Remember When 12-23-2015

(Above) Last minute requests, 1990 - Megan Keefe, daughter of Mike and Sue Keefe, of Clear Lake, stopped off at Santa’s house in 1990 to give her last minute gift requests to Santa.

25 Years Ago

December 1990

Clear Lake and Ventura area residents may send Christmas greetings to relatives and friends serving in Saudi Arabia via a free facsimile service provided by the Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company.  The telephone company is providing the Operation Desert Shield fax service in cooperation with AT&T.

In an effort to speed mail delivery, a new mail box for regional delivery has been installed at the Clear Lake Post Office drive-through according to Postmaster Gordon Morse.

One-half of North Iowans are afraid the United States will engage in military combat in the Persian Gulf, and one-half are afraid we won’t, Rep. Fred Grandy, R-Iowa, said on a swing through north Iowa to visit constituents.

Members of the Agape Christian Family Church will once again “adopt” residents of Handicap Village who do not have families to share the Christmas holiday with.  A tree at the church holds tags of those needing gifts.

Lcpl. William D. (Bill) Bradlow, a member of the Marine Corp Reserve - 2nd Battalion, Delta Battery, 14th Marine unit, reported for active duty Nov. 11.  On Dec. 1 the unit left for Camp LeJeune, N.C. where they joined the Marine 2nd Division. Around mid-December, the division will leave for Operation Dessert Shield.  Bradlow is the son of Jane Bradlow, of Clear Lake and graduate of CLHS.

The Ventura boys basketball team came away with two victories last week, beating Northeast Hamilton, 73-59 and Nora Springs-Rock Falls, 70-54.  Scott Hinrichs led the team against Northeast Hamilton with 19 points and nine rebounds.  Troy Roenfanz added 16 points.  Hornets also scored 19 points against Nora Springs-Rock Falls.  Tim Bray added 16 points in that contest.

The Clear Lake girls picked up two conference wins last week.  They outscored Clarion, 65-57, and they topped Webster City, 62-56.  Kathy Walls made 25-points for the Lions against Clarion and Mindy Day and Sheila Barlow each had 20 points.  Against Webster City, Day was the leading scorer with 29-points.  Walls added 22-points.

Playing at the Cinema V Theater is Al Pacino and Diane Keaton in “Godfather II.”  Also playing is “Rocky V,” starring Sylvester Stallone, and “Three Men and a Little Lady.”

Found in the classified:  For Sale: all redwood swim platforms, completely assembled, $458; For Rent: downtown apartment, one bedroom, $185; House For Rent: 1 bedroom, basement, garage, $240; Ventura Duplex For Rent: two bedroom, deck, C/A. $300;  For Sale:  like new, 3 bedroom home, lake view, big new garage, big lot, 2225 S. Lakeview Dr., $156,900.

50 Years Ago

December 1965

M.A. (Curley) Hintzman, Chamber of Commerce secretary, asked the City Council to take some action to let the Iowa Highway Commission know that the city would be against the routing of Highway 18 away from Clear Lake in preparation for Interstate 35.  According to the Iowa Highway Commission’s five year plan, Interstate 35 will reach Clear Lake in 1970.

Rubi Carter, of Davenport, Iowa, is the new manager of the Clothes Closet (formerly the Four Seasons).  The Clothes Closet offers such brands as Karet of California, Country Set, Gay Gibson and others.

Grocery specials for the week at Shop-N-Save include: Ore Ida French Fries, 2 lb. bag, 39¢; Folgers Coffee, 2 lb. tin, $1.39; bananas, lb., 10¢; waxed rutabagas, lb., 8¢; chuck steak, lb., 49¢.

75 Years Ago

November 1940

Rev. Merwin and son, Art, left here Tuesday with trucks loaded with 10 tons of onions, bound for southern Louisiana.  They have enclosed trucks in which was a bucket like container which was filled with glowing charcoal.  This they said would keep the onions from freezing.  On the way back they will be loaded with sweet potatoes for Iowa customers.

Auto plates are dark blue on white this year.

Miss Madelyn Miles, who is working on KGLO staff in Mason City, is now on for an hour weekly with, “Adventures of the Little Tin Soldier.”

Mrs. Dan Spilman is in Park Hospital after breaking a leg.

100 Years Ago

December 1915

The auto plates for 1916 will be pullman green in color with cream figures.  An order for 200,000 pair of plates has been given.  The cost of sending them out will be $16,000.

Apparently some dope fiend is breaking into Garman and Smith Drug Store at 220 N. Main Ave. some time during the night.  Morphine and cocaine were missing along with about $5.

An auto/buggy accident occurred at the Clarence Knutson corner.  An auto driven by Martin Peterson and a horse and buggy driven by John Trimble ran into each other.  The auto was considerably broken and the horse was scared and cut up.  The horse faired better than the auto.

Joseph Palmer, postmaster, says 3¢ insures up to $5; 5¢ insures to $25; 10¢ insures to $50; 25¢ to $100.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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