Remember When 5-3-2017

(Above) 1992 Math Bee winnersIn 1992, these Central School students earned honors at the 10th Annual Northern Trails Area Education Agency’s Sixth Grade Math Bee.  Pictured is front row (L-R): Danielle Roper, Christa Vancouver, Bryon Frampton, David Baker, and Peter Norris.  Back row (L-R): Liz Jaben, Amanda Mikesell, Trent Doerges, Sam Langholz, Ryan Lee and Coach Kirk Mueller.  The group placed second overall.  The team advanced to the State Math Bee held in Fort Dodge.  Students competed in both individual and group problem solving rounds.

25 Years Ago

May 1992

Clear Lake’s seven most critical economic advantages may help edge out its four most critical obstacles to economic growth, according to Carlton Schwab, project team manager for PHH Fanta who presented the consulting firm’s community assessment of Clear Lake. Clear Lake’s strengths include labor supply, high quality labor supply, competitive labor costs, high quality of life, educated workforce, good cost of living, low crime rates and high responsiveness to opportunities for new investments.  Weaknesses included limited access to markets and limited air access.

The Clear Lake Police Department have arrested two Clear Lake people they believe are responsible for a rash of burglaries in Clear Lake over the past week.

Gusty winds apparently took its toll on the level of Clear Lake, as the lake level dropped 1.08” to its new reading of 4.44” above the spillway.

The public is invited to “Make Tracks in Tourism” as Tourism Week 1992 is celebrated locally.  The Clear Lake and Mason City Convention and Visitors Bureaus will host a reception and press conference at the Iowa Trolley Park (just of Highway 106 in Clear Lake).  Highlights will include the proclamation of Tourism Month, rides on America’s last electric trolley and an opportunity to learn more about Iowa’s third largest industry, tourism.

Four Clear Lake students were among 1,500 Iowa seniors recently recognized as State of Iowa Scholars by the Iowa College Student Aid Commission.  Clear Lake designated scholars include Kara Foehrkolb, Jennifer Preston, Michele Punke, and Jason Salge.

Harold and Lisa Arians, of Clear Lake, announce the birth of a new son, Jeffrey Fredric, born April 27, 1992.  The baby has a big brother, Christopher, age two and one-half.

Community State Bank, a financial fixture in Clear Lake for the past 28 years, became part of Boatmen’s Bank of North Iowa.

Pat and Joan Linahon were named as the new owners of Clear Lake Appliance.

The Clear Lake boys golf team won three league tilts last week to improve their conference record to 5-0.  Jason Floy was the medalist at the Eagle Grove meet, shooting a 37.  Sherwin Bouma was the runner-up with a 38.  Marty Fredericks was the medalist at the Humboldt meet with a 37.  Scott Johnson was the runner-up with a 38.

The Ventura girls track team posted two third place relay finishes at their home meet.  The 3200 meter relay team of Heather Norman, Sarah Hinrichs, Mindy Coe and Amanda Avery ran the race in 11:52.17.  Norman, Hinrichs, Kim Lausen and Coe were also third in the 1600 meter relay in 4:49.22.

The Clear Lake girls golf team won their first meet of the season against Eagle Grove, 239-250.  Ally Monson was the runner-up at the meet with a 55.  Monson and Jodi Grabinski both parred the par three second hole at All-Vets.  Melanie Snyder pared number five with a three.

Three former Clear Lake athletes are helping out spring sports squads at Wartburg College this spring.  Michelle Djuren is a member of the women’s track team, where she competes in the high jump.  Jodi Klaudt is playing softball for the Knights and Mark Meehlhause is on the baseball team.

Get an oil change, oil filter and complete chassis lubrication at Lake Chevrolet for $19.92.

50 Years Ago

May 1967

The 11th annual Home Show is history and was highly successful according to Ken Mortenson, chairman.  Over 6,000 persons visited the show during the weekend.  About 5,500 persons registered for about 100 free gifts.  Mrs. Kenneth Cobb won the grand prize of a portable television set.  There were 33 exhibitors.

Retail sales neared the 4 million dollar mark in the third quarter of 1966 in Clear Lake.  The actual amount was $3,974,934 and shows an increase of 13.4 percent over the same period in 1965.

Grocery prices for the week at Jensen’s Super Market include: Hamm’s Beer, six pack, 98¢; Shurbest Bread, 5 loaves, $1; Van Camps Pork and Beans, 6 cans, $1; Cauliflower, head, 29¢; Longhorn Cheese, 1 lb., 59¢; Pork Roast, lb., 33¢; and Ham Loaf, lb., 59¢.

Playing at the Lake Theatre is “Riot on the Sunset Strip,” see the mod, mad world of the hippies, teenyboppers, and pot-partygoers…out for a new kick!

75 Years Ago

April 1942

A sure sign of spring, Bruce Kennedy opened his stand last week.

Mrs. F.L. Minette has three tomatoes that are full grown on a vine started in a flower box in her dining room this winter.

Harry Eliasen has left for Colorado where he will do carpentry work in a defense plant.

There were 50 confirmed in the Catholic faith at St. Patrick’s Church Monday morning.

Naida Lee suffered a broken foot last week while in gym class.  Her foot will be in a cast for a good, long while.

100 Years Ago

April 1917

See W.S. Hart at the Electric Theater in a six-reel drama, “The Devil’s Double.”  Also a Keystone Comedy.

Gates Orchestra furnished the music at the White Pier Saturday night.

It will cost 20¢ for a shave after May 16 said the Barber’s union.

Letter postage may be raised to three cents as a war necessity.  The increase will produce about $4,000 daily.

By this time Sunday evening, most Germans living in Mason City, not yet fully naturalized, had called at the police station, and without question or whimper, turned over to the chief, whatever firearms were in their possession.  The guns will be cataloged, throughly oiled and returned after the war.  Germans were assured that if they “obey the law and keep their mouths shut” they will have no trouble with the law.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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