Remember When 5-13-2020

(Above) Clear Lake High School Class of 1980 - It was graduation day for the Clear Lake High School Class of 1980.  Filing into their seats  were Lori Bainer, Sue Brady and Kent Boatel.    An alumni from the class of 1980 worth mentioning is Pete Vorhes, a rescue helicopter pilot from Kihei, Hawaii.  He is the pilot that spotted missing hiker Amanda Eller after she was lost for 17 days in a forest on the island of Maui in May 2019. The Clear Lake High School Class of 1980 were going to have a reunion this summer, but due to the pandemic it has been moved to the summer of 2021.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

May 1995

The much talked about North Shore portages potty will be allowed near a fishing dock adjacent to the Harbourage Condominiums.  Neighbors in the area did not approve of the porta potty being placed there and was fighting the Clear Lake City Council over the decision.

The Clear Lake Fire Department has received a gift of four Speed Shore Portable hydraulic shoring units from the Williams Pipeline Company.

The extension of North 20th Street into the Fieldstone addition has been slowed by recent rains.  As workers wait for the area to dry out, they are concentrating their efforts on the reconstruction of the Highway 18 and North 20th Street intersection.

Lakeview Manor, a million dollar mansion converted to a bed and breakfast, has closed temporarily, awaiting new management.

Recent North Iowa Area Community College graduates Jennifer Bartelt, Paul Bruns, Paul Cooper and Jill Van Wettering, all of Clear Lake, were honored April 27 during “Pathways to Success,” the annual student leadership recognition program sponsored by the NIACC Alumni Association.

Thomas and Carolyn Farmer, of Clea Lake, announce the birth of their son, Carson Douglas.  He was born May 3, 1995.  He has two brothers, Jake, 4, and Paxton, 2.

Abby Kay is the new daughter of Rich and Sherry Woiwod, of Clear Lake.  She was born May 12, 1995.  She has a sister, Brandi, 11, and a brother, Ryan, 6.

When driving along North Shore Drive in weeks to come, a second glance may be in order.  Ventura native Gary Larson is building the home of his drams - an Egyptian style pyramid.  The project has involved eight years of engineering and design, due to the uniqueness of its appearance and other special qualities involved in its design.

Jim and Judee Miller, owners of Blue House Pottery in Clear Lake, were named as winning artists at the 29th Annual Hopa Art Festival, in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

The Clear Lake girls golf team continues to make history.  After a record 8-3 dual season and a best-ever 7-2 North Central Conference mark, the Lions brought home team runner-up honors at both the NCC and 2A district meets, their highest finishes ever.  Jodi Grabinski and Lani Grabinski have been team leaders.  Also putting in top scores were Sherrie Morris, and Erin Pleggenkuhle.

The Clear Lake School Board has offered varsity coaching contracts for girls volleyball and boys basketball programs.  Sharon Hauser will direct the volleyball program.  David Benes will lead the boys basketball programs.

Members of the local Youth Soccer Committee have asked the Clear Lake School Board to consider making soccer a varsity spring sport at Clear Lake.

Ventura junior Abby Ringus is the only Ventura golfer to advance to the post-season.  Ringus was medalist at the 1A girls district meet at Lake Mills.  She advances to the regional meet.

50 Years Ago

May 1970

A minimum wage of $450 per month for all full-time city employees was established Monday night by the Clear Lake City Council.

Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises have been planned for 43 seniors graduation at Ventura this year.  Commencement will be held Monday, May 18, at 8 p.m. in the high school gym.  Theme speakers will be Marie Hyde, Linda Pueggel and Frank Behl.

Tony Scott, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Scott, was bitten b a stray cat in his front yard.  The cat could not be found and now the little tyke will have to undergo painful rabies shots over a 14-day period.

At the meeting of the Clear Lake School Board, members of the board voted in favor of football playoffs according to a system that has been developed by a special committee appointed by the Iowa High School Athletic Association.

75 Years Ago

April 1945

Drs. Ed Chappell and G.H. Clough took an unexpected dip in the lake when the Chappell sailboat overturned in a gust of wind.  They were rescued by Verne Hinds and John Baago.

Fred Linahon has taken over the operation of the Standard Oil Station across from the Surf.

The high school biology class thanked Dr. Sydney Brownstone for his time and effort in showing them the operation and use of his fluoroscope.

100 Years Ago

May 1920

The opening dance at the White Pier will be held on Friday with the Gates Orchestra furnishing the music.

Esther Boggs is a new sales lady at M.E. Cary & Sons Department Store.

A band of gypsies were in town Saturday and caused some disturbances in the business houses.  They traveled in a Ford.

Mother’s Day is Sunday.  Wear a flower for the sweetest woman on earth.

While engaged in razing a barn on G.V. Geist’s place on East Main, workmen killed 110 rats.

R.B. Kennedy is treating his popular popcorn stand to a fresh coat of paint.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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