Remember When 3-23-2016

(Above) Easter bakers, 1991 - Students at the Sunshine Center, located at the North Iowa Christian School in 1991, got to try their hand at decorating Easter cupcakes.  Roberta Schlichting, of the Bakery Boutique, was on hand to demonstrate the art of cake decorating before turning the students loose with icing and other toppings.  Pictured with Schlichting are front row (L-R): Melissa McLaughlin, Ryan Morse and Luke Peters. Back row (L-R): Chelsey Main, Katy Nickerson, Lynn Lynch, Andrew Nicholas and Andy Meyer.

25 Years Ago • March 1991

The Clear Lake City Council was expected to follow suit with the Cerro Gordo County Supervisors and approve an economic impact study of the routes proposed for the “Avenue of the Saints.”  Clear Lake Mayor Lois Kotz planed the item on the Council’s agenda.  Kotz is a member of a group formed to study the routes and make its own recommendation to the Department of Transportation.  Kotz is joined by Mason City Mayor Bill Schickel and Cerro Gordo County Supervisor Jay Urdahl.

The Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce has announced plans for an outstanding Fourth of July Celebration with a special salute to the Armed Forces.  Kevin Swenson is chairman of the Fourth of July committee.  A community church service, Municipal Band concert, and fireworks on multiple nights with a premiere fireworks on July 4 are all part of making this year’s Clear Lake Fourth of July a North Iowa and Southern Minnesota premiere event.

The following Clear Lake High School students have earned All-Conference Academic Honors: Shannon Berge, Kirk Sorbo, Mark Meehlhause, Christie Bauer, Jason Skinner, Shannon Quigley, Heather Datema, Dustin Peterson, Aaron Marken and Kirsten Hickman.

The North Iowa Christian School reached its goal in securing donations to qualify for a $7,500 matching grant given to the school.

Tom and Janet Boehnke, of Ventura, are the proud parents of a new daughter, Brittany Lou, born Feb. 11, 1991.  Brittany was welcomed home by her sisters, Kara, age 6, and Shanna, age 4.

Three Clear Lake girls basketball players have received All North Central Conference honors.  Kathy Walls, Kendra Berge and Mindy Day had their names included on the post-season lists.  Walls and Berge were named to the Second Team and Day received Honorable Mention recognition.

Ventura’s Scott Hinrichs was named to the First Team for the North Star Conference All-Conference teams.  Honorable mention honors went to Troy Roenfanz, Brad Eenhuis and Tim Bray.

Megan Coe, a senior at Ventura, was named First Team All North Star Conference.  Jenny Fey was named to the Second Team and Angie Jahnke earned Honorable Mention recognition.

Former Clear Lake High School students are playing sports at the collegiate level. Jodi Klaudt is a member of the Wartburg College’s 1991 softball team as an outfielder.  Michelle Djuren is a member of Wartburg College’s women’s track team as a jumper.  Doug Abbas is a member of the UNI men’s tennis team.

Specials for the week at Easter’s Super Value include:  fresh broccoli, bunch, 67¢; Granny Smith Apples, lb., 88¢; Meadow Gold Premium Ice Cream, half gallon, $2.09; Mountain Dew, 12-12 oz. cans, $2.99; Ham Shanks, lb., $1.29; and Turkey Breasts, lb., $1.49.

50 Years Ago • March 1966

Only the foundation and chimney remains of the Elmer Hansen farm home, located five and one-half miles south of Clear Lake.  Fire destroyed the two story home Wednesday morning.  None of the family of five were injured.

Mrs. M.W. (Lois) Hughes is among 34 women in Iowa chosen as candidates to represent our state as “Mother of the Year.”  Mrs. Hughes has taught school for many years in Ventura.

Plans were revealed Tuesday by Clear Lake Supt. Earl Berge of a proposed addition to the north end of the west wing of the high school.

Grocery specials for the week at Jensen’s Super Market include: Del Monte Catsup, 20 oz. bottles, 4/$1; Planter’s Peanut Butter, 18 oz., 49¢; Velveeta Cheese, lb. box, 2/89¢; grapefruit, 4/89¢; pork steak, lb., 59¢.

75 Years Ago • March 1941

The population of Clear Lake is 3,764.

Work has started of cutting trees and staking out a new road around State Park

Matinee showing at the Lake Theatre is 21¢ admission.  Playing is Joel McCrea and Lorraine Day in “Foreign Correspondent.”

The Walter Tesene farm house wast of town, burned to the ground Monday morning.  The fire started in the pantry and spread.  They will rebuild as soon as possible.

Young men in the National Guard at Camp Claiborne, La. include: Les Hughes, Dick Murphy, Marion VanFleet, Ethan Wilder, Francis Brislin, and Richard Latham.

100 Years Ago • March 1916

The matter of bonding the district for $8,000 for an additional site for a school building did not carry.  It will necessarily come up again and the chances are that considerable more money will be paid for the same area of land.  The erection of another building is inevitable.

Nels Hanson remembers in 1882 he was living on a farm on the south lake shore.  The snow had all disappeared the first of March and on the 10th he had sown his wheat and oats.  While finishing the harrowing the weather turned and the ground froze.  This was followed by a big snow storm.  No more fieldwork until the end of April.  Mr. Hanson’s oats had a yield of 63 bushels an acre.  Those who sowed later got 40.

A young inventor in Cedar Falls, Iowa, has invented a device which will run an auto on kerosene and hopes to cut the price of running an auto in half.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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