, 17 S. 4th St. Dr. Rae Bieber expects to move into his new office at 102 N. 5th St. on Dec. 1. Sid Thompson will move his insurance office to an addition to the office of Dr. Tom Joslyn, 108 S. 4th St.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is “Prehistoric Women,” plus Joan Fontaine in “The Devil’s Own.”
65 Years Ago
October 1964
Roger Claesgens, Caryl Olson and Allan Yeager, Clear Lake High School students, were named to the All-State High school Band. They will perform in November at the KRNT Theatre in Des Moines.
William “Bill” Daly, who entered the Mercy Hospital Thursday afternoon after being run over by a tractor, was expected to be released from the hospital the early part of the week.
Jim Rock, Clear Lake salesman for the Anheuser-Busch Co., was in satisfactory condition in the Estherville Hospital after he received serious chest injuries Tuesday evening in a two-car collision on Highway 9 at the east edge of Estherville.
90 Years Ago
October 1929
Friday night shortly after midnight some one broke and entered the rear window of Wells’ Garage, and stole George Etzel’s new Ford Cabriolet two passenger auto.
Art Hammond has begun work with the Peoples Gas and Electric Co., in charge of the radio sales and service. He is an expert along the radio line.
F.C. DeBruyn, who for two or three years operated a filling station here on North Second Street, then last year moved to Mason City. He learned the grass is not always greener on the side and has returned and is renting Ernest Andersen’s Main Street Garage.
A local woman was found unconscious in the bathroom last Friday, overcome by gas fumes. However, the next day she felt well. It was a narrow escape.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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