Remember When 2-15-2017

(Above) Snowmobile races, 1967Art Ashland, Clear Lake, upper photo, flagged the start of the Oval Track race at the 2nd Annual Snowmobile Rally held in 1967.  A large crowd can be seen in the bottom photo as the racers skimmed by.  There were 30 registered drivers for the rally.  About 350 people watched the excitement along the shoreline.

25 Years Ago

February 1992

Garrison Keillor swept into Clear Lake on the first stop of a 16-city tour and captured the hearts of both old and new fans.  Keillor and his American Radio Company performed at the Surf Ballroom Saturday to a sold-out crowd off 1,600 enthusiastic fans who came to hear the news from the mythical Norwegian village of Lake Wobegon and experience the Golden Age of Radio in the 90s.

More than 700 heats of snowmobile races were held as part of Winterfest ’92 activities held at McIntosh State Park over the weekend.  Free snowmobile rides and a torchlight parade were also part of the fun.  A Friday night snowfall made conditions near perfect.

David Fisher, an area businessman, never dreamed when he visited the Iowa Capitol 37 years ago as a high school senior, he would be back again, visiting with Governor Terry Branstad on a regular basis, serving as a sounding board and establishing a close friendship that now spans a decade.  It was his business savvy, expertise and decision making skills that put Fischer in charge of a commission that produced the most thought-provoking, innovative and controversial budget reform package to hit the state in years. Fischer served as chair to the Governor’s Committee on Government Spending Reform.

Ken and Michele Dorweiler, of Clear Lake, announce the birth of their third daughter, Danielle Lucille, born Jan. 23, 1992.  She joins her two sisters, Jennifer and April.

The Ventura Community Action Club’s Chili and Vegetable Soup Supper was a huge success, netting approximately $1,400 each for the Brenda Monson and Eric Knapp families.  About 800 tickets were sold for the dinner.

Local participants in the Iowa Music Teachers Association District Auditions included Matthew McNamara, David Severtson, Sam Langholz, Elizabeth McNamara Elizabeth Jaben, Carolyn Nicholas, Becky Whitehurst, Andrew Severtson, Allison Gross and Kristin Keefe.

The Clear Lake Lions wrestling team finished second to No. 1 Osage and advanced five wrestlers to the District Tournament while competing in Sectional wrestling Saturday in Osage.  Advancing to the District Tournament with runner-up finishes were Sean Harlan, Mike Andrews, Dan Hansen, Jessie Kaiser.  Jason Salge was the lone champions for the Lions.

The Clear Lake girls basketball team finished its regular season with two conference road wins.  The victories improved the Lion’s record to 14-5 and 11-3 in the North Central Conference, good for second place.  The Lions topped Algona, 63-57 and Eagle Grove, 74-67.  Laura Haugen led the girls in both games with 21 and 24 points respectively.

The Ventura boys fell to 5-11 with a pair of tough losses.  The Vikings fell by one point to CAL, 58-57 and to Dows, 77-68.  The team lost Matt Dillavou in the second game to a broken nose.

Specials for the week at Ben Franklin include: Northern Bathroom Tissue, 4 roll, $1.19; bath towels, $2.99 each; Kodak Film, GA 135, 110, 24-exposure, $2.97, each; and Simplicity Patterns, 75 percent off.

50 Years Ago

February 1967

About 214 tons of gravel disappeared into the lake Thursday.  The Conservation Commission had hauled the rock to make a reef for game fish and through it would take a spring thaw to sink it.  Work was begun Tuesday on a second reef about 40 feet away.

Grocery specials for the week at Jensen’s Super Market: Butternut Coffee, lb., 59¢; Musselman’s Jelly, 2 lbs., 49¢; Bologna, ring, 59¢; ground beef, lb., 49¢; and grapefruit, 10. 49¢.

Good tip: to get some extra wear out of children’s tight overshoes, slip a large plastic bag over their feet before inserting into the overshoe.  The bag helps the overshoe to slide on easily and also gives extra waterproof in case of a leak.

Highlighting Clear Lake’s game Friday night was the superb play of ace scorer Ken Grabinski and the ball stealing antics of Bruce Evenrud, as the Lions beat Hampton, 75-42.

Playing at the Lake Theater is Debbie Reynolds is, “The Singing Nun.”

85 Years Ago

February 1932

Work was started on harvesting the ice crop early Monday morning with the ice measuring 12” thick.

Mrs. J.W. Pattie suffered a broken arm when she slipped on the icy walk near her home Sunday.  Her left arm was fractured near the wrist.  She is resting as comfortably as possible at her home on N. Third St.

Mrs. Henry Colstand substituted as the dramatic coach at the high school for Miss Myrtle Oulman.

100 Years Ago

February 1917

A number of young folks enjoyed a skating party on Lime Creek near the John Osborn home last Saturday night.

An open season on every dog in Iowa is declared between sunset and sunrise and a tax of 50¢ must be paid upon all animals not already taxed by city ordinances under a bill by the house yesterday.  It is estimated that there are 175,000 dogs in Iowa.  Many of these are in cities and not effected by the bill which is backed by sheep and stockmen of the state.

The daily grind of bills into the legislative hopper at Des Moines continues unabated.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Nyhus had the misfortune to run a horse shoe nail in his eye, which is causing him much pain.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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