Remember When 3-31-2021

(Above) Musi-Gals, 1971  - The Clear Lake Musi-Gals posed in their new dresses in 1971.  The outfits consisted of white blouses, red tunic length vests and matching skirts.  Members of the group included front (L-R): Kathy Odom, Shirley Dunn, Judy Lincicum, Mary Jane Reynolds, accompanist, Janelle Sargent and Lorraine Buck.  Middle row (L-R): Sharon Rule, Mary Jane Huntington, Penny Swanberg, Lynn Bonjour, Wanda Easter and Norma Hays.  Back row (L-R): Marguerite Olson, Kathryn Hauge, Rita Hoskins, Louise Folkmann, Mary Budolfson, Marilyn Sadler, director, Berry Becker, Darlene Buchan, Grace Jones, Joanne Oines, Myrna Neis and Marge Friest.  

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago • April 1996

The City of Clear Lake will purchase the former Unisys building one year early.  The city’s original agreement with the computer manufacturer called for five annual payments of $300,000 for a total purchase price of $1.5 million.  However, spurred by development possibilities and cost savings, City Administrator Tom Lincoln said a deal had been negotiated which would allow the city an 8 percent discount if the city pays off the property in four years instead of five.

Yet another phase of downtown streetlight and brick paver sidewalk work will be done this summer.  The project will continue near City Park and North 4th Street.

An early morning fire destroyed two vehicles parked at a lake residence, but the occupants of the home escaped safely.  According to officials, Scott Ball and Rebecca Lundt, residents of 15365 Crane St., reported a fire at their home at 12:33 a.m. Saturday.  Apparently Lundt woke up and saw a bright orange light which was the fire in the driveway.  The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

The future of rest stops located north of Clear Lake on Interstate 35 appear to be in question.  A notice from the Iowa Department of Transportation states the proposed Iowa DOT/Top of Iowa Welcome Center rest area partnership at interchange #24 (old Highway 105) in Worth County will be discussed, as well as the closing of both I-35 rest areas near Clear Lake.

New county population estimates released by the U.S. Bureau of the Census show Iowa’s population continuing to grow.  However, numbers from Cerro Gordo County show a slight decline.  The Census Bureau’s 1995 population estimate for the state is 2,841,764, a 2.3 percent increase since the 1990 census.  

Mary C. Alexander, of Clear Lake, has been appointed director of Tourism/Convention and Visitors Bureau of the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce.  

The road to comedy fame continues to run through Clear Lake.  Lu’s Lounge, 619 Buddy Holly Place, is now presenting “The Comedy Club,” every Friday night.  The comedy entertainment is a first for Lu’s.  Previously, Comedy Club was held at J.B. Plum’s Lounge at the Holiday Motor Lodge.  J.B. Plum’s was closed to construct a Bennigan’s Restaurant.

The Ventura Jazz Band will return to the State Jazz Championships for a third time.  Outstanding performance Awards were given to Brandon Wind, Will Pueggel, Seth Anderson, Jared Ringus, Ellie Pueggel and the saxophone section.  The band is under the direction of Nate Benzing.

Clear Lake senior Krista Fritz has been named to the Second Team All North Central Conference Basketball team, while teammate Rachel Handeland was an honorable mention pick.

Three Clear Lake boys were named to the NCC All-Conference lists.  Tom Rauk was elected to the Second Team, while John Hanley and Jeff Lewis were honored as third Team selections.

50 Years Ago • March 1971

Clear Lake and Ventura residents and much of the rural area found themselves without electricity Friday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  this was the longest period of power failure Clear Lake has experienced “for a long time.”  A 69,000 volt line in the east section of town was downed from heavy snow and ice, interrupting the power supply.

Senior Moe Chaney has been named to the first team of the All North Central Conference team for 1970-71.  Bill Wistey and Brad Arends were named to the second team.

Playing at the Lake Theatre is Jack Nicholson in, “Five Easy Pieces.”

Buys for the week at Gibson’s included: women’s and girl’s tennis shoes, $1.27; sleeping bag, $4.97; Foam-Lon car throw covers, $5.47; Zebco spinning fishing reel, $3.97; and Admiral Pocket Radio, $3.97.

75 Years Ago • March 1946

Lt. (jg) Harper S. Joslyn, who had been missing since March 7, 1944, has now been declared dead by the Navy department.  His parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.A. Joslyn, received a letter from the Secretary of the Navy, stating their son, who had been marked on the records as missing for nearly two years, was lost in action ofter a unit of a bombing squadron returned to its base with Lt. Joslyn’s plane missing.

Clear Lake added another first to its list Monday as Clarence Pease Sr. stepped aboard a Mid-Continent Airliner to become the first north Iowa passenger leaving by plane from the Mason City Municipal Airport.  He left for St. Louis on a buying trip.

Tom Atkins has announced that the Rozen Chevrolet Garage will be reopened March 23 following the fire with destroyed part of the building in January.

100 Years Ago • March 1921

The manufacture, gift or sale of cigarettes or cigarette papers to anyone is prohibited.  Violators of first offense not less than $25 or more than $50.  Committed in county jail until fine and costs are paid.  The Reporter knows of no good effects of cigarettes and it sees on all sides of the demoralizing effects.

Mrs. Michael Callanan passed away Feb. 28.  She is one of the oldest residents in this county. She was the mother of 12 children, two dying in infancy.

Mrs. Roy Westcott and her three children could have been in a serious accident.  She was going down the hill east of Grant Center School when she lost control of the car.  It turned turtle.  She and the children were able to escape unharmed.  The Ford continued to run with its wheels in the air.  Mr. Westcott and some neighbors turned the car right side up and drove it into Clear Lake with only a broken windshield.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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