Remember When 5-11-2016

(Above) Earmarked for distruction in 1991 -  The present Ventura Post Office and Public Library building was finally declared as the site for a new building to house the two facilities in 1991.  The Library Building Committee decided to raze the building.  The idea had been protested, but officials said they feared losing many of the donations to the effort if they changed the original plan.

25 Years Ago • May 1991

The Clear Lake Police Department hopes to soon convert all of its operations to computer.  Clear Lake Police Chief Dan Jackson said he will recommend the purchase of the Alias (Advanced Law Enforcement Investigative ad Administrative System).  The total cost is $14,827.

The Clear Lake Unisys plant will layoff 16 technicians.  Also, employees in other departments have been asked to take six days off during the next nine weeks.  The action comes as a result of continuing efforts by Unisys to cut costs and losses.  The news brings the total of Unisys workers laid off to about 250 in the past 16 months.  About 420 workers remain at their jobs at the Clear Lake plant, which manufacturers the company’s largest commercial computer line.

McIntosh State Park Ranger Gary Duesenberry released a pelican which he aided.  The bird was brought to him by Bobby and Robert Wolfram, of Ventura, who found the animal tangled in yards of fishing line with a hook in its neck.  Dusenberry reminded the public to be careful in discarding items such as fishing line or plastic six-pack pop rings.  Pelicans, ducks and other wildlife can become trapped in the trash.

Beth Ann Schumacher, who has taught at Clear Lake High School since 1980, is the recipient of the fourth annual Teacher of the Year Award presented by the Wartburg College education department.  She has been a social studies teacher and chair of the department since 1986.  Previously, she was an English teacher.

There will be 15 Ventura fifth grade students honored at the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) graduation: Angie Avery, Jessica Boehnke, Lucas Bray, Stacie Busch, Adam Froiland, Ann Gerlach, Nicholas Korth, Margo Kressin, Jillian Martin, Will Pueggel, Tami Ramon, Michaela Schoning, Davie Schulte, Jamie Sonney and Brandon Wind.

Tom and Lisa Bieber, of Clear Lake, are the parents of a son, Joseph Whitaker, born March 31, 1991, weighing 5 lbs., 14 oz.  He is the couple’s first child.

The Ventura Riders and the River City Sno-Hawks Snowmobile Clubs have consolidated.  The club is now known as the North Iowa Snow Seekers.

Competing in the Garner-Hayfield Cardinal Relays the Clear Lake girls track team placed second to Garner-Hayfield.  The Lions were edged by just three points.  Clear Lake had six first place finishes: Angie Yeoman, shot put; Kendra Berge, long jump; Kathy Walls, high jump; Berge, 200 meter dash; the distance medley relay team of Sara Wempen, Laura Haugen, Walls and Jennifer Billings; and the 1600 meter relay team of Michele Punke, Kim Moore, Wempen and Haugen.

Mel Paulson will preside as commodore for the Clear Lake Yacht Club as it begins its 56th year.

50 Years Ago • May 1966

Bill Cameron, of Cameron Realty Inc., Mason City, has made a monetary offer to Mrs. Esther Woodford Ashland to buy the “island” on South Shore.  The property is offered on condition that the area would be used as a state park or other use by the state, and is not for sale to private investors.

Bill Westberg has been named athletic director at Clear Lake High School.

Nearly 1,000 bankers are expected here for the annual Group Three Bankers Association Meeting to be held at the Surf Ballroom.

Clear Lake’s City Council held their first meeting in the new Municipal Building Monday night. Councilmen included Floyd Nesbit, Warren Jacobson, Mayor B.C. Myer, Carroll Anderson, Larry Secory, Dale Pattschull, City Clerk Keith Raw and City Attorney Louis Schuler.

Grocery specials for the week at Red Owl included: Red Owl Potato Chips, 10 oz. box, 39¢; Northern Bath Tissue, 4 rolls, 29¢; slicing cucumbers, 2/15¢; sirloin, lb., 85¢ and porterhouse steak, lb., 99¢.

75 Years Ago • April 1941

The new bowling alley in the Idelo on the lakeshore has been a popular place since its opening.

The Food Stamp plan starts here May 1.  The plan will enlist the aid of all citizens to help the American Farmer solve his surplus removal problem by having public assistance families, as well as the general public eat more surplus foods.

The new airport will be located two miles east of Clear Lake.  W.H. Nicholas, owning the farm just west of the proposed site has objected to the airport claiming it would greatly interfere with his turkey raising on account of the noise.

The fire department was called to the Corner Drug Sunday afternoon when the wiring caused a short circuit.  No damage was reported.

100 Years Ago • April 1916

The Mason City Theatre trial was held in Clear Lake before Justice D.H. Campbell.  J.M. Heffner, manager of the Bijou theatre, was placed under arrest for operating his theatre on Sunday.  The case was tried in the city hall before a hundred persons.  Attorney Senneff, Mason City and E.B. Stillman, of Clear Lake, appeared for the state, while J.E. Williams, Mason City and Henry Curvo, of Clear Lake, appeared for the plaintiff.  It took nearly two hours to find a jury.  The jury could not agree and a new trial will follow in the near future.

The White Pier has had about 10 carloads of sand and gravel placed in front of the building in order to have a dry beach upon which to land boats.  The high water is causing much inconvenience in many ways.

The Florence automatic winkles kerosene stove is the latest invention in that line.  See it work at McGowan and Sheridans.

The new English saddle strap walking boots for women is the newest thing at O.T. Hansen. Get a pair for $3.50.

Ralph and Leo McGrady had an exciting experience as they were driving into Clear Lake their horse became frightened and ran away throwing the occupants out and demolishing the buggy.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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