Remember When 6-17-2020

(Above) CLHS graduation, 1995 - These Clear Lake High School seniors represented the academic top 10 percent of the CLHS class of 1995.  They were front row (L-R): Jodi Grabinski, Brooke Fischer, Nancie Deike, Carrie Niebur and Heather Wass.  Back row (L-R): Lee Olson, Adam Mott, Jeff Kennedy, John Kennedy, Adam Secory and Scott Suntken.

[caption id="attachment_55571" align="alignleft" width="300"] Ventura grads celebrate in 1995
Emotions were evident on the faces of Ventura graduates Sara Hinrichs (left) and Amanda Halverson in 1995 as they were congratulated on their achievements following commencement ceremony.[/caption]

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago • June 1995

In an 11th hour move, the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce has pledged an additional $16,000 to the proposed street, sidewalk and lighting project from 4th to 8th Street on Main Avenue.  The added contribution means property owners will not be assessed for any of the brick sidewalk costs.  The Chamber felt it was unfair to assess the merchants in that block for the sidewalks when it has not needed to in previous phases.

Kevin Borrill, a Clear Lake native, will join the Clear Lake police force effective July 1.  Police Chief Dan Jackson said Borrill was among 70 applicants for the position.

The heat is having an effect on the level of the lake.  A drop of 1.32” during the past week brings the new lake level to +4.08” above the weir.

The controversy surrounding a north shore portable toilet continues to swirl.  The Harbourage Homeowners Association has filed a lawsuit in Cerro Gordo County District Court against the Iowa Department of Natural Resources alleging the portable potty violates city zoning laws.  The toilet, which sits behind a cedar privacy fence and shrubbery, is situated on lakeshore owned by the DNR adjacent from the condominium complex.

Mike Spratt and J.R. Kennedy, Clear Lake High School seniors this fall, attended the American Legion Boys State at Camp Dodge, in Des Moines.

City Administrator Tom Lincoln has recommended the City Council consider appointing a special committee to study the possible expansion of the Sea Wall along North Lakeview Drive.

A son, Jackson “Jack” Douglas Abbas, was born to Doug and Sara (Rayhons) Abbas, of Clear Lake on June 6, 1995.  He is their first child and weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 22 inches long.

Playing at the The Surf Ballroom on Friday, June 23, from 9 p.m. to midnight is The Torpedoes.  The Torpedoes have reigned as one of the Midwest’s premier rock and roll acts.

The Ventura Lady Vikes rallied to win their first softball tournament title Saturday at Newman.  The team used two runs in the bottom of the seventh to defeat Mason City Newman, 13-12.  Allison Cooper led the Lady Vikes with four hits, while Abby Ringus had three.

Despite breaking in two new pitchers and a defense that has struggled at times, the Clear Lake softball team has posted a 6-9 mark in the first three weeks of the season.  Big bats for the team include Liz Jaben, Brooke Fischer, Krista Fritz and Angie Hughes.

50 Years Ago • June 1970

Mid-America Publishing Corp., Shenandoah, announced the purchase of the Purcell Printing Co., of Hampton.  Joseph P. Roth, editor and publisher of the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter since 1965, has been named publisher and general manager of the Hampton newspapers.  Don O’Neill, advertising manger of the Mirror-Reporter since 1968, will become editor and publisher of the Clear Lake newspaper.

Sue Henry, the reigning Miss Clear Lake of 1970, will leave for a five day stay in Davenport, where she will compete with 22 other beauties for the 1971 Miss Iowa title.

Dwayne R. McIntire, a former teacher who vows to bring “distinction and class” back to the Surf, has been named manager of the Clear Lake convention-civic center.

75 Years Ago • June 1945

Adam Thomas has acquired some new machinery in his shoe repair business.

Sgt. E.B. Myhr, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Myhr, arrived home Sunday after being held a German prisoner.  He has a 60 day furlough.

For wounds received in enemy action, Seaman 2/c Arthur Lewis Burckhardt, USNR, has been awarded the Purple Heart Medal.  Burckhardt was wounded when his craft, operating off Ormac Bay was struck by Japanese aircraft.  His wife, Mildred, makes her home here.  He is the father of two daughters, Sally Kay, 12, and Sylvia, 8.

Rev. Edward W. Day, of Ottumwa, has accepted a call from the First Congregational Church, Clear Lake.  The Days have two daughters, Deborah and Dianna.

100 Years Ago • June 1920

Never in the history of the country has crime been so rampant as today.  The crimes are serious, such as murder, highwaymen and bank robberies.  One cannot pick up a big paper without reading an account of one or more murders.

Wash the leather cushions on your chairs with hot milk. When dry varnish with egg whites.

The White Pier has been closed to the public while undergoing many improvements.

The Outing Club is being treated to a coat of paint.

Mrs. W.A. Ames has a child’s gilt bed with drop sides and a hair mattress for sale.

There will be a grand and glorious celebration on July 4.  The Commercial Club held a meeting at the White Pier and reported $800 had been raised for the celebration.  In place of a street parade this year, there will be a boat parade.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

Mid-America Publishing

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