Remember When 3-10-2021

(Above) March Madness, 1996 - What a difference a week can make.  On March 13, 1996, Clear Lake was enjoying 66-degree temperatures and Kirk Hylland became the first waterskier of the season.  Holland, an employee of Hanson Marine, found open water in front of the Sea Wall.  One week later Mother Nature gave another blast of winter, dumping three inches of snow.  A blizzard warning was issued, as winds howled at 40 mph and higher, making driving difficult as experienced by his driver on Highway 18.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

March 1996

Funds which city officials claim are critical to holding property taxes in line will be up for voter approval this fall.  Clear Lake, along with all voters in the county, will return to the polls in November to decide the fate of the local option sales tax.  County Auditor Ken Kline said the vote is being necessitated by Mason City’s need to vote on the tax again.

State Representative Gary Blodgett has announced he will seek re-election to the Iowa House of Representatives in District 19, which includes Clear Lake and most of Cerro Gordo County.

Cerro Gordo County Sheriff Larry Mason has announced he will seek re-election.

Playing at the Surf Ballroom on April 13, is The Mavericks.  Tickets are $18.

Dinosaurs were wild at Lincoln School last week. One-half of the second grade classes culminated their study of dinosaurs with a program and chance to see dinosaur exhibits created by class mates, “dinoramas,” showing a dinosaur in its natural habitat.

Clubs featuring news in the “Club News” section include: Thought and Thimble Club, P.E.O. Chapter LE, Sorosis Club, Men’s Garden Club of North Iowa, Rural Lakettes Club, La Leche League, Ventura Flower Club, and Iowa EH of TTT Society.

Several Clear Lake High School students helped the Mason City Mohawk Hockey Team to a third place finish at the State Tournament.  Clear Lake players include:  Cory Clopton, Mike Anderson, Isaac Sorensen, Dave Hopper, Aaron Sorensen, Jon Anderson and Brad Price.

Clear Lake senior Jon Murray has been elected by the Iowa High School Football Coaches Association to play  in the 1996 Iowa Shrine All-Star football game to be played Aug, 3, at Drake Stadium.

Ventura Lady Vikes point guard, Allison Cooper, will travel to Cedar Rapids to participate in the Iowa Athletic Coaches Association All-Star Game.

The Clear Lake Parks and Recreation Department, along with Head Softball Coach Troy Heller, will hold a summer softball clinic for girls in second through seventh grade.  All girls are welcome to learn basic fundamentals.

Senior John Hanley, of Clear Lake, has been selected by the Iowa Basketball Coaches Association to the ninth annual Academic All-State Basketball Team.  He was chosen from over 100 candidates who were nominated by their coaches for this honor.

Grocery specials for the week at Easter Foods include:  Crisp Texan Green Cabbage, lb., 19¢; Pepsi or Mountain Dew, 24-12 oz. cans, $6.39; Jack’s Pizza, 12”, 3/$7; Our Family Chunk Cheese, 8 oz., 3/$4; Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, 8 oz., 2/$3; Corned Beef Brisket, lb., $1.40; USDA Choice Bone-In Beef Round to Swiss Steak, lb., $1.49.

50 Years Ago

March 1971

Para sailing may well become a popular winter sport in Clear Lake, judging from the large number of spectators lining North Shore Drive Sunday afternoon.  About 40 parasails were up.  Enthusiasts Sunday were sailing through the air at between 150-200 feet.

Robert Huntington, Clear Lake High School principal, received his Ph.D, Doctor of Philosophy from Iowa State University.

Bob Erickson, Clear Lake’s only qualifier in the State Wrestling Tournament, placed second at 142 pounds in class AA competition.  Erickson’s team points totaled nine, good enough for a 16th place finish for Clear Lake.

Playing at the Lake Theatre is Paul Newman as “Cool Hand Luke.”   Also playing is “Bullitt,” starring Steve McQueen.

75 Years Ago

March 1946

Plans have been completed for the home town party to be held at the Surf, according to Keith McGowan, chairman.  This annual affair is held in honor of the traveling men and their wives who live in Clear Lake but carry on their business elsewhere.  This year all servicemen and service women, single or married, are invited to attend.

Approximately 1,500 people visited Otto Peterson’s sporting goods store at 109 N. 4th St., former site of the post office.  M.G. Cooper has set up his radio repair shop at the back of the store.

Girl Scouts of Clear Lake will hold a fat salvage drive with headquarters in the city rest room on Saturday.  Anyone who has grease to contribute is asked to donate.

A kick-off meeting of the Red Cross drive for the city will be held in City Hall.  Clear Lake’s quota is $3,300 this year.  E.B. Stillman is the chairman.

90 Years Ago

March 1931

Mrs. Harry Mason has taken over the duties of organist at the Methodist Church.  Mrs. Miller, who has held the position several years, resigned.

T.L. Sears is moving his road equipment and force of men from Minburn to Ames. He has a job of road construction between Ames and Story City that will keep his men busy all summer.

Mrs. Gregory Lindon, Jr., has issued invitations for a one o-clock luncheon to be held at her country home.

Mrs. Charley Barlow is reported very slightly improved, She has been confined to her bed for several weeks.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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