Remember When 3-18-2020

(Above) Walden Condominium fire, 1995 - Firefighters had a difficult time attacking a fire in 1995 at the Walden Condominium units, in Ventura, because of the large degree of structural damage which occurred.  Floors and ceilings collapsed in some of the units, forcing firefighters to largely fight the blaze from the windows.  Ventura, Clear Lake and Garner firefighters were able to confine the heaviest damage to the center four units of the 10-unit complex.  Roughly 160,000 to 170,000 gallons of water were used to fight the fire.  Ventura’s water tower holds a reserve of 150,000 gallons.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

March 1995

The answer was just what Clear Lake officials felt it would be, but they asked just the same.  Monday night, Clear Lake School Board member David Hopper attended the Ventura School Board meeting to extend an invitation to the neighboring school district to consider consolidation.  Ventura leaders discussed the issue for about 10-minutes, but turned down the offer.  The Board did, however, say it would be open to more ways for the schools to work together.  Clear Lake already sends students to Ventura for vocational agriculture classes, while Ventura sends students to CLHS for French.

Everything old will be new again for the Clear Lake Police Department.  Monday night the Clear Lake City Council accepted a proposal by the department’s Benevolence Association to purchase and restore a 1958 Ford police car for use on the force probably around the summer of 1996,  The vehicle will be used largely for public relations, including appearances in parades.  However, it will also serve as a normal patrol vehicle during the summer months, but will not be used in high speed chases or to transport prisoners.

Rescue workers from the Clear Lake Fire Department responded to a shooting incident Saturday morning at the Interstate 35 rest stop just north of Clear Lake.

The Clear Lake High School drama department will present the musical, “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” on Friday, March 31, and Saturday, April 1, at E.B. Stillman Auditorium.  Th cast includes Jed Latham, as Charlie Brown, Holly Walston as Much, Sam Langholz as Linus, Peter Norris as Schroeder, Dian Pertiwi as Peppermint Patty, and David Baker as Snoopy.  Dwight Wirtz is the director.

Dan Eikenberry’s world history class at Ventura culminated their study of the Middle Ages by hosting a Medieval Banquet for parents and friends.  The event, held at the Open Bible Camp in Ventura, featured students dressed in Medieval costumes and shirt skits between courses of the meal.

Marine Capt. Timothy G. Hanson, son of Gene and Myrtle Hanson, of Clear Lake, recently reported for duty with Marine Helicopter Squadron One, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Va.

Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class David M. Stumme, son of Leonard and Eileen Stumme, of Clear Lake, recently received a letter of appreciation.  Stumme was cited for superior performance of duty while assigned with Strike Fighter Squadron 94, Naval Air Station, Lemoore, Calif.  He is a 1980 graduate of Clear Lake High School.

North Star Conference regular season and tournament runner-up Ventura capped a 17-4 season with four players being named to the All-Conference team.  Sarah Hinrichs and Allison Cooper were both First Team selections.  Juniors Erin Watson and Ellie Pueggel both earned Honorable Mention recognition.

The Ventura boys basketball team had three players earn All-Conference recognition.  Junior guards Andy Luscomb and Dan Fields earned Second Team recognition.  Forward Jeff Ruley earned Honorable Mention.

Former Clear Lake prep Mark Meehlhause will take the mound for the Wartburg College baseball team this spring.

Brandt’s Dock and Hoist has negotiated the repurchase of the hoist business sold to Clear Lake Boats, Inc. in 1992.  Todd Larson, president and manager of Clear Lake Boats, made the deal with Scott Brandt, son of the founder of Brandt Dock and Hoist, John Brandt. 

50 Years Ago

March 1970

Teachers in Clear Lake who are issued contracts for the 1970-71 school year, will receive an increase in wages of between $325 and $375 a year.  This will increase the base pay for a beginning teacher with a B.A. degree from $6,600 to $6,925 and increase pay from $7,600 to $7,975 for teachers with a M.A. degree.

A Clear Lake woman and her six children escaped injury Tuesday morning when a fire broke out in a first-floor storage room of their rented house at 1000 First Ave. S.  The firemen were told by the children that they tipped over one or two burning candles in the room.

The Clear Lake boys basketball team ended their season in a Class AA District tournament opener, losing to Forest City, 61-57.  The team ended with a 10-9 mark.  Brad Heitland led the team with 22-points.  

Bruce Anderson and Marie Hyde were crowned King and Queen of the Sweetheart dance held in the Ventura Elementary School gym on Saturday night.  

90 Years Ago

February 1930

It is said that the south Clear Lake-Mason City road will be paved this year, contract to be let at Ames April 1.

C.E. Ashland has purchased the residence property of Dr. C.C. Colgan on North Fifth Street, and will take possession about the middle March.  Dr. Colgan plans on building a modern bungalow on his Fox farm south of town to which he will move his family as soon as it is completed.

Ray Robbins was appointed manager of the Clear Lake Live Stock Shipping Association.  He succeeds C.C. Watts, present manager.

George Knutson was absent from the hardware store with an attack of lumbago.

L.E. Ashland, who owns grocery stores in Forest City, Garner and Clear Lake, has opened a cash and carry grocery on South Federal Ave. in Mason City.

100 Years Ago

March 1920

It is reported that the Idle will be made into a motion picture house this summer.

Frank and Levi Miles will hold a public sale on March 9.  There will be a 159 head of livestock, farm machinery and other items.

Miss Keerl is getting the operetta in shape. “Sylvia” will be shown March 25 and 26 to accommodate the huge crowds expected in the assembly room at the high school.

Harold Low purchased a new Nash touring car from the Havenhill Garage.

A 10 gallon coffee pot exploded in Christensen’s Coffee Shop at Garner and scalded several people.

The kids are opening up another season of marbles, which are the rage at present on the school grounds.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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