Remember When 4-12-17
(Above) 1992 Easter Hunt - In 1992, three-year-old Kaitlyn Zenner, of Clear Lake, got some help from her mother, Joan, discovering what treasures were in her Easter basket. Zenner and many other youngsters took part in the annual Easter Egg Hunt in City Park sponsored by the Clear Lake Women of Today.
25 Years Ago
April 1992
Clear Lake and Ventura voters joined the majority of North Iowa in approving a one-cent local option sales tax. The tax will now go into effect July 1. In Clear Lake, 613 yes votes were cast against 470 no votes, giving the measure 56 percent approval. The 1,092 resident who voted represented just 22 percent of eligible voters.
A plan by Lady of the Lake owner Gary Geist to place coin-operated binoculars in the Sea Wall area this summer has cleared the Parks and Recreation Board. The board, however, recommended moving the binoculars south of the Sea Wall and the Main Avenue boat ramp near the lake gauging station. The move will help to keep the Sea Wall area more “natural” and assure the view is not obstructed.
The Clear Lake Prom, scheduled for April 25, will have a new feature this year. A Grand March will allow students in attendance to walk through the gym with their dates so parents and the community ma see them in their finery. “Just You and I” is the theme for the 1992 prom.
The Clear Lake City Council decided to put a storm sewer project on hold until further study could be done.
Jim and Sharon Buckels, founders of the 1912 House in Clear Lake, have returned as owners of the restaurant. The couple plans to maintain the restaurant as a “white tablecloth” business, but have changed the menu to include “Amana Colony type food served family style.” No meal is over $10.
Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Cory J. Hayes, son of Richard and Cherry Hayes, of Clear Lake, was recently promoted to his present rank while serving aboard the destroyer U.S.S. Stump, home-ported in New Orleans. Hayes is a 1988 graduate of Garner Hayfield High School and he joined the Navy in 1988.
Maurice and Donna Buckley, of Ventura, will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on April 25. An Open House and dance will be held from 6-11 p.m. at the Ventura Community Hall.
Judy and Larry Kramer, owners of Kramer Hardware in Clear Lake, have announced the store’s expansion to include a rental center.
The Grand Opening of Glen’s Tire Service, Inc. was held. Glen McIntire is the owner of the business.
The Clear Lake girls track team opened the 1992 outdoor season by hosting the Earlybird. The meet would be better named the “Frostbite Invite” as temperatures were in the 30s by the meets end. However, the inclement weather didn’t slow down Kendra Berge, as she won both the 100 and 200 dashes. Berge also set a meet record in the long jump with a leap of 15’8”. She ran the 100 in 13.13 and the 200 in 27.80. Laura Hagen placed second in the high jump with a jump of 4’6”.
The Clear Lake boys tennis team started off the 1992 season with a difficult 5-4 win over Decorah. Members of the team are Kyle Doerges, Ryan Talor, Matt Edwards, Tim Tjaden, Jason Jones, Matt Broderson, Jesse Conrad, Matt Hanson, Todd Dreger, Ben Norris, Ryan Taylor, Craig Billings, Lee Olson, Nolan Swanson, Stac Schroeder, Dan Thul, Travis Schmidt, Kirk Severtson and Jack McLaughlin. The team is coached by Joe Doerges.
Automobile deals at the 1992 Spring Car and Boat Preview include: 1991 LTD Crown Victoria LX, $13,495; 1991 Camaro RS Convertible, $16,595; 1991 Chevy Astro CL Extended Van, $15,295; 1991 S10 4X4, $14,595; and 1991 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, $21,595.
50 Years Ago
April 1967
Jan Benner, Clear Lake, was the first person to take a dip in Clear Lake this year. She made a very quick trip out of the water after getting her ankles wet. The water temperature was about 47 degrees. The ice was declared out March 29.
Four new teachers have hired for the 1967-68 school year according to Supt. E.O. Berge, and two resignations have been accepted. The new teachers coming to Clear Lake next fall include June Hanna, Agnes Rayhons, Judith Phillips and Gordon Sunner. Resigning from Clear Lake are Duane Brandt and William Rich.
Playing at the Lake Theater is “Excitement” starring Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, Robert Ryan, Ralph Bellamy and Claudia Cardinal.
Specials for the week at Beerman’s General Mdse. and Surplus Store, in Ventura include: men’s dress shoes, $3; men’s and boy’s caps, 9¢; women’s and men’s stockings, 10¢; and men’s jackets, $1.
75 Years Ago
March 1942
Jim Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Anderson, has enlisted in the U.S. Army. He has resigned his position with Marshall Swift & Co.
Fishing for bullheads interests fishermen these days. The ice is slowly getting darker.
All sugar sales in the United States will be halted at midnight April 27 for approximately a week. No sugar may be bought so that rationing can begin.
George Gerk has purchased 200 acres across from his farm. About 70 acres is peat, which he has sold to Sam Kennedy.
Lloyd Spilman, who enlisted in the Cavalry, is now in a medical detachment at Sheppard Field. Clifford Peterson, son of Mrs. Ollie Peterson, is now stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
100 Years Ago
March 1917
Fatty Arbuckle is playing at the Electric Theatre today.
Roy Coe at Moffett and Thompson Garage will vulcanize your hot water bottle, rubber boots or what have you.
Frank Young has purchased the Larson Milk Depot.
An editor we know refuses to publish obituary notices of people, who, while living, failed to subscribe to his paper. Says he, “People who do not take the home paper are dead anyway, and their passing is no news.”
Cottages owned by William Irwin and the Holden cottage and the adjoining Ensign garage on the camp grounds went up in smoke last night. The fire had gained considerable headway before the fire company was able to get their apparatus in working order. The present facilities of our volunteer fire department is inadequate, way behind the present day methods. A motor truck is a necessity. Vic Stanfield had a valuable horse hitched to the hose cart, instantly killed by stepping on a live wire dangling from one of the cottages.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
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