Remember When 7-15-2020

(Above) Ventura Library winners, 1995 - The Ventura Public Library presented prizes to winners in its 1995 summer reading program, “The Sky’s The Limit.”  With their prizes, bicycles and bicycle helmets were front row (L-R): Matthew Josten, Mandy Hackenmiller, Brittany Boehnke and McCayla Welp.  Back row (L-R): Blake Boehnke and Ryan Kaduce.

by Michelle Watson

25 Years Ago

July 1995

Charges are pending following a boat accident in the Tanglefoot area on Clear Lake Friday.  A boat was apparently traveling too close to shore and struck a dock and pontoon, which in turn struck another dock and pontoon.  One of the pontoons drifted and was found on another shore.  No one was injured and all involved were from out of town.

Fire destroyed a Clear Lake mobile home in Green Meadows Trailer Court.  The occupants were not home at the time of the blaze.  However, a cat and dog perished in the fire.

Walt and Marcel Schlichting, of Clear Lake, will observe their 50th wedding anniversary on July 30 with an open house at the Mason City Country Club.

An anniversary and open house will be held at the new Agape Church, 2810 Highway 18 W., Clear Lake.  There will be a celebration service at 10 a.m. and a Chamber ribbon cutting for the all new facility at 2 p.m.

Marine Pvt. Dale L. Hill, son of Joyce Hill of Clear Lake, recently completed the 11 weeks of intensive training required to earn the title “Marine.”

Farmers State Bank group recently announced that they purchased the Ventura Bank.

The Clear Lake ladies golf team of Becky Carstens, Nancy Lundeen, Naomi Nowland and Coral Elsbury won the District meet at Garner on July 12.  There were 11 clubs represented.  Their total score was 336.  The Clear Lake team will advance to State competition at Pella on Aug 8.

Effective July 17, 1995, United Express/Great Lakes Airlines will initiate service from the Mason City Municipal Airport to Sioux Falls, and Rapid City, S.D.  United Express Airlines will also add an additional non-stop flight to Chicago O’Hare International Airport from Mason City.  The 300 m.p.h., 19 seat Beechcraft B-1900C model aircraft will be operated on the new flight routes.

The Clear Lake girls softball team fell just short of its goals to finish better than .500 this season.  The team dropped two close ones to end the season, one to Webster City, 3-0 and the other to Mason City, 7-6.  The team picked up a big 13-1 victory over Newman Catholic.  The hitting barrage was led by Krista Fritz.  Angie Hughes and Liz Jaben also had a pair of hits.

Sophomore Ted Secory pitched a complete game Tuesday night, as the Lions took the first game of a double header from Algona, 6-4.  Tom Rauk aided Secory’s efforts with his bat.  The junior collected two doubles along with three hits and three RBIs.

The Clear Lake boys won the PeeWee division (12 and under) in the Lake Mills July Jubilee baseball tournament.  Team members include Will Price, Jimmy Stuart, Chris Carney, Brian McIntire, Andy Scarrow, Ryan Molencamp, Jake Sorensen, Dustin Bieber, James Hendricks, Joe Scribbins, Brandon Young, Robbie Deckard and Jesse Olson.  The team is coached by Sterling Young and John Sorenson.

50 Years Ago

July 1970

A break in the hot weather, with partially cloudy skies, brought out about 30,000 spectators for the July 4 parade.  Tourists and residents lined the streets to view the parade of about 115 units.  One of the highlights of the parade was a group of 15 youngsters on mini-bikes who put on a performance to simulate the one by the El Kahir Shrine Patrol following the parade.

The Pizza Den, owned by E.L. Warren, opened at its new location, 12 N. 4th St. on July 4.  The building formerly housed Bob’s Paint Center.  The building has been extensively remodeled and will accommodate 75 people.

The Clear Lake Lions are going to the dogs.  The Lakers dropped two important games last week, both of them to teams nicknamed the Bulldogs.  The losses destroyed all hopes they may have had for a share of the conference title.

75 Years Ago

July 1945

The Fourth of July parade was missed by many this year, but the gas shortage prevented it.  Early risers who were at the midway by 10 a.m. had the time of their lives when Sid Halford and Keith McGowan threw handfuls of coins from the top of the Rogers Hotel.  They then turned loose a crate full of Leghorn chickens, one at a time.  Smells of the popcorn drifted over from the machine in Gus Heinrich’s station.

Trees were downed, telephone wires and electric lines were badly damaged, docks and boats wrecked by a wind which accompanied a bad electrical storm Wednesday night.  The Princess took an unexpected voyage, pulling its anchor and piling up on the Bayside Shore.

Clarence Wistey wrote his mother, Mrs. Louisa Wistey, that he had met his brother 2/c Glenn Wistey in the Marianas Islands on July 4 and they spent the day together.

100 Years Ago

July 1920

All of Iowa and parts of Minnesota and Nebraska thronged to Clear Lake on the Fourth.  The rain did not stop them from coming although many, even those from Ventura, had to stay overnight as they couldn’t get home.  The day’s program began with a boat parade which was delayed somewhat on account of the weather.  The only real fizzle of the day was when Gary the Greek failed to put in his appearance for his match with Helmer More, world’s light heavyweight.

A light frost on June 17 slightly damaged some corn.

A stray horse came to my farm two weeks ago.  Owner may have him back if they pay for this ad and his keep.  Charles Hamstreet.

Clear Lake Mirror Reporter

12 N. 4th St.
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Telephone: +1 (641) 357-2131

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