Remember When 11-9-2016

(Above) CLHS school play, 1991Clear Lake High School performed the musical, “Annie,” in 1991.  Pictured above is Miss Hannigan, played by Kara Foehrkolb, doing her best to keep the orphans in line.  Playing the orphans are front (L-R): Jaime Copley, Jill Amundsen and Kari Petersen.  Back (L-R0: Heather Wass, Jessica Thul, Holly Walston and Kendra Prunty.

25 Years Ago

November 1991

The City of Clear Lake will begin to recover from a large ice storm that hit the area Halloween night.  Most of Clear Lake lost power Thursday night.  By Monday morning, power had been restored to Clear Lake with the exception of some small pockets. Interstate Power crews had been working around the clock immediately following the storm. While everyone in Clear Lake was thinking about having no electricity, city officials were scrambling to make sure that residents would have water.  A generator arrived in Clear Lake from Minnesota just in time to be put to use.  The city rented the generator for one week.

Maria Holly, widow of the famed singer Buddy Holly, has given permission to Surf Ballroom managers Bruce and Sue Christensen to use the Holly name in connection with the annual February tribute.  The 1991 event will be called Buddy Holly Tribute ’92 - 35th Anniversary of “That’ll Be The Day.”

Spencer flexed its number one muscles against Clear Lake in the first round of the Class 3A football playoff game.  The Tigers proved themselves in a 34-0 taming of the Clear Lake Lions.  The Lions were successful in shutting down the passing game of the Tigers.  Spencer gained just six-yards passing.  Although the Lions were unable to score, the game was not without its highlights.  Both J.D. Miller and Nate Hohn recovered Spencer fumbles and Jeff Lester intercepted a Tiger pass.  Clear Lake quarterback Mark Moeller completed four passes for 44-yards.  Joe Sokol led Clear Lake’s rushing attack with 33-yards.

Texas rhythm and blues recording star Delbert McClinton will headline “KUNI Blues At The Surf, Friday, Nov. 15.

“Ladies in Consort” is the theme of the new country music show, “North Iowa Opry II.”  It will feature four area singers who are breaking ground on the country music scene.  Performing individually will be Vicki Russell Schragg, formerly of Clear Lake, who recently lived near Nashville while preparing to cut her first record.  Angie Pringnitz, from Garner, who has won numerous talent competitions at the State Fair.  Kristen Harms, from KIMT-TV news, once auditioned for Opryland U.S.A. and sang in University Opera Productions.  Also featured will be Monica Abbas, of Kanawha, whose new recording, “Long Time Coming,” is now climbing the country charts.

Navy Seaman Recruit Kurtis J. Dreger, son of Richard and Rosemary Dreger, of Clear Lake, recently completed training at Recruit Training Command, Orlando Tex.  Dredger is a 1990 graduate of Clear Lake High School.

Sara Rayhons, of Cresco, Iowa and Douglas Abbas, of Clear Lake, were united in marriage on July 27 at the St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Duncan.  Parents of the couple are Henry and Marvalyn Rayhons, of Garner, and Lyle and Sharon Abbas, of Clear Lake.

Mara and Jon Mathews announce the birth of their daughter, Chelsea Faye.  Chelsea was born on Sept. 28, 1991.  She is the couple’s first child.

After losing twice to the Mason City Mohawks during the volleyball season, Clear Lake faced the Mohawks in the first round of Districts in Osage and beat them in five games, 15-7, 7-15, 15-0, 6-16 and 15-9.  The three seniors, Jessica Jorgensen, Phan Lai and Lori Miller led the team.

Deals for the week at Ben Franklin include: Skipbo Card Game, $5.96; Casio Mini Key Board, $19.97; Trump Playing Cards, 2/$1; Mattel Hot Wheels, 99¢; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures, $4.97; Cleo Gift Bows, 25 ct. bag, 2/$1; and Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue, 4 roll, 89¢.

50 Years Ago

November 1966

Yes, Virginia, there still is a Republican Party.  Two years ago there was some doubt.  The G.O.P. then took a whipping at just about every precinct, as the Democrats surged to power on the crest of Lyndon Johnson’s tidal wave.  But what a difference 730 days can make.  The Republicans launched a comeback from that 1964 debacle picking up about 40 seats in the House of Representatives and winning key Senate races.

Two Clear Lake football players were named to the 1966 All-North Central Conference Second Team.  They are center Larry Jacobson and tackle Jim Elting.

Playing at the Lake Theater is William Holden and Richard Widmark in, “Alvarez Kelly.”

The Ventura Vikings football team with a 4-2-1 record in the North Star Conference loop had three men rated for All-Conference First Team honors. They are Herb Garlock, Mark Bacon and Rick Hopper.  David Oehlert and Larry Eden earned Honorable Mention status.

75 Years Ago

October 1941

The Barn Dance Frolic talent play at the high school was a big hit and netted the Music Mothers Club proceeds of $150.  Much outstanding talent from other towns added to the local color.

The two new stores started a precedent Monday night by lighting their store windows during the early evening hours.  There is much favorable comment on this plan and it is hoped that all the stores will cooperate and Main Street will take on a new appearance.

Ervin Jasperson, a Clear Lake farmer, proved to be the champion cornhusker of Cerro Gordo County, picking 2,530 pounds of corn in 20 minutes.  Russell Walls was a close second.

100 Years Ago

October 1916

Theodosia Hendy has some switches of exceeding nice hair at reasonable prices.  No trouble to show them to customers.

The price of potatoes was soaring so high in New Hampton last week that the mayor threatened to ship in a carload and sell at cost.  The price tumbled.

More than 50 of the striking Brick and Tile workers departed for Minneapolis where they have accepted positions.  About 200 have left the city since the strike two weeks ago.

Gasoline is 16¢ a gallon at Gray Auto Co.

Mrs. Henry Kaster at Ventura always keeps a large supply of carp on hand for sale at very reasonable prices.

The present law places a restriction on the sale of poultry with a full crop.  It is claimed such chickens weigh in a quarter of a pound more.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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