Remember When 4-26-2017

(Above) 1967 CLHS boys track teamMembers of the 1967 Clear Lake boys track team included front row (L-R): Al Kappmeyer, Bill Gates, Barry Men, Curtis Graves.  Middle row (L-R): John Severtson, Denny Lincicum, Roger Maryland, Bob Larson, Mike Callanan.  Back row (L-R): Craig Hughes, Gary Lindsay, Craig Chapman, Jerry Baskets and Roger Wass.

25 Years Ago

April 1992

A 79-year-old Clear Lake man driving the wrong direction on Highway 18 collided with two cars and sent five people, including himself to the hospital Monday afternoon.  No one was seriously injured.  Witnesses suggested he had traveled several miles before hitting a car.

The quality of the lake water here will be the primary topic of the annual meeting of the Association for the Preservation of Clear Lake.  Earlier this spring the association announced it would sponsor a program to test the lake’s water clarity.  The tests are the first on the lake since 1979.  The cost of the test is $1,600.

Understanding and accepting ethnic diversity is the first step toward world peace, which leads to an ever-widening path of friendship.  It is this belief that has Clear Lake residents Roberta Schlichting, Donovan Riensmoen, Katy Elon and Tracy Thomsen’s second and third grade ExCel students gearing up for the second annual North Iowa “People of the World” Ethnic Celebration this Saturday at the North Iowa Fairgrounds.  Various performances, food, art and guest speakers will be part of the fun.

The Clear lake Christian Women’s Club will hold a brunch at Diamond K’s in Clear Lake.  Cost is $4.50.  “Bright Ideas” is the theme.  Suzanne Olson, owner of Suzanne’s Candles at the Waterfront, will present the special feature, “Flickering Flames.”

Chris and Lisa Smith, of Clear Lake, announce the birth of a daughter, Amber Rene.  Amber was born on April 21, 1992.  She weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz.  She will be welcomed home by a big brother, Chase, 5, and a sister, Megan, 3.

North Iowa Area Community College is off to a strong start in 1992.  Enrollment at NIACC has broken another record this spring.  The 1992 spring credit enrollment reached 2,927, up 10 percent from last spring.

Prairieland Chiropractic is now open on Highway 18 W, Clear Lake.  Dr. Jeanne Staudt is welcoming new patients of any age.

Marty Fredericks, a standout on the conference champion Clear Lake football team last fall, has been selected to participate in the Shrine All-Star Football game in Cedar Rapids on Aug. 1.  Fredericks was a lineman for the Lions.

The Clear Lake boys tennis team topped South Tama.  Winning for the Lions was Tim Tjaden, Matt Broderson, Jason Jones, Ryan Murphy, Stac Schroeder and Jesse Conrad.

Larry Day, of Clear Lake, recorded a hole-in-one at All Vets Golf Course.

Specials for the week at Ben Franklin include: Childs Aqua Socks, $9.99; Ladies Garden Gloves, 97¢; Bath Towels, $2.99; Bathroom Scale, $9.99; Aunt Lydia’s Rug Yarn, 67¢; and Flower Pinwheel, 77¢.

50 Years Ago

April 1967

The campaign for a tourist information center in Clear Lake came to a virtual halt Monday night when the City Council denied a Chamber of Commerce request to build the center on municipal property near the Main Ave. lakefront.

Michael Sawtelle is recovering at the Oakland Naval Hospital, Oakland, Calif. from wounds he suffered in Vietnam.  He is the son of Mrs. Warren (Mildred) Sawtelle, Clear Lake and the late Mr. Sawtelle.

At presents, 80 percent of the people in the U.S. own and operate still cameras, but only 20 percent even own movie cameras and they are buying considerable less film for motion today than they were 10 years ago.  We guess people just don’t care about making their own moving pictures.

75 Years Ago

April 1942

Mrs. C.E. Lewis, 21, was drowned in Clear Lake Friday afternoon.  Her husband was saved as he clung to the overturned boat in icy waters about a half mile out from Thayer’s Fishing Resort.  They were riding in a homemade canvas boat about 10 feet long using paddles instead of oars.

Laura King has been hired to teach in school district No. 7 in Union Township for next year.  Miss Iva McDonough has taught this school for several years.

Fred Patton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patton, has suffered the loss of eyesight in one eye.  His eyeball was cut by a piece of flying ice.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jensen’s six sons have registered for the first draft and now their two sons, Joe, of Ventura, Calif. and Gordon, of Clear Lake, plan to go into the service in the near future.

100 Years Ago

April 1917

Get your fresh carp at the Magoon Fish Co.  You will always find Will Hubbard at the dock ready to serve you.

All citizens owning chicken must keep them confined to their own premises says Mayor R.S. Young.

The new fire truck cost in the neighborhood of $1,400 and is a beaut.

For rent: a good eight room house.  $12 per month in a good location.

If all goes well, city delivery will soon arrive in Clear Lake.  There will be two carrier and possibly three, with three deliveries in the business section and two in the residential each day.

Arthur Hinds will repair your windmill, kerosene engine, cistern and septic tank.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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