Remember When 7-1-2020
(Above) 4th of July, 1995 - Large crowds lined the streets of Clear Lake in 1995 to watch the annual Fourth of July parade. Pictured above, local Boy Scouts carry the American Flag.
[caption id="attachment_56113" align="alignleft" width="263"] Paige Burnets, of Clear Lake, was dressed in her holiday attire to watch the parade.[/caption]
by Michelle Watson
25 Years Ago
July 1995
This Fourth of July celebration did not go out with a bang. The annual fireworks display was postponed until Saturday, July 8, because of rain. A highlight of the five-day celebration included a concert Friday night by the Whitesidewalls, with approximately 7,000 in attendance. The annual parade featured 150 entries.
The opponents of the North Shore Drive porta potties have grabbed headlines lately, but now supporters of the porta potties are on the offensive. Petitions are circulating in support of the restroom facility, located adjacent to the Harbourage Condominiums, and a telephone campaign has reached the ears of the governor. The Clear Lake Fishing Club, along with the City of Clear Lake and the Preservation of Clear Lake fund the porta potties.
Tickets are now on sale for “Stories After Dark” on the 9:30 p.m. cruise of the Lake of the Lake. This cruise is part of the Iowa Storytelling Festival and will feature tellers performing scary and eerie stories.
The Mason City Police Department, in cooperation with the Cerro Gordo County Crime Stoppers, has opened a fund to offer rewards for information concerning the disappearance of Jodi Sue Huisentruit. The fund is currently at $10,000. Huisentruit, 27, was last heard from around 4 a.m. on Tuesday morning, June 27, and was still missing Friday afternoon.
Great things happen when people put their heads - and hands - together. The most recent example of this is the beautiful flower baskets hanging on brackets specially created for the new downtown street lights.
It will be Country Night at the Surf Ballroom on Friday, July 7. A country DJ will provide the dancing music. Cost is $3 per person.
The new Clear Lake and Ventura telephone directories are currently being distributed. This special directory commemorates the telephone company’s 100 years of service to its customers and has several new features.
The Clear Lake Lions baseball team ended a very tough week 0-4 when they easily could have been 3-1, according to Head Coach Tony Kockler. The Lions were close, but dropped a doubleheader to Bishop Garrigan, 4-3 and 6-4. In the first game, senior Ryan Bezely continued to raise his batting average collecting two hits in four at-bats. Also batting well were Jason Nyhus and Kevin Boeshart. Junior Pitcher Tom Rauk turned in a fine performance on the mound.
Grocery specials for the week at Fareway include: Charmin Bathroom Tissue, 4 rolls, 89¢; Folgers Coffee, 39 oz. red can, $6.99; Fastco Salad Dressing, 32 oz. jar, 99¢; Jacks Original Pizza, 12”. 2/$7; fresh blueberries, pints, 2/$3; Dole head lettuce, each, 59¢; Liquid Tide, 100 oz. bottle, $4.99; Icelandic Torsk Fillets, lb., $3.99; bacon wrapped London broils, 8 oz., 99¢; and slab bacon, lb., 99¢.
50 Years Ago
June 1970
Fire ravaged the Silver Boot Arcade late Friday afternoon. The fire, apparently started in the workshop, destroyed some gasoline motors, three saddles, tools and spare parts for some of the Kiddieland Park rides and some grease and oil. Milton Schmolke, 23, suffered from smoke inhalation and burns about the face and upper parts of the body when he dashed into the burning building in an attempt to extinguish the flames.
The Surf Convention and Civic Center opened in grand style Saturday night. About 1,100 persons danced the night away to the music of Warren Bills and his orchestra. Over 1,800 teenagers were lined up for over a block outside the Surf Sunday night to dance to the SOULutions. A few of the younger set were turned away because of their poor choice of clothing. Bleached jeans and shorts were not allowed.
75 Years Ago
June 1945
The island and the cottage has been made available to the Girls Scouts of Clear Lake and Thornton by Mrs. L.E. Ashland, the owner.
Mr. and Mrs. Curly Paquette announced they have changed the name of the cafe, formerly Witke’s, to Curly’s Cafe. They purchased the business from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Witkey on July 11.
W.H. Dickirson, 77, a Clear Lake pioneer, has died.
Singled out as the outstanding man in the gunnery division of his LSM crew S 1/c James R. Harlan, 26, USNR, has been presented with a gift for his personal use by his captain, commanding officer of the Pacific Fleet.
90 Years Ago
May 1930
The Ritz Hotel across the lake is newly painted and redecorated. This popular hotel now presents an attractive appearance to which visitors will be drawn to time after time when planning their vacation.
Henry Jacobson will move into his new location in the east portion of the new Page and Crane building on Main Street. It has been beautifully decorated and is in every respect an ideal barber shop. Henry is a hustler and has built up a fine business.
Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Walker are driving a new Nash car.
The Ed Ebaugh family were finally released from quarantine Monday having been shut in for four weeks with scarlet fever.
Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131
Mid-America Publishing
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