Remember When 6-1-2016
(Above) Memorial Day, 1991 - Veterans from Clear Lake V.F.W. Post #4868 led the processional from the Sea Wall to the Clear Lake Cemetery during Memorial Day services in 1991. A flag was raised and a wreath tossed into the lake in brief services at the Sea Wall before adjoining to the cemetery, where the speaker of the day was James Latham.
25 Years Ago
May, 1991
The senior class of Clear Lake High School will receive their diplomas in commencement ceremonies scheduled for 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 3, at the high school gymnasium. Theme speakers from the class will be Christie Bauer, Jason Skinner and Debra Hanson.
The Clear Lake Police Department and the Division of Criminal Investigation worked together to conduct a sting operation resulting in the arrest of two suspects in the burglary of the Braton Chemical Warehouse. According to Clear Lake Assistant Police Chief Herb Garlock, arrangements were made to buy chemicals stolen in the burglary. DCI agents and CLPD met with the two suspects north of Clear Lake on a dirt road and bought the stolen farm chemicals valued at $8,350.
Frequent and heavy rains continue to cause storm sewer problems in Clear Lake. Solutions to the problems will be a long term project, with sewer studies showing there are some undersized lines and two lift stations which need to be rebuilt.
The people of Clear Lake are invited to take part in a potluck supper and water parade to celebrate the lake returning to normal level. The entire event is completely informal. Jeremy Powers is the unofficial non organizer. Those interested in the garage should meet near the sea wall for a once around the big part of the lake.
School will dismiss for the summer on June 6.
Scott Hinrichs and Megan Coe, of Ventura High School, were awarded the U.S. Army Reserve Scholar/Athlete Award.
Mary Patrice Gute, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Gute, of Carroll, Iowa, and Michael James Carew, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Carew, of Clear Lake, will be married on July 19, 1991, at Holy Spirit Church, in Carroll.
Benjamin and Kathryn Furleigh, of Clear Lake, are the new parents of a baby son, Alexander William, born May 20, 1991. He is the couple’s first child. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Furleigh, of Clear Lake, and Dr. and Mrs. William Brockton, of Ames, Iowa.
Original members of Iowa EH T.T.T. Society returned to celebrate the chapter’s 25th anniversary held at Diamond K. Charter members attending were Janelle Sargent, Mary Budolfson, Nell Wilcox, Hazel Wisgerhof, Jane Schultz, Jean Godden, Jean Den Hartog, Virginia James and Nada Oltrogge.
Three area girls competed in the girls State Track Meet. Clear Lake’s Kathy Walls cleared 5’ in the high jump and placed fifth and Kendra Berge posted her best time of the season in the 200 meter dash clocking in at 26:82. She finished in tenth place among the Class 3A competitors. Ventura’s Megan Coe was fifth in the Class 1A long jump with a leap of 16’ 2/3”. She also competed in the 100 meter dash where she placed seventh with a time of 13.39.
Winning by 14 strokes, the Clear Lake boys golf team won the Class 3A boys District golf tournament. Sherwin Bouma led Clear Lake by shooting a 77.
Nine Clear Lake boys will be participating in the boys State Track Meet. Four different relay teams qualified. Those going to State include: Aaron Marken, J.D. Miller, Brad Whalen, Paul Ebeling, Mark Meehlhause, Adam Callanan, Jeff Lester, Joe Sokol, and Shane Cooney.
Former Ventura High School basketball standout Steph Anderson, who has been playing at Waldorf College, has signed a national letter of intent to play basketball at Northern Colorado, in Greeley, Colo.
50 Years Ago
June 1966
Two Clear Lake High School students will be sponsored by a committee of American Legion Stafford Post 222 to attend Boy’s State at Camp Dodge, Des Moines. Those attending will be Michael Callanan and Gary Bostrom, both 17.
A dedication ceremony for the new Clear Lake Municipal Building will be held Friday evening, May 27, at 8 p.m.
A building permit to construct a new four-plex at 104 South Shore Dr. Estimated cost is $30,000.
More than 1,000 tickets were sold for the Youth Baseball Bat-B-Q. Easter’s Super Value parking lot was jammed for the event. Proceeds will be used to finance league play this summer.
Specials for the week at Red Owl include: Butt’R Topp’s Frontier Bread, loaf, 19¢; fresh asparagus, lb., 29¢; Kraft Velvet spread, 2 lb., 79¢; Hawaiian Punch, 1 qt., 3/$1; frying chickens, lb., 29¢; Flavoree Bacon, lb., 59¢; and sliced baby beef liver, lb., 39¢.
75 Years Ago
May 1941
The erection of the new Sondrol Building brings new business personalities to Clear Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jorgenrud, of Cloquet, Minn., have arrived to put in a new Ben Franklin Variety Store.
There were 63 students in the graduating class of Clear Lake High School.
Fred Martin, the barber, has installed an electric soap dispenser which does away with the old cup and brush. Fred is always one to be progressive.
Tom Richie, who lives at the south end of town, brought to this office a bull frog which weighed two and one-half pounds and measured 16 inches across. It was the largest frog ever seen in this vicinity.
A new Standard Super station is being built at a cost of $10,000 across from the Surf.
Roy Huey was up near the head of the lake seining for minnows. He stepped on a rock, slipped and went into the lake up to his neck. He says it’s too cool to go bathing yet.
100 Years Ago
May 1916
The suggestion made that Clear Lake organize a company of enlisted men has aroused much favorable discussion especially among members of the Sons of Veterans. It is reported 55 could be recruited fro that organization alone.
The Oakwood Hotel will be under the same management this year. New floors are being put in, rooms papered and the entire building is being renovated.
James H. Miller reports that he has lost 13 ponies the past few weeks, the result of an epidemic about which the veterinarians know little.
No one will be allowed to come as a visitor these last few days of school. Visitors were welcome all year, but not now during the busiest time of the year.
An electric pumping plant is soon to be installed at Bayside to do the pumping which heretofore has been done with a gas engine. There is some talk of having a water system put in which will supply all the cottages with water.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
Mid-America Publishing
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