Remember When 4-19-2017

(Above Earth Day, 1992Allison Cooper (left) and Jenny Deffendall, eighth grade students at Ventura in 1992, cleaned up trash in the Ventura Marsh area as part of an Earth Day project carried out by all Ventura Schools students.  Students dispersed to all areas of Ventura to clean up trash.  They then hauled the trash to the Community Center and sorted it for recycling.

25 Years Ago

April 1992

Mike Dority, of Clear Lake, became the first water skier of the season.  Dority, who works for Clear Lake Boats, reported conditions were not perfect yet, but he was anxious to enjoy the lake.

A meeting on options for public use of the Boyer Memorial Pool will be held.  It will be an opportunity to discuss ways to continue offering public use of the pool.  As of July 1, the Clear Lake Parks and Recreation Department will not longer provide the full schedule of public swimming, which has been available since the pool opened in 1988.

Good behavior was well rewarded last week at Central School.  Well-behaved vocal music students turned their good behavior into votes and sentenced their teacher, Harold Arians, to a day of silly looks.  Arians shaved one-half of his beard and put stripes on the other half at the request of his well-behaved students.

Warren Jacobson and A. Wayne Wilcox were designated as Melvin Jones Fellows in a special ceremony held Saturday.  The honor, named for the founder of Lions Club International, Melvin Jones, is the foundations highest honor.

A Minnesota man and his dog escaped injury Sunday night when his motor home became fully involved in flames and was a complete loss.  The driver was alerted by a passing motorist as he was traveling north on Interstate 35.  The fire is believed to have been caused by leaking fluid from the transmission of the 1981 Itasca.

Girl Scout Camp Gaywood Director Cindy Findley is happy to announce that the camp has purchased a tepee.  Findley said the camp will be including information about how Native Americans in the North Iowa area lived.  The new tepee will allow the more than 1,200 girls who visit the camp each summer to experience what housing might have been like for Native Americans.

Jeff and Sherry Hansen, of Clear Lake, announce the birth of their twin sons, Andrew James and Eric Jeffrey.  They were born at 2:34 p.m. and 2:38 p.m. on April 13, 1992. Andrew weighted 6 lbs., 11 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long and Eric weighed 6 lbs., 11 oz. and measured 20 inches long.  They will be welcomed home by a big sister, Sarah.

The Clear Lake girls tennis team opened the season with two impressive wins.  The Lions blanked Webster City, 9-0 and defeated Charles City, 8-1.  Playing for Clear Lake was Phan Lai, Sara Leonard, Kim Hayes, Julia Jacobson, Anne Broghammer and Annalisa Hopper.

The Clear Lake girls golf team lost to Mason City, 236-207.  Ally Monson led Clear Lake with a 55.  Freshman Jodi Grabinski shot a 58 in her first varsity meet.

Eric Reipma, Ace Rice and Jason Floy all shot 42s when Clear Lake hosted a triangular at All Vets Golf Course.  Clear Lake was third with a 169.

Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s Super Valu include: Busch Beer, 12-12 oz. cans, $4.09; Tony’s Pizza, 12”, 2/$3.99; Friskies Cat Food, 6 oz., 5/$1; Nabisco Cookies, 10 oz., $1.69; Vlasic Pickles. 16 oz., $1.79; Chuck Roast, lb., $1.79; Bratwurst, lb., $1.59; and Corn King Ham, lb., $1.37.

50 Years Ago

April 1967

David Long has been named head basketball coach at Clear Lake.  He was the junior varsity coach last year.

Jerry Ashland, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ashland, Clear Lake, is the recipient of an award from the Motor Club of Iowa.  He will receive a five day all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.  He is one of seven outstanding school patrolmen in Iowa.

Gary Bostrom and Marty McCray led the Clear Lake boys golf club with 43s.  Mark Westberg shot a 44 and Jon McDermott a 47.  The team lost 171-177 against Mason City.

Grocery specials for the week at Jensen’s Supermarket include: Hills Brothers Coffee, 2 lbs., $1.19; Heinz Catsup, 14 oz., 19¢; Shurfine Flour, 5 lbs., 39¢; fresh asparagus, lb., 29¢; Case Buckhorn Beer, $2.19; Lean Ground Beef, lb., 49¢; and Canadian Bacon, lb. 89¢.

75 Years Ago

April 1942

A strong wind broke up the ice on March 25.  Water has been running over the outlet for two weeks and is several feet deep in the outlet stream.

A large number of callers honored Mr. and Mrs. his Rowe last week on their 57th wedding anniversary.  An open house was held at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ollie Peterson.

Stanley Anderson left Tuesday to be inducted in the U.S. Army.  His brother, Reinhardt, is in training at Army Flying School, Lincoln, Neb.

Ventura goes over the top in sale of defense bonds, $21,307.75.  Our country is engaged in a serious war.  Four enemies, Germany, Italy and Japan are strong fighting powers.  Every resource will be necessary to insure victory.

100 Years Ago

April 1917

Hog prices have soared to the highest price ever knows - $15.55 per hundred.

Miss Nellie Henry has severed her connection with the Renz store and is now employed at the telephone office.  We heard it is her calling.

Let the children see “Snow White” at the Electric Theatre Saturday.  It will entertain them, that is for sure.

W.W. Choate went last week to attend an ice dealers convention in Des Moines.

Death claimed an aged and respected citizen April 4 when Edward Cobb, over four score years of age, laid aside the cares and infirmities of age and joined the silent majority on the shores of eternity.  He was a good and upright man and had lived a life of usefulness.

Irwin Worden sawed wood for H.H. Shields this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Peark Hickok and little daughter ate Sunday dinner at the Oxley home.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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