Remember When 12-16-2020
(Above) Caroling in 1970 - These boys were among the Cub Scouts of Pack 303 who went caroling and decorated evergreen trees with food for birds in 1970. Cub Scouts pictured in front of the tree are (L-R): Daryl Hall, Pat Railsback, Stuart Oltrogge and Tim Hahn. Back row (L-R): Steve Railsback, Tad Haxton, Craig Klassen, Mark Hanson and Randy Longdon.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
December 1995
Clear Lake’s first Christmas By The Lake was celebrated by thousands Saturday. Due to inclement weather, the event was postponed to a week later. Winners in the Lighted Parade were: business, Why USA/Mainstreet Realty; small business/non-profit, Girl Scouts; individual, Three Men and a Mike; out-of-town, North Iowa Snow Seekers.
The Clear Lake School District has offered its teachers union a $100,429 increase in wages (2.288 percent). The Clear Lake Education Association is asking for a $160,000 increase (3.6 percent). Superintendent Steve Voelz said a dramatic drop in new money for the district, based on the district’s declining enrollment, was considered by the School Board.
Live at the Surf Ballroom on Jan. 13, is Kenny Chesney.
Robert and Marlene Bartlett are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house on Thursday, Dec. 28, at the Ventura Community Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Halverson will celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Nov. 11 in Des Moines.
John Simpson, a dedicated member of the Clear Lake Fire Department will retire after the first of the year. He has served as a volunteer fire fighter since 1969 and as fire chief for 14 years, joining the department in 1969. An open house will be held for Simpson on Sunday, Jan. 7, from 1-4 p.m. at the Community Room at City Hall.
The Clear Lake boys picked up a 61-51 victory over Eagle Grove. Tom Rauk led the team with 21-points and six rebounds. Josh Hoefker added 10-points. John Hanley led the team in rebounding with nine.
The Iowa Falls girls handed the Lions a 75-34 loss. Leading the Lions was freshman Rachel Handeland with 13-points. Rein Pleggenkuhle led the team in rebounds with six.
Clear Lake wrestlers won four of the top five weight classes on their way to winning the NC-NK Tournament on Saturday. Alex Ibarra, Dustin DenHartog, Bryon Frampton and David Doebel were all crowned as champions. Finishing as runner-ups were The Lions remain unbeaten as a team heading into a match with Ft. Dodge St. Edmonds.
Grocery specials for the week at Fareway Stores include: Boomsma Medium Eggs, doz., 69¢; Hills Bros. Coffee, 39 oz., $5.99; Baby Carrots, 1 lb. bag, 89¢; Idaho #1 Russet Potatoes, 10 lb. bag, $1.59; Orchard Farm Cherry Pie Filling, 21 oz. can, 79¢; Mardi Gras Paper Towels, single roll, 69¢; Lobster Tails, 8-10 oz. each, $8.99; Boneless Ribeye Roast, lb., $4.99; and John Morrell S.B.O. Hams, lb., $1.49.
50 Years Ago
December 1970
Discussions of whether or not Clear Lake’s water is safe for human use took up most of the time at the three-hour meeting of the Clear Lake City Council. Residents brought water samples from their homes to show the visible impurities. Testing was being done at Iowa City.
About 800 persons attended the TTT Charity Ball Saturday night at the Surf. Decorations included a huge decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the dance floor, a sleigh complete with Santa in the lobby and other trimmings. Proceeds of the event go to Handicap Village.
The Clear Lake Lions defeated the Lynx in the season opener, 71-65, Mike Chaney was high scorer with 24 points. Bill Wistey was second with 17.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is, “Giant,” starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean and Carroll Baker.
65 Years Ago
December 1955
Preparations will be completed for conversion to the newly installed dial system during the early morning of Sunday, Dec. 18, Harold Thompson, manager of the Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company, announced.
Dr. Robert A. Phillips, who is with the United States Navy Medical Corps on Formosa, has been promoted from the rank of Commander to that of Captain.
Joe Jensen, 507 S. 9th St., was appointed assistant to City Clerk Keith Raw by the Clear Lake City Council at a special session Friday night.
Mrs. T.G. Burns presented her piano pupils in two candle light recitals Thursday and Saturday at her home.
90 Years Ago
November 1930
The fire department was called to the Thayer cottage occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bayrs, about 5 p.m. Tuesday afternoon and again later in the evening making this the third fire at this cottage during the past week.
John Perkins is driving a Pontiac panel body truck on his dairy routes, which greatly will be appreciated by his patrons. The body is black trimmed in white with his name also in white. It makes a very attractive appearance.
While Mrs. H.H. Crane was in Mason City Saturday she was relieved of her purse by an unknown scoundrel. Fortunately for Mrs. Crane, it contained only a small amount of cash.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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