Remember When

(Above) Bunting practice, 1966-  Ron Stewart, center, and Byron Allison, with cap, learn how to hold a bat from Mike Ransom in 1966.  The boys were practicing their skills during the first day of the recreation program at Lions Field.

25 Years Ago

June 1991

Clear Lake police have arrested four Mason City men in connection with an armed robbery at a Clear Lake residence on Thursday evening, June 4.  Officials say that three subjects forced their way into the residence and robbed the occupant of an undetermined amount of money at gun point.  The subjects then caused bodily harm to the occupant by hitting him in the head with a blunt object.  The subjects then fled in a vehicle.  Another witness was able to get a description of the vehicle and called 911.

Former Cerro Gordo County Supervisor Willard Gisel has been named to complete the term of Clifford Vestal as a Clear Lake Sanitary District Trustee.

The Clear Lake City Council plans to shape up its ordinance regarding unkept lawns in the city.

The level of Clear Lake as measured on June 10, was 7.20” above the spillway.

Miss North Iowa, Tammy Bullington, 18, will compete in the Miss Iowa Pageant.  She is the daughter of Darrell and Bonnie Bullington, of Clear Lake.

There will be a farewell potluck dinner for the Rev. James Louk and Lynn Louk, who are leaving the United Methodist Church on June 23.

Carol Spilman, originally from the rural Ventura and Clear Lake area, is returning from her work on network soap operas to perform at the Chautauqua Summer Theater’s dinner shows in Captain’s Landing, in Clear Lake.

Clear Lake bats were booming as the Clear Lake baseball team topped North Iowa 12-2.  The Lions used 11 hits, including a home run by Mark Ades, to record the win.

If high school softball games were only six innings long, the Clear Lake girls would be off to a great start.  But oh what a difference an inning can make.  The Clear Lake girls have been ahead in all three of their games until the seventh inning that is.  In the final frame they have given up 13 runs in the three contests.

The Ventura girls jumped into the new season in a big way last week, playing seven games and coming away with three wins.  The team is led by Megan Coe, Julie Buchanan and Stacy Blank.

Specials for the week at Easter’s Super Value include: Brawny Paper Towel, jumbo roll, 69¢; Wisk Laundry Detergent, 64 oz., $2.89; Captain Crunch Cereal, 16 oz., $1.89; red seedless grapes, lb., $1.29; sirloin steak, lb., $3.69; chicken breasts, lb., $1.39; and 80% lean ground beef, lb., $1.38.

50 Years Ago

June 1966

“Future Land Use,” an important phase of Clear Lake’s comprehensive survey was outlined to members of the planning and zoning commission.  This phase of the report covered parks, recreation areas and schools, the residential area was proposed to year 1985, and the industrial potential to the east of Clear Lake.  This side of Clear Lake was referred to as the “front door of our town” and should be kept as a front door in appearance.

Seven new teachers have been added to the list to start the fall term in the Clear Lake school system.  New teachers include: Mary Tombrink, Marjorie Horan, Marilyn Myli, Gerald Meier, Allen Rannals, May Dirks, and John Bery.

Moonlight Sale deals at Wilcox Furniture include: chaise lounge (for outdoor enjoyment), $7.95; canvas back director chair, $10.95; aluminum chairs, $3.19; and hammocks, $7.95.

75 Years Ago

June 1941

During May there was a rainfall of 5.45 inches, four inches of that fell in the last six days of the month.

George P. Osborne, 89, succumbed at his home here Saturday morning.  He was one of Iowa’s early pioneers.

Harvey Wood has purchased the Art Rawson 226 acre farm on Highway 106.  The consideration was $88.50 per acre.

Our nation is face to face with labor conditions which threaten its future.  Labor dictatorship which can force men to leave their jobs regardless of their own wishes is inexcusable.

Lightning struck the Waddingham home and Woodford Wheeler Lumber Co. in Ventura Friday night doing considerable damage.

100 Years Ago

June 1916

The Lakeshore Hotel now has a four-piece orchestra, which will provide the music at the meal hour.

The street cars commenced Saturday night to make the trip around the loop at the Oaks.  It is a convenience to many when the summer schedule begins and it does look more citified.

Two real prairie schooners passed through town on Saturday, headed for the west.  The teams looked somewhat jaded as through they had been on a long trip.  Years ago this would not have been an uncommon sight, but with the filling up of the west with population the “Kansas or Bust” signs have disappeared.

A professor has figured the cost of living for a family of five is $7.31 a week.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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