Remember When 6-13-2016

(Above) A new way to catch a plane - Akro-flying champions teamed up for an exciting event at the National Air Show staged at the Mason City Airport in 1966.  In the photo a steel-nerved TV movie stunt man, Reds Didget, transferred from the hood of a new high-speed convertible onto a 12-foot rope ladder hanging from a “souped up” plane, that was flying overhead at 100 miles an hour.

25 Years Ago

July 1991

The Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce combined soaring patriotic feelings and a marketing effort to make this year’s Fourth of July celebration a record-breaker.  The totals set new records for attendance and revenue.  Police Chief Dan Jackson estimated the crowd along the parade route as 35,000 to 40,000 people.  There were 180 units in the parade.

Severe thunderstorms packing high winds and heavy rains caught North Iowa residents by surprise Sunday morning, killing one woman when a tree fell on the van she was taking cover in at McIntosh State Park.  There was numerous power outages and property damage.

A Clear Lake man was listed in serious condition at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Mason City. The man was injured when his pickup truck collided with a train Wednesday, July 3.  The incident occurred at North 12th St. on the south side of Highway 18.  Rescue teams used the Jaws of Life to extract the driver.

The City of Clear Lake accepted a petition for voluntary annexation into the city limits, expanding the city’s area by 136 acres.  The council will bring the Stonecliff Addition into the city.  The new addition is located on the south side of 27th Ave. S., formerly known as County Road B-35.

The Kinney Lindstrom Pioneer Museum was robbed of several items.  According to a report by the Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s office, items taken include a large military style horse saddle, a 50-pound cast iron cigar press and American Indian artifacts.

The Clear Lake Noon Lions installed new officers.  The new leaders are Tom Lovell, president; Larry Jacobson, past president; Jeff Nelson, first vice president; Gary Miller, second vice president; Larry Schroeder, treasurer; Earl Youngstrom, assistant Lion Tamer; Roger Walston, one year director; Hilbert Smith, tail twister; Carl Duenow, secretary; Jay Allen, third vice president; Dan Jackson, assistant secretary; Ralph Directs, assistant treasurer; Don Morrison, assistant tail twister; Jim Latham, Lion Tamer; Kim Pleggenkuhle, one year director; Terry Cobb, two year director; Gary Dusenberry, two year director; and Wayne Wieck, membership chairman.

The Clear Lake baseball team kept their eyes fixed on a conference title, taking two steps closer to the crow with wins over Algona and Hampton.

Real estate property listed in the classified section include:  6600 sq. ft. lot close to the high school, $11,000; 3-bedroom home near City Beach area, $33,000; Harbourage Condo, faces the lake, $45,000; cottage for sale in the Methodist Camp, 900 sq. ft., $19,900; and custom built ranch home, near Unisys, $62,500.

Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s Super Value include: Vlasic Hamburger Dill Chips, 16 oz., 89¢; Meadow Gold Ice Cream, 5 qt. pail, $3.59; iceberg lettuce, head, 65¢; Northern Bath Tissue, 4 rolls, 79¢; pork chops, lb., $3.99; and top sirloin steak, lb., $3.89.

50 Years Ago

July 1966

The Clear Lake Golf Shop, 2110 N. Shore Dr., was broken into early Monday morning.  It was reported that $6 was missing and papers were strewn about.  The breaking was the second in recent weeks at the golf club.

What is the most ridiculous thing you can think of?  Long hair?  A fat man doing the watusi?  Maybe it’s something you overheard.  The Mirror-Reporter is looking for ridiculous stories to the upcoming Ridiculous Day edition.  First prize is $10, second $5 and third place gets $2.50.

Ray V. Hewitt, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Arneson, of Clear Lake, has been promoted to assistant vice president of the First American National Bank, Wausau, Wis.

The Cryan’ Shames will appear at the Surf Ballroom for Collegiate Dance.

Playing at the Lake Theatre is Elvis Presley in “Harum Scarum.”  Also playing is, “Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines.”  Playing at the Drive-In Theatre, Highway 18 W., Mason City, is “Cat Ballou,” starring Lee Marvin and Jane Fonda.

60 Years Ago

July 1956

The public is invited to inspect the facilities of the Farmers Sweet Clover Dairy, located in Clear Lake.  A Grand Opening is planned at their new plant and Dairy Bar on Highway 18, just west of North 8th St.

June 1956 was the driest month in the last 20 years, according to reports kept by Lewis S. Knutson, local weather observer.

Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hall returned from Minneapolis where they had been on a buying trip for Amy Lou’s Ladies Apparel.

Ralph Marterie and his famous orchestra, selected as the “Headline” band for 1955 by Billboard Magazine, will appear at the Surf Ballroom on Thursday evening, July 19.

85 Years Ago

July 1931

Eleven years ago last winter, Donald Winnie lost his mother’s graduating ring while playing snowball on the John Smith garden plot.  Last Saturday while Mr. Smith was working in the garden, he discovered the ring, which was in almost perfect condition as the day it was lost.  Only a week ago Mrs. Winnie remarked that her ring had never been found.  She was indeed glad to again have possession of the ring, not so much for its value, as for a keepsake and the fond memories it provokes.

Two local golfers, the Misses Frances Drake and Charlotte Ames, made an excellent showing at the women’s state golf tournament held in Des Moines.  They both were runners-up for the championship.

The Cynthia Taylor home has been released from quarantine following a light attack of scarlet fever.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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