Remember When 3-25-2020
CLHS Honor Society, 1970
Twelve new members were initiated into the Semper Fidelis Chapter of the National Honor Society in Clear Lake in 1970. New members included front row (L-R): Jean Prestholt, Debby Cooper, Sally Humbrg, Carolin Opheim, Rita Bless, Lorraine Scott. Back row (L-R): Louis Schuler, John Ritter, Eric Thomsen, Mike Madson, Al Hayward and Mike Chaney. Candidates were judged on their scholastic ability, character, leadership and service.
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
March 1995
An electrical failure in a garage at Walden Condominiums in Ventura has been pinpointed as the cause of the March 17 blaze which destroyed four of the 10 units in the complex. The condominium association said it plans to rebuild the structure.
On the heels of a tragic condominium fire in Ventura a week earlier, officials at The Harbourage Pilot House Condominiums took no chances last week when light smoke was reported coming from the building. Residents of the building were evacuated for a short time Tuesday night, March 21, while Clear Lake firefighters investigated the smoke. They found the smoke was coming from the building’s laundry room. An overloaded washer apparently caused a belt to burn, using the smoke.
The Snyder family, owners of The Surf Ballroom, in Clear Lake, have announced plans for a Grand Opening Celebration to be held April 20, 21, 22, at the Ballroom. The last Grand Opening was held on July 1, 1948, when the building was first constructed. The activities begin with a family night sock hop. Jules Herman will play on Friday night and The Whitesidewalls will perform on Saturday,
Clear Lake Principal Robert Most is one of three finalists in the School Administrations of Iowa (SAI) Middle Level Principal of the Year Award.
A new city ordinance may soon be on the books which will prohibit indoor fireworks in Clear Lake. Indoor fireworks include shooting off streamers and confetti over audiences at the Surf Ballroom.
Many Clear Lake students are members of the Clear Lake Children’s Theatre’s who will present, “Send in the Clowns,” at local schools. The theatre students studying the art of clowning, including creating their own costume, clown face and name in preparation for the show.
Jennifer Toyne leads three Lion players in receiving recognition from the North Central conference. Toyne was name to the Third Team. Jennifer Simmer and Brooke Fisher earned Honorable Mention recognition.
Former Clear Lake High School basketball standout, Paul Bruns, helped the NIACC Trojans to the Division II National Junior College Athletic Association title. Bruns averaged 26-points per game in the National Tournament and was named the tourney’s MVP.
Specials for the week at Fareway Stores include: GW Sugar, 4 lb bag, 99¢; Grade A Medium Eggs, dozen, 49¢; Blue Bunny Ice Cream, 5 qt. pail, $2.99; Dole Merely, stalk, 59¢; Archway Cookies, 2/$3; Large Mangoes, each, $1.29; Coke & Sprite, 24 pack, 12 oz cans, $6.59; Boneless Round Steak, lb., $1.59; Oscar Mayer Fun Zak Lunchables, 2/$3; and Sirloin Tip Steak, lb., $2.19.
50 Years Ago
March 1970
Handicap Village was annexed during Monday night’s meeting of the Clear Lake City Council. An amendment to re-zone the east 1,300 fed except the north 200 feet of the site to “multiple,” with the remaining land to be zoned “agriculture” will be decided at a hearing April 20.
Clear Lake Supt. of Schools R.R. Lashier was awarded a new three-year contract by the Board of Education. Lashier’s salary for 1970-71 was set at $23,500, compared to $21,250 for the present year.
Playing at the Lake Theatre is, “Oliver.”
Cub Scouts of Den 5, Pack 303 visited the Mirror-Reporter office to learn how a newspaper is composed. Taking the tour were Steve Hammond, Todd Fynskov, Jim Boehnke, Jeff Ellenwood, Vance Wyndel, Chris Templeton, Jamie Moffett, Scott Hakes, Bill Moffett and Mrs. Dean Moffett.
75 Years Ago
March 1945
Sgt. John “Joe” Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jensen, has been assigned to overseas duty and left the west coast with the Pacific Division of the air transport. He is the third some to leave the country in the army air corps.
The standpipe makes an interesting scene, covered by ice from top to bottom.
Of the 200 students enrolled in Clear Lake High School, 32 or 16 percent have been placed on the honor roll this six weeks. Seniors headed the list with 11.
The ice measured 25 inches deep where it hadn’t been cut.
Dick Garth, forward, and Dean Moffett, guard, have been placed on the North Central Conference team selected by the coaches of the conference schools. Merle Smit made the second team and Jack Ott and Don Tarr were named to the third team.
100 Years Ago
March 1920
While the paving in Clear Lake has been help up by the city dads, it leaves a stretch from the Oaks Hotel to Boyd Bros. farm, which if paved would make a continuous hard surfaced road from Mason City to Charles City. Time to get busy.
Ray Wallace, the 14 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Wallace, is a thrifty young man who is bound to make his way up in the world. Since the first of June he has earned $132 from his newspaper route and other odd jobs. He has purchased a bicycle costing $40, spent $50 on clothes and has $15 in War Savings Stamps.
The quartet consisting of Dorothy Pattie, Mable Scherf, Viola Turner and Marion Suter pleased a large audience at the Electric Theatre Wednesday evening by several whistling and vocal numbers.
Snow, which has covered the ground in this vicinity since the day before Thanksgiving has been driven off by sunshine and rain of the past week.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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